yeah, that back cover text is chopped down as it is, from the original, to not give away the whole story at once.
Maybe Sheridan himself can provide an update at some point in time?
I think I will put the complete back cover text on the lulu page, as a guess to Sheridan's wishes.
I was looking at Lulu's pricing. Apparently they set a mininum price based on book costs...So I think the print book will be around $25 (maybe I can discount it to $20). I may not distribute on Amazon, because it seems then the return to the author is even less (than if on
My plan is to send maybe 4 copies to Sheridan for free. (copies are cheaper for me).
I will start work on the epub, while waiting for the proof copy of the book. That shoud be cheaper, and readable on computers, Kindle, etc.
Here are the last 3 paragraphs of my editor's notes in the book:
My goal was to get Sheridan the wider publication of his work that he desired, and I hope readers will enjoy the result. In the past, Sheridan noted:
I was stunned to find out that people were reading my book.
Hopefully the same result is achieved here, but in a good way.
I also mention the issue about whether there are additional pages, due to the "Part 1: The Refugee Advisor" in the 1st edition:
There were 339 text pages in the 1st edition. This 2nd edition has 421 text pages. The original copyright by Sheridan on 5/4/01 claimed 680 pages. In various internet posts, Sheridan has claimed 826 pages.
The 1st edition was subtitled "Part 1: The Refugee Advisor" but I have dropped that subtitle. It implied there was additional text, but to my knowledge there is not.