Smart lady. That's what I rode. First a 350, then a 750. Back in the day. After I dropped it once on the Bronx River Parkway - in a rainstorm - I was done. Bought a VW bug.
W H O C A R E S !!!
Obviously not you. Caring doesn't seem to be a strength of yours. Bruce, chatter away.
Well dear sir - this is a DB Cooper forum - not a Bruce Smith Yacking forum. If you want Bruce Smith &*&t and want to discuss tits & tshirts & mopeds & the Bronx, go to his website. Got anything new or old, on the Cooper case? Of course you dont@!

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LoginHere's my last post ON THE CASE in Flight Path - got anything to say about it? Anything to contribute?
Key moments -
19:54 PST Flt 305 reports: Miss Mucklow said he apparently has the knapsack around him and [she] thinks he will jump. Pilot Comm. with Flt-Ops MSP
19:54 PST Flt Ops MSP advised that they have a direct phone patch hooked up on 131.8 MHz. Flt-Ops MSP Comm. with Flt-Ops MSP
They are ready to report on Cooper bailing ...
20:05 PST Pilot reports that he has tried twice to contact Cooper unsuccessfully, then he came on the PA system and said everything is OK. Pilot Comm. with Flt-Ops MSP
20:12 PST Flt 305 advises they are getting some oscillations in the cabin, Cooper must be doing something with the stairs. Pilot Comm. with Flt-Ops MSP [on the revised chart 11-08, this position is moved south of original FBI search map position]
20:20 PST Flt Ops MSP request Go to 131.8 MHz. Flt-Ops MSP Attempted Comm. with Flt 305
20:20 PST Flt-Ops SEA advises Flt 305 is already on that frequency Flt-Ops SEA Comm. between Flt-Ops MSP and Flt-Ops SEA
By now according to Anderson they knew he was gone and Ratczk has radioed it in ...
20:33 PST Flt 305 reports still at 10,000 ft.
20:33 to 21:43 PST
21:00 = 9:00pm This period is uneventful? Comms. consists of Radar Station hand-offs, altimeter settings etc, The last altimeter setting was at Montague, CA at 21:41 PST. So they were near the OR/CA border just SW of Klamath Falls when they changed altitude.