I remember, and am still insanely curious, what Georger's "Element X" is and how it could be used to put a clock on the Cooper money... Especially if TK can make an attempt to get good measurements.
Interesting question!

You are always close to this case, where it matters. Im smiling ...
Fact is we have needed 'clocks' for a lot of things in the Cooper case. None of this is lost on Tom - he has recognised that need from the start. The truth is, Andrade, there is no single element X, but lots of elements and things and processes that were at work in the Cooper case, up to and including with the money at Tina Bar.
I will be specific and share what I am doing at some point, no matter how this turns out. Good, bad, or indifferent. Lots of things conspired (out of the blue) last year to fertilize some new lines for research in the Cooper case, and we are simply pursuing several of those lines of inquiry. 377 says that Tom is also doing work on 377's Cooper bill.
Let me just leave it at that. It might turn out to be an interesting summer.
Just to be clear: Tom is doing his work with his people - I am doing work with other people. Tom and I so far are not working together on anything, except that we are exchanging email and ideas which could eventually benefit us both.