I'm looking at the old transcripts. I recall them stating they didn't have any maps, or plates. I found one statement so far. "we haven't got the maps out here and haven't had a chance to look at it....end quote.
I know, but it just sounds like he was in more of the loop about the decision of where they were going than we've been led to believe. In the interviews, it is written as if they are discussing landing stop with the hijacker and he wanted maps.
I get the feeling that events were a lot more fluid than the way they read off of the transcripts.... but I've not gotten out my hi-lighter yet and read the interviews with the transcripts in hand....so I might be reading it wrong..
But hey, I'm just glad that someone got this to you and you posted it....we need something new on the case to delve into - keep it interesting...
Either Flo or Tina say in the new pages they had the feeling he had no firm destination in mind ? His original request is Mexico City. Second request: anywhere in Mexico.
Must not stop anywhere in the USA He even mentions Havana. He is then quick to reassure Tina they are not going to Havana.
Somehow this 'technical expert' on the 727 and avionics screwed up on simple fuel consumption and mileage of a 727 in the config he himself ordered. Doesnt sound like a technical expert to me! Fact is he requested places unreachable!
That doesn't sound like somebody with a firm destination in mind? It almost sounds like a wacko out for a joy ride? San Francisco and Phoenix get rejected - he settles on Reno suggested by the crew.
Given this wobbling around in uncertainty and lack of very basic technical knowledge, what good are maps to him if he doen't even have a destination!

Maybe he is someone who except for a few cities doesn't know the United States well? But he does seem to know Mexico and says very clearly he wants to go there; his first choice.
Most incredibly of all, he says they will go
to a pleasant place which could be the Minnesota Vikings game for all anyone knows!
[edit] Here's the quote; "
_____ said the man spoke of going to Mexico City, Phoenix, or San Francisco. She said that he did not appear to know exactly where he was destined for. She asked if they (stews) were going to go with him but he did not reply. She finally asked if the stews could leave the plane and the man replied”Sure go ahead” in a calm uninterested manner.