Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2371994 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5715 on: December 18, 2018, 11:46:49 PM »
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Normally I woudn't give a shit about stuff like this.
And I don't want to get into too much detail.

But I would like to make a little entreaty here to people, to avoid Eric Ullis like the plaque. Any support he gets, seems to get him to feel justified about acting like a motherfucker.

He's really gone over the line and is harassing Sheridan's daughter who has her own mental health issues. and Sheridan who is truly old and sick.

It's really sad to see this going on and hearing the effect it has on people.

Sheridan is not Cooper. His visa stamps clearly indicate he didn't leave Nepal during the time in question.

Eric is causing harm to other people. The recent podcast thing just made me sick...two "adults" talking slow and trying to sound deep and meaningful, while one of them was causing pain to other human beings.

I know I speculated about Sheridan in the past. But I don't think I ever caused anyone pain like EU does. And now I can see I was wrong.

Somehow EU has to be made to back off. He's a real fucking asshole. Worse than Blevins. Really.

I take it you know first hand that this is causing problems...


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5716 on: December 18, 2018, 11:49:46 PM »

Offline snowmman

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5717 on: December 19, 2018, 12:21:39 AM »
yes. from Sheridan. I know Sheridan causes his own issues sometimes. He's an odd bird. The problem is, him being a odd bird, has somehow given people the green light to be inhumane. That's wrong.

I don't want to quote Sheridan, because it feels like just feeding the badness, but I feel like I need to make EU get the message that he's gone off the deep end, and that his behavior isn't tolerated in a humane world.
EU thinks he can be an asshole to these people in private. It's just not right.

"Eric is harassing my ... daughter, Ginger. He sent me an email saying to the effect: that I said my Filipina wife died in 1977 and Ginger spoke to her in 2000. That is not true. Ginger spoke to an aunt or cousin who tried to con her into sending money for a plane ticket. Ginger did not have the money. I spoke to Ginger yesterday. Her first words were: I am having trouble with D.B. people. Then she would say no more and was anxious to hang up."

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Normally I woudn't give a shit about stuff like this.
And I don't want to get into too much detail.

But I would like to make a little entreaty here to people, to avoid Eric Ullis like the plaque. Any support he gets, seems to get him to feel justified about acting like a motherfucker.

He's really gone over the line and is harassing Sheridan's daughter who has her own mental health issues. and Sheridan who is truly old and sick.

It's really sad to see this going on and hearing the effect it has on people.

Sheridan is not Cooper. His visa stamps clearly indicate he didn't leave Nepal during the time in question.

Eric is causing harm to other people. The recent podcast thing just made me sick...two "adults" talking slow and trying to sound deep and meaningful, while one of them was causing pain to other human beings.

I know I speculated about Sheridan in the past. But I don't think I ever caused anyone pain like EU does. And now I can see I was wrong.

Somehow EU has to be made to back off. He's a real fucking asshole. Worse than Blevins. Really.

I take it you know first hand that this is causing problems...
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 12:24:48 AM by snowmman »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5718 on: December 19, 2018, 07:15:45 AM »
Sheridan is not Cooper. His visa stamps clearly indicate he didn't leave Nepal during the time in question.

This is what I find hard to understand when people try to link Peterson to Cooper. for some reason the FBI didn't feel this was enough either, why that is I have no idea. it's a pretty solid alibi IMO. Sailshaw was the same way (R.I.P.)

A large percentage of the suspects are dead and generally don't cause problems. it's a lot harder to upset or anger the dead. I like Eric but I don't agree with these tactics if they are true.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5719 on: December 19, 2018, 09:23:10 AM »
I have decided against responding to, or communicating with, Internet trolls like snow. Troll is a harsh word but it describes snow's antics perfectly. That said, I have decided to respond to snow's latest round of BS.

I have not harassed Ginger. I have not talked with Ginger. What I did do was place one call to a number of a Duane Peterson in San Francisco. An answering machine picked up and I didn't leave a message. Of course, the number I used was supplied by--you got it--Snow. Also, my understanding is that Snow provided Bruce with Ginger's number in San Francisco and encouraged him to call which he did.

Snow in my world maliciously distorting the truth is called being a liar or POS--no interpretation needed.

My email to Sheridan? Here it is in its entirety in yellow:

My understanding is that Ginger was interested in having her mother come to the US into the 2000s. Furthermore, you expressed dismay that she (your Filipina wife) wanted to have her entire family come to the US. However, according to you she passed away in the late 70s. How is this possible? Is she still alive?

Yeah that sure sounds like I'm harassing Sheridan with that question. I suppose any question is harassment?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 11:52:41 AM by EU »
Some men see things as they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5720 on: December 19, 2018, 11:01:53 AM »
EU, has Sheridan asked you to leave him alone?
Why are you continuing to contact him?

The problem is, you feel empowered here. You're singularly focused on "proving" something that isn't true.
You've somehow incorporated this focus into who you are, and can't let go of it.

Insult me all you want. But you need to stop harassing Sheridan.
Anyone who listens to your garbage should be aware that you've got your own pathetic obsession.

The saddest thing about this DBC thing, is that it enables mental health problems like yours.

You can't seem to get it in your head, that you're talking to a husband and son and daughter about a dead family member. You've let your obsession trump common human decency.

You also can't seem to accept that your're talking about a sick 92 year old. What's important is how it affects him...not your definition of what's "appropriate".

Geez. ...Get a life. Seriously.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 11:06:44 AM by snowmman »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5721 on: December 19, 2018, 11:08:09 AM »
I will totally own up to being wrong in my speculation about Sheridan.
That's why I've stopped that speculation.

In my defense, I did stop for almost 10 years, and only looked into it again, because I saw EU claiming all sorts of stuff (which all turned out to be bullshit).

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5722 on: December 19, 2018, 11:11:00 AM »
And EU, if you want to pull me into some kind of defense of your obsession...I think I've been consistent from the very start here, of saying you were a thug in your interactions with people...I think the phrase "bull in a china shop" was what I used.

So acting like you ever had my support, is kind of weak. I've always told you you were an ass.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5723 on: December 19, 2018, 12:10:27 PM »
So Snow claims to have evidence that proves Sheridan wasn't DBC? Let's see it.

If Snow actually possesses evidence that completely exonerates Sheridan than he's causing harm to Sheridan by holding back.

Yeah, my BS monitor is reading Red Zone right now. Once again, if Snow can provide evidence to clear Sheridan once and for all, let's have it.
Some men see things as they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5724 on: December 19, 2018, 12:23:26 PM »
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So Snow claims to have evidence that proves Sheridan wasn't DBC? Let's see it.

If Snow actually possesses evidence that completely exonerates Sheridan than he's causing harm to Sheridan by holding back.

Yeah, my BS monitor is reading Red Zone right now. Once again, if Snow can provide evidence to clear Sheridan once and for all, let's have it.

I can clear every suspect who has ever been
mentioned or investigated. How? By knowing who the real Dan “DB” Cooper was.

Offline Unsurelock

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5725 on: December 19, 2018, 12:27:24 PM »
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I can clear every suspect who has ever been
mentioned or investigated. How? By knowing who the real Dan “DB” Cooper was.
You don't say...
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 12:27:54 PM by Unsurelock »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5726 on: December 19, 2018, 12:33:26 PM »
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So Snow claims to have evidence that proves Sheridan wasn't DBC? Let's see it.

If Snow actually possesses evidence that completely exonerates Sheridan than he's causing harm to Sheridan by holding back.

Yeah, my BS monitor is reading Red Zone right now. Once again, if Snow can provide evidence to clear Sheridan once and for all, let's have it.

So to understand you here, if SP is Cooper and thus guilty of a horrific crime, you want to have a beer with him, but if he's innocent he and his family deserve no consideration. Does that sum it all up?

Offline snowmman

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5727 on: December 19, 2018, 01:18:45 PM »
I've said my piece. I know once something is posted on the Internet, all control is lost, and pack behavior can take over. I still believe basic goodwill cam triumph. All I'm saying is don't hassle the dude. Obviously some will speculate about anything they want to..but harassment is a different thing. And no, I don't owe anyone any more than that.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 01:35:09 PM by snowmman »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5728 on: December 19, 2018, 01:54:02 PM »
I don't doubt that Snow has seen what he describes.

My question is why didn't Sheridan show exculpatory passport evidence to the FBI?

Snow, your thoughts on that?

If all this Cooper suspicion causes Sheridan and his family distress, why didn't he quench it long ago?

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5729 on: December 19, 2018, 02:12:56 PM »
My take on it is that maybe it was fun and games back in 2003 and 2007,  but that as old age has taken its toll, and his mind is not as sharp as before, that paranoia is real, and triggers bad health effects. Even though he can sound healthy in email, its really just an old man struggling with both physical and mental weakness.

Yes, I have to acknowledge my role in creating badness here. I'm trying to make amends. Its difficult.
I am constantly accused of bad things.  I do take solace in thinking that my past posts were open minded and apparently didn't cause pain.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 02:14:17 PM by snowmman »
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