Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2384754 times)

Offline georger

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6060 on: June 27, 2019, 02:40:47 PM »
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To clarify things.....

Flyjack is referring to the calculations used in a PDF about drift factors. he believes it would drift a lot further than the calculations R99 speaks of. nobody has shown any calculations (publicly). the drift distance basically tells that. he's quoted that several times.

I never asked you to post anything about his comments. I simply responded to the comment due to a complaint. I've already mentioned that I'm not siding with anyone.

I have posted several documents surrounding who made the map and references to the Portland area multiple times with people still responding saying nothing has every ever been shown? actual FBI documents and nobody see's them or cares to acknowledge them.

"The crew of the above airline has now spotted a possible area for this suspected departure of the hijacker to be over the lake Merwin, near, Woodland, Washington"

The quote above is troubling trying to move the path away from the Lake Merwin area.

The document below (posted twice) clearly states where the map came from.

Are we now compelled to believe these statements and documents are diversions. the radar operators are wrong, and now the pilots. where does it end?

I'm not debating whether the map was provided by McChord AFB. I'm debating whether it's accurate.

I'm not sure exactly what Shutter is referring to but the take-off time from SEATAC was 7:36PM PST according to Captain Scott and that time was used in all my calculations.

The time that the placard separated from the airliner is not known but could be estimated if the flight path was accurately known.  The time of the jump was estimated by the flight crew as being about 8:11 or 8:12PM PST.  And at that time, the airliner was in the vicinity of Tina Bar.

The flight crew did NOT know their exact location at the time of the jump and, according to Rataczak, told the people on the ARINC hook-up to "mark your maps".  This means that the airliner was NOT on V-23 at the time of the jump but was being vectored by ATC direct from the Malay Intersection to the Canby Intersection and bypassing Portland on the west side.

Lake Merwin doesn't figure into this in any realistic manner.  The towns of Woodland and La Center are both WEST of the centerline of V-23.  Since it was night time and the airliner was above an overcast and several other layers of clouds, the flight crew would NOT be able to give a jump location based on visual sightings of landmarks on the ground.

Quote: "The flight crew did NOT know their exact location at the time of the jump and, according to Rataczak, told the people on the ARINC hook-up to "mark your maps".  This means that the airliner was NOT on V-23 at the time of the jump but was being vectored by ATC direct from the Malay Intersection to the Canby Intersection and bypassing Portland on the west side."

How does Rat merely saying "mark your maps" lead to your conclusion " This means that the airliner was NOT on V-23 at the time of the jump but was being vectored by ATC direct from the Malay Intersection to the Canby Intersection and bypassing Portland on the west side." R2 testified 305 was flying within V23 the whole time.

Where is this missing evidence to support your claim that 305 was 'being vectored by ATC direct from the Malay Intersection to the Canby Intersection'. If 305 is actually being vectored (being issued instructions) by ATC as you claim, where is the evidence of that? Who at ATC is issuing this instruction? That would be extremely important information! That information would be as important as God appearing in the cockpit of the plane as a Burning Bush - and nobody reports it? Why would there be no record of it?

One possible answer is: they are concealing that. Who is the 'they' and why are they concealing it?

Are people trying to track Cooper and his actions, or not?

Rat merely saying "mark your maps" does not mean they are lost! Rat's instruction to "mark your maps" could happen even if they knew exactly where they were at. Rat did not say: "We are lost. Mark your maps and tell us where we are!"   

If these people are concealing something - why? If they are uncertain where the plane is when Rat tells them to "mark your maps" them maybe they are also tracking the wrong plane ?! Surely somebody at the time has a general idea where the plane is !!!

I mean even you say there is a limit to this uncertainty, and the plane was not over the Washougal. R2 says the only uncertainty possible was in the time of Cooper's bailout, not 305 being on V23.

So it's you vs. R2. R2 was there. You were not!

And even if you are correct and R2 is wrong or lying, that still does not prove that Cooper bailed at Tina Bar.     

« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 02:47:43 PM by georger »

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6061 on: June 27, 2019, 04:26:45 PM »
As Georger pointed out. just because they didn't know where Cooper bailed doesn't means they were lost. they just never marked it. they also failed to flash the exterior lights as planned. Rat. specifies to look in the company log records for exact times. it appears they did just that and went over the flight path coming up with possibilities. did the FBI nudge the pilots and tell them where they were? personally, I doubt Rat. would play along.

To imply the plane was further west would call for a rather large conspiracy. we have the military involved, ATC, Northwest and the FBI. they would all have to agree to misinformation being put into the files that were really never meant for the public to see? statements from the pilots and radar operators. the plane was tracked several ways by different people and departments. all would have to agree in hiding the actual location. according to the dates on the files. they would have had to act quickly. statements were made days after the hijacking. some were made that evening.

Flyjack? he's very stubborn. who isn't in the community? he's not looking for publicity or a pat on the back. I disagree a lot with him but I don't have bad things to say about him.
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Offline Robert99

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6062 on: June 27, 2019, 04:50:27 PM »
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To clarify things.....

Flyjack is referring to the calculations used in a PDF about drift factors. he believes it would drift a lot further than the calculations R99 speaks of. nobody has shown any calculations (publicly). the drift distance basically tells that. he's quoted that several times.

I never asked you to post anything about his comments. I simply responded to the comment due to a complaint. I've already mentioned that I'm not siding with anyone.

I have posted several documents surrounding who made the map and references to the Portland area multiple times with people still responding saying nothing has every ever been shown? actual FBI documents and nobody see's them or cares to acknowledge them.

"The crew of the above airline has now spotted a possible area for this suspected departure of the hijacker to be over the lake Merwin, near, Woodland, Washington"

The quote above is troubling trying to move the path away from the Lake Merwin area.

The document below (posted twice) clearly states where the map came from.

Are we now compelled to believe these statements and documents are diversions. the radar operators are wrong, and now the pilots. where does it end?

I'm not debating whether the map was provided by McChord AFB. I'm debating whether it's accurate.

I'm not sure exactly what Shutter is referring to but the take-off time from SEATAC was 7:36PM PST according to Captain Scott and that time was used in all my calculations.

The time that the placard separated from the airliner is not known but could be estimated if the flight path was accurately known.  The time of the jump was estimated by the flight crew as being about 8:11 or 8:12PM PST.  And at that time, the airliner was in the vicinity of Tina Bar.

The flight crew did NOT know their exact location at the time of the jump and, according to Rataczak, told the people on the ARINC hook-up to "mark your maps".  This means that the airliner was NOT on V-23 at the time of the jump but was being vectored by ATC direct from the Malay Intersection to the Canby Intersection and bypassing Portland on the west side.

Lake Merwin doesn't figure into this in any realistic manner.  The towns of Woodland and La Center are both WEST of the centerline of V-23.  Since it was night time and the airliner was above an overcast and several other layers of clouds, the flight crew would NOT be able to give a jump location based on visual sightings of landmarks on the ground.

Quote: "The flight crew did NOT know their exact location at the time of the jump and, according to Rataczak, told the people on the ARINC hook-up to "mark your maps".  This means that the airliner was NOT on V-23 at the time of the jump but was being vectored by ATC direct from the Malay Intersection to the Canby Intersection and bypassing Portland on the west side."

How does Rat merely saying "mark your maps" lead to your conclusion " This means that the airliner was NOT on V-23 at the time of the jump but was being vectored by ATC direct from the Malay Intersection to the Canby Intersection and bypassing Portland on the west side." R2 testified 305 was flying within V23 the whole time.

Where is this missing evidence to support your claim that 305 was 'being vectored by ATC direct from the Malay Intersection to the Canby Intersection'. If 305 is actually being vectored (being issued instructions) by ATC as you claim, where is the evidence of that? Who at ATC is issuing this instruction? That would be extremely important information! That information would be as important as God appearing in the cockpit of the plane as a Burning Bush - and nobody reports it? Why would there be no record of it?

One possible answer is: they are concealing that. Who is the 'they' and why are they concealing it?

Are people trying to track Cooper and his actions, or not?

Rat merely saying "mark your maps" does not mean they are lost! Rat's instruction to "mark your maps" could happen even if they knew exactly where they were at. Rat did not say: "We are lost. Mark your maps and tell us where we are!"   

If these people are concealing something - why? If they are uncertain where the plane is when Rat tells them to "mark your maps" them maybe they are also tracking the wrong plane ?! Surely somebody at the time has a general idea where the plane is !!!

I mean even you say there is a limit to this uncertainty, and the plane was not over the Washougal. R2 says the only uncertainty possible was in the time of Cooper's bailout, not 305 being on V23.

So it's you vs. R2. R2 was there. You were not!

And even if you are correct and R2 is wrong or lying, that still does not prove that Cooper bailed at Tina Bar.   


Which planet have you been on for the past 10 years or so?  All of the above items have been discussed to death on both DropZone and this site.

If R2 claims that the airliner was tracking down the centerline of V-23, then why did he vector all the aircraft, including RH's helicopter, to the WEST and SOUTHWEST sides of Portland to try to intercept it?  Do I need to remind you that V-23 passes on the EAST side of Portland?

Why would Rataczak say "mark your maps"?  If the flight crew was doing their own navigation, they would have known their location more accurately than anything coming from a remote radar site.  Rataczak would have just said, "we think Cooper has just jumped and our location is xxx DME miles on radial yyy from the Portland VORTAC".

Do you remember seeing any posts about FOIA requests being made in an effort to obtain unredacted copies of the Seattle ATC radio transcripts?  For your information, some of the ARINC teletype transcripts were also redacted.

Are you actually to cheap to pay 10 bucks for EU's book?  There are 23 pages in that book that discusses the above information.

To repeat, all of the above has been talked to death over the last 10 years on two different sites.  But you do have to read those posts if you are interested in what they address.  And I suggest that you start doing that. 

Offline Robert99

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6063 on: June 27, 2019, 05:00:21 PM »
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As Georger pointed out. just because they didn't know where Cooper bailed doesn't means they were lost. they just never marked it. they also failed to flash the exterior lights as planned. Rat. specifies to look in the company log records for exact times. it appears they did just that and went over the flight path coming up with possibilities. did the FBI nudge the pilots and tell them where they were? personally, I doubt Rat. would play along.

To imply the plane was further west would call for a rather large conspiracy. we have the military involved, ATC, Northwest and the FBI. they would all have to agree to misinformation being put into the files that were really never meant for the public to see? statements from the pilots and radar operators. the plane was tracked several ways by different people and departments. all would have to agree in hiding the actual location. according to the dates on the files. they would have had to act quickly. statements were made days after the hijacking. some were made that evening.

Flyjack? he's very stubborn. who isn't in the community? he's not looking for publicity or a pat on the back. I disagree a lot with him but I don't have bad things to say about him.

No one has ever claimed that the airliner was "lost".  But when they are flying vectors provided by ATC, they would NOT have immediately been able to know their exact location.  When they were doing their own navigation, they would usually have been tracking inbound or outbound from VORTAC type navigation facilities and would only have to look at  their instruments to know where they were.

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6064 on: June 27, 2019, 05:30:09 PM »
It's my understanding they really were not sure Cooper bailed. they even tried contacting him after the supposed jump time all the way prior to landing. Rat. states in his interview had they known he could of pin-pointed the location. the transcripts provide some evidence saying "may be best estimate when he exited airplane"

This is a critical error but doesn't imply much more. he goes on to have them look in the company log for exact times. they failed to mark the location all around the house. everyone seems to have failed. not just the pilots. even the pilots of the 106 darts give evidence of bail time. the whole thing is starting to remind me if flight 401 that crashed in the everglades. too many involved and nothing getting done.

9:30 a sky marshal suggests lowering cabin pressure. MSPFO suggests a slow climb to 11,000 to induce hypoxia..It appears Cooper caught them with there pants down....
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 05:53:51 PM by Shutter »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6065 on: June 27, 2019, 10:17:07 PM »
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Some people think Flyjack is Galen Cook ? I have a strong feeling Bruce Smith knows the answer to that - but Smith plays games too.

Galen Cook is NOT Flyjack. Galen posts at the MN frequently using a variety of monikers, and most of them are transparent.

Flyjack's name is known to me, and we correspond by email with some frequency. However, he has asked me to keep his "real" name confidential.

I play games? Other than solitaire for fun, and dealing blackjack for gas money, I don't know what you are talking about.
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Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6066 on: June 29, 2019, 06:03:19 PM »
It appears that Photobucket wants your money if you link photo's to websites. they watermark all photo's from members that only use the free service now.

In search of another site...
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Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6067 on: June 30, 2019, 06:08:01 PM »
An update on the Boat Tours scheduled for this weekend:

As I posted at the Mountain News-WA:

The Boat Tours for Saturday, June 29 have been canceled, and all tours will be held on Sunday, June 30th. In addition, Eric Ulis has decided to make the sailing free, thus releasing him from governmental oversight and regulations. As a result, the need for a Coast Guard-certified skipper is removed. As a result, I will not be participating in this adventure.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6068 on: June 30, 2019, 10:51:22 PM »
Bruce, why are you not going?

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6069 on: June 30, 2019, 11:20:49 PM »
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Bruce, why are you not going?

Possibly the turnout? free is cool. $50 is a lot of money to a lot of people today...

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6070 on: June 30, 2019, 11:42:51 PM »
The gossiping on the Cooper threads are amazing. Blevins accuses Haggar of being one of the guys on Bruce's site blasting him. a guy on Bruce's site thinks Lynn is Eric  :rofl:

Robert promotes a big Cooper camp out and posts an empty camp site saying he protects there privacy...

Tune in next week for another episode of "The Days Of Our Hijackings"
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Offline georger

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6071 on: June 30, 2019, 11:45:30 PM »
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The gossiping on the Cooper threads are amazing. Blevins accuses Haggar of being one of the guys on Bruce's site blasting him. a guy on Bruce's site thinks Lynn is Eric  :rofl:

Robert promotes a big Cooper camp out and posts an empty camp site saying he protects there privacy...

Tune in next week for another episode of "The Days Of Our Hijackings"

or "As the Cooper forums turn". 

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6072 on: June 30, 2019, 11:48:07 PM »
well, it comes from two other sites. the DZ and Bruce's site. so you need to refine your title  :rofl:

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6073 on: June 30, 2019, 11:48:39 PM »
"As the Mountain DZ turns"

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #6074 on: July 01, 2019, 12:53:39 AM »
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Bruce, why are you not going?

I was asked to skipper the boat so that Eric could talk to the passengers about Cooper. However, I don't have the skills necessary to ensure the safety of 14 passengers on the Columbia in a 28-foot pontoon boat. In fact, I think a bona-fide captain of some kind - USCG-certified or not - is required here. Further, I recommended to Eric that he postpone the whole outing until all the arrangements and regulations were in place. He chose otherwise. I felt I could not support that decision with my presence, so I opted out.