Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2371703 times)

Offline snowmman

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5670 on: November 25, 2018, 03:47:40 PM »
Anyone can purchase Sheridan's book, the editted 2008 version.
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According to Blevins, apparently this is the only Cooper book that's going to put someone in jail. And it's not Cooper, it's me!

There are rumors of an expanded version. Possibly up to 3 parts.
This is the only known text in the world today.

Caveat: Have not yet received the proof on this, but if I decide the proof isn't right, and you ordered and get a "bad" copy, I'll send you any fixed copy for free. I'm pretty sure this version is good though. I had done one proof, and am confident of the process.

Updated Palatino Linotype font, larger margins and chapter headings, fixed running headers (and spacing)..Adds to page count. Easier on the eyes (but not the brain). Warning: Bruce's "toxic" word may be not far off base, for some readers. 470 text pages now, 6x9 format.

Blevins has already pissed on the page with a review claiming things that are not true about the publication of the book.

Blevins has apparently withdrawn his offer to Sheridan to publish. You got to admire Blevins...he doesn't waste time doing real work that might take away from rant time.

I like that this all went down on a 11/24 anniversary

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DBC stands for Drama Before Conviction
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 04:26:40 PM by snowmman »

Offline georger

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5671 on: November 25, 2018, 03:50:26 PM »
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Mark Zaid's first comments in that podcast transcript are incorrect, right?
he says:
"The FBI records indicate there were no fingerprints located or found on the plane. "

But they did take prints. They're not sure they're Cooper's, but they had prints they used to compare to prints of various suspects. There are lab memos on that. So saying "no prints" isn't exactly true.

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Mark Zaid is Colbert’s FOIA litigator. Zaid is widely recognized for his successful record taking on the federal government in court.


Where does the FBI indicate 'no prints were found/taken/? There are numerous other 302s that indicate suspects were being processed for prints! So some suspect prints do not register  in the group of prints they have. And apparently no prints they have matched a suspect. And no prints they have lead to a new suspect (in military or civilian print files) ? 

There are numerous docs which ask for prints of a suspect to be run and compared, and suspects being dismissed on the basis of prints (they obviously got from the plane). No conjecture or confusion about any of that.  8)   

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5672 on: November 25, 2018, 03:50:52 PM »
It's funny how Robert believes the public is up to date with his rants. like he's the key to the if hundreds were stopped dead in there tracks because of Roberts comments  :rofl:
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 03:51:42 PM by Shutter »

Offline georger

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5673 on: November 25, 2018, 03:52:23 PM »
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Anyone can purchase Sheridan's book, the editted 2008 version.
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Follow the link there for 23 page preview

According to Blevins, apparently this is the only Cooper book that's going to put someone in jail. And it's not Cooper, it's me!

There are rumors of an expanded version. Possibly up to 3 parts.
This is the only known text in the world today.

Caveat: Have not yet received the proof on this, but if I decide the proof isn't right, and you ordered and get a "bad" copy, I'll send you any fixed copy for free. I'm pretty sure this version is good though. I had done one proof, and am confident of the process.

Updated Palatino Linotype font, larger margins and chapter headings, fixed running headers (and spacing)..Adds to page count. Easier on the eyes (but not the brain). Warning: Bruce's "toxic" word may be not far off base, for some readers. 470 text pages now, 6x9 format.

Blevins has already pissed on the page with a review claiming things that are not true about the publication of the book.

Blevins has apparently withdrawn his offer to Sheridan to publish. You got to admire Blevins...he doesn't waste time doing real work that might take away from rant time.

I like that this all went down on a 11/24 anniversary

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DBC stands for Drama Before Conviction

all sideshow to the Cooper case. Will this sideshow trump the Cooper case! ? Who knows - who cares?   :congrats:

Offline snowmman

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5674 on: November 25, 2018, 03:56:43 PM »
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It's funny how Robert believes the public is up to date with his rants. like he's the key to the if hundreds were stopped dead in there tracks because of Roberts comments  :rofl:

I flagged his review on the page as inappropriate. I mean it's so weird that he acts like he's got right-of-attorney for people, and has to take action to make things "right" on the internet. On stuff that has nothing to do with him. And then he rants about hatred etc. in the DBC vortex.

It'll be interesting if actually takes down inappropriate reviews. I don't really care, but figured I'd go thru the motions.

Offline snowmman

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5675 on: November 25, 2018, 03:57:53 PM »

what is not a "sideshow"?

Are you claiming to not be a "sideshow"? Do you have a official DBC investigator badge? There's no such thing...Everyone here is a yahoo to some degree, you included.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 03:58:19 PM by snowmman »
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5676 on: November 25, 2018, 04:14:53 PM »
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It's funny how Robert believes the public is up to date with his rants. like he's the key to the if hundreds were stopped dead in there tracks because of Roberts comments  :rofl:

I flagged his review on the page as inappropriate. I mean it's so weird that he acts like he's got right-of-attorney for people, and has to take action to make things "right" on the internet. On stuff that has nothing to do with him. And then he rants about hatred etc. in the DBC vortex.

It'll be interesting if actually takes down inappropriate reviews. I don't really care, but figured I'd go thru the motions.

Didn't you know? Robert has the pulse of the public. they email him all the time :rofl:

He also monitors Wiki on anything written about Kenny..
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 04:21:41 PM by Shutter »

Offline georger

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5677 on: November 25, 2018, 04:31:03 PM »
Has nothing to do with Blevins but ... was able to copy and paste text to a post here for the first time since the forum changes! Yippppeeee!   :congrats: :bravo:

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5678 on: November 25, 2018, 04:34:29 PM »
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Has nothing to do with Blevins but ... was able to copy and paste text to a post here for the first time since the forum changes! Yippppeeee!   :congrats: :bravo:

posted 4 hours ago:

When the server moved this site from one spot to another they failed to notify anyone thinking nothing would happen in the process. unfortunately that wasn't the case here. we lost most of the ability to copy/paste from other sites. almost every site while troubleshooting the problem brings up the UTF-8 as the problem.

the server is using UTF-8 but every article I read says the UTF-8 needs to be installed on the forum itself. the database could be damaged in the crossover. I downloaded a backup database and proceeded with the conversion. the conversion was successful so far it appears that no damage was done.

let's see if we can freely copy/paste like we have done in the past before they moved this site.


Offline Kermit

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5679 on: November 25, 2018, 05:27:58 PM »
I’ve just testing to see if my post goes through as I’ve had trouble posting for months now.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5680 on: November 25, 2018, 06:17:58 PM »
Hey there, Kerm. You're back.

I gave you a shout out in Vader as I drove past last night on the way back from Portland. Gawd Almighty the fog was bad. I got so turned around in Vancouver leaving the V-23 pub that I asked for directions at a red light and the driver said he didn't know where he was either because of the fog. Made it home safe and sound, though.

The Victor-23 pub was ideal for the conference. We met there on Friday - Mark, Eric, Tom Kaye and me at first, meeting Dirk and Dave the video crew from Principia who were waiting for us. Vern Jones and his wife Irene joined us in the course of events. A Pilsner called "Skyjacker blonde" was great. The wall mural of a 727 is a "200" series I am told, as it has an aft fuselage door on the starboard side. Pix of everyone posing in front will be forthcoming as soon as I can figure out sizing here. Ug.

Numerous podcasters and locals came by and shared a beer and networked with us and the roomful of Cooperites. Darren Schaefer was there, along with his editor "Ben," and a ton of his buds from Woodland, WA. "Vince" from Olympia hung with us through the night and videoed just about everyone it seems for later podcasts. Since he and I are local, he'll be stopping by Eatonville in the near future - right after he reads my book! BTW: I sold 200 bucks worth of them, and I sold $80 worth of Marty's book, too.

After the conference, we all gravitated back to V-23, some faster than others. I was in the first wave, arriving with Ron Bertrand, who runs the NW Escape Experience and features the DB Cooper Escape Room, where someone there last summer broke in to rob the place and couldn't get out so he called 911 to be arrested and "freed," so to speak.

Rob is a major DB Cooper energy source in Portland. Very passionate and informed. Generous, too - picked up the tab at our table.

Clyde Lewis, the host of Ground Zero Radio, came to the conference at the end of the afternoon and followed us to V-23. There he regaled us with his numerous encounters with Wolfgang Gossett. Those two were Quantum Entangled in the extreme. Utah, Oregon, talk radio, healings - so many personal connections. He even lived two block away from Wolfie's last wife! Clyde's gotta write a book about his personal relationship with Wolf - and about Wolfie - regardless of the DB Cooper angle. Wolfie, and Clyde, are just two extraordinary, weird, fascinating guys.

Clyde also told us many stories from Ground Zero, especially his tales of research on the fringe. MKULTRA and beyond. Area 51, Dugway Proving Grounds, Hangar 18 at Wright-Paterson. I loved it. Many other Cooperites did, too, but not all.

Another conferee who sat at our table was Dan Wyatt, who runs the Kiggins Theatre in Portland and produced a DB Cooper radio show there on Wednesday evening, which folks at the table said was fantastic.

One of the dimensions of the conference - and the pub - was that half the folks were Millenials. LOTS of people 30 and younger. I was impressed. They asked lots of questions, too. One, a woman named Katie, asked questions all day, and all evening, too. Think a "young Jo Weber," but in a good way. Tenacious. Took notes, too. First time I ever saw a marbleized notebook in a tavern....

Everyone I talked with thought the conference was a success and now want an annual gathering. We also talked PARTY. Everyone wants an "Ariel tavern-style" party to accompany the informational conference. Bryan Woodruff was in attendance with us at V-23, and although he voiced support for these ideas he doesn't seem to have the capacities to pull it all together any time soon.

One of the hallmarks of the conference was the bonhomie and lack of animosity. It was the total opposite of the DZ or the current bickering on the Forum. Some folks came in cautious - I even met Kristy Cooper and her husband Russ Cooper, who are the guys who started the LaConner dig for Tom Colbert - and when Kristy introduced herself to me, I said, "Ah, I have been tracking you two for a long time!"

"Yes, I know," Kristy replied, with a slight smile. Nevertheless, we talked about working cooperatively in the future, and that might be a possibility, but Tom Colbert needs to give the okay for Kristy and Russ to feel comfortable with that arrangement. But she bought my book, so....
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 06:27:33 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline georger

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5681 on: November 25, 2018, 11:52:22 PM »
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Has nothing to do with Blevins but ... was able to copy and paste text to a post here for the first time since the forum changes! Yippppeeee!   :congrats: :bravo:

posted 4 hours ago:

When the server moved this site from one spot to another they failed to notify anyone thinking nothing would happen in the process. unfortunately that wasn't the case here. we lost most of the ability to copy/paste from other sites. almost every site while troubleshooting the problem brings up the UTF-8 as the problem.

the server is using UTF-8 but every article I read says the UTF-8 needs to be installed on the forum itself. the database could be damaged in the crossover. I downloaded a backup database and proceeded with the conversion. the conversion was successful so far it appears that no damage was done.

let's see if we can freely copy/paste like we have done in the past before they moved this site.


I was elated to be able to copy and paste, like the olde days! No muss, no fuss.  :bravo:

Offline snowmman

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5682 on: November 26, 2018, 12:20:09 AM »
Okay, no more orders being taking at for Sheridan's 2008 version.

Sheridan emailed me tonight (after exchanging emails yesterday) saying he didn't want this current draft to be what readers see. So no new orders. (In case people see it gone and are wondering about any Blevins effect). Any existing orders will deliver. There were actually only 2 orders to 377!

Sheridan really wants the complete documentary to be what people see. From what I can tell, I think he'd like me to help him get it out. But as we all know, it can be hard to discern Sheridan's wishes. He said "I spent my life writing draft after draft and have put this unfinished documentary up for sale."

I always said I'll do what Sheridan wants, so I shut off the page.

So he believes he's got a more complete 2 or even 3 part version that he'd rather make available.

On another note, email was delayed because Sheridan was in the ER again. So anyone harassing him, I think he deserves some slack here.


Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5683 on: November 26, 2018, 02:39:45 AM »
Yikes. ER, again?

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5684 on: November 26, 2018, 07:57:04 PM »
Hey 377, mind selling me one of your copies of Sheridan's book?