The statement Rataczak made comes from Rataczak! Somebody interviewed Rataczak! Who interviewed Rataczak? 
Bruce Smith? Ckret?
Who published the statement ? Smith? Ckret? Lalapalooza?
I've interviewed Bill Rataczak once on the phone, for about 70 minutes in 2009. I don't know who else has interviewed him.
He did not tell me that he saw the "lights of Portland coming up," or anything like that. In fact, he specifically told me multiple times that he was over the Washougal, or at least the eastern part of V-23. He also told me - and was adamant - that DBC jumped at 8:13.
Where does the passage come from? Who posted it way back at Dropzone?
Or is this another DB Cooper dream.
The search engine at DZ is now useless since they changed the format to screw everyone - worse than useless. In the old days we would have had this in five minutes ... today returns 59,756 replies!
<edit> The passage came up when Rat was explaining Cooper's departure in relation to the "bump". Rat said 'it was five to ten minutes after our last contact with Cooper at 8:05, and we could see the lights of Portland (Vancouver?) coming up'.
If this isn;t a quote from Ckret then whom?