Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2376376 times)

Offline Unsurelock

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5325 on: September 17, 2018, 07:27:57 AM »
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Robert always states it's an "LA" based production. he mentions that he has been in contact for over a year with the boys from the UK.

what I believe is possible is the production company had plans to buy the rights to the story of "Into The Blast" back in 2017. it's not clear whether or not if this was ever completed or an actual contract was signed. it's also possible it's a much smaller production company that has money issues and is seeking a larger company for backing. in between all of this you have Robert speaking for them telling what ever he feels like saying. nobody knows what "motion picture" implies coming from Robert. I don't see this being a box office type film..what reputable production company would even care about all the drama attached to a story they wish to buy or get involved with. half of Roberts claims can never be trusted so I guess we have to wait and see if it's true or not..his latest actions are telling, that's for sure...

Skyjack by Geoffrey Gray can be found on IMDb as a film in pre-production with CBS Films. It's years away from being made, if ever, but it's listed. So are about a million different books whose rights have been either purchased or even just optioned by a producer or company. I can find nothing on IMDb for a Robert Blevins or the title Into the Blast. This includes IMDb Pro, the paid version of the site that gives you information on productions that are still just in their infancy.
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Offline Parrotheadvol

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5326 on: September 17, 2018, 11:17:50 AM »
Shifting gears from the unfortunate actions of bLIEvins this past weekend, I purchased the Walter Reca documentary on Amazon this past weekend. I'm two episodes in so far (out of four). It's been entertaining and I have enjoyed it.

To me, it comes off as believable - if I didn't know better. To a person who may not be real familiar with the case, I can see how they could buy into Reca as Cooper. But there are a number of red flags to the trained eye. To me, the biggest so far is that he claims that he was going to jump out the side door and had no previous knowledge of the aft stairs until it was suggested to him by Tina. Then there's the whole Cle Elum thing as well. And as is usually the case with suspects, the Tina Bar money find explanation is a big stretch.

But, overall it's worth a watch.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 11:19:27 AM by Parrotheadvol »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5327 on: September 17, 2018, 06:04:30 PM »
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Shifting gears from the unfortunate actions of bLIEvins this past weekend, I purchased the Walter Reca documentary on Amazon this past weekend. I'm two episodes in so far (out of four). It's been entertaining and I have enjoyed it.

To me, it comes off as believable - if I didn't know better. To a person who may not be real familiar with the case, I can see how they could buy into Reca as Cooper. But there are a number of red flags to the trained eye. To me, the biggest so far is that he claims that he was going to jump out the side door and had no previous knowledge of the aft stairs until it was suggested to him by Tina. Then there's the whole Cle Elum thing as well. And as is usually the case with suspects, the Tina Bar money find explanation is a big stretch.

But, overall it's worth a watch.

I'd like to watch it, as well. Please keep us posted.

As for Reca jumping out the side door, I asked author Carl Laurin about that and he empathically declared that Reca would have been killed instantly, and inferred that Reca would have known that. Adding more uncertainty to the whole side-door thingy, publisher Verne Jones acknowledged to me that Reca most likely boarded the plane in PDX as other passengers have stated - by walking up the aft stairs which had been deployed. So why would Reca ignore the very stair case that he entered the plane and risk certain death? It's utterly unfathomable.

Yet these issues roll off the backs of Laurin and Jones like water off a duck.

Nevertheless, we have the conundrum of Reca in Cle Elum. What the hell was he doing there? Over a cup o' tea yesterday, I wondered if Reca was told to perform a secondary jump to provide some diversionary actions to Cooper. Could the two jumps be orchestrated? How big a rabbit hole do we want to go down?

Ironically, the only thing I really believe about Walt Reca is that he jumped over Cle Elum in the rain on a Wednesday night. Every thing else seems like super-duper ca-ca to me? Contract hitman for the CIA and the KGB, AND he keeps all of his false IDs and passports? Yagottabekiddingme! What - he wanted souvenirs?


Consider - if Hahnemann was DB Cooper and performing his first hijacking on Nov 24, 1971 - and then did his verifiable skyjacking over Honduras a few months later - the orchestration of this whole operation could be quite vast. Why not Hahnemann, Reca, the Honduran brother-in-law, right-wing ploys to gain monies to support revolutions in Central America, Cooper, et. al.????
« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 06:05:39 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5328 on: September 17, 2018, 06:58:07 PM »
It's a case of the old "he's a longtime friend, why would he lie" a mother protecting her young, they can do no wrong...

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5329 on: September 17, 2018, 09:11:37 PM »
Ok, this crap with Blevins will probably continue for a while...anyway, I've been speaking with Georger in the last week..he wants to come back and I have agreed..we will discuss the case and the insults and rants will be left at the door from several weeks ago.
All of this crap from Blevins should be making us stronger as a team..I'm insisting that this happens. It's what we are here for, right? I think a lot of lessons have been learned by a lot of us, including myself. Nobody is perfect.

We need to stay productive..each and everyone of us serve a purpose here, perhaps some have more to say than others, but we all count for what is written on this forum. Even if you only view this forum, it's purpose has done it's job or you wouldn't be here. Lets get the forum back on track and make this forum a productive one...

I'm sure we haven't heard the last from Mr. Blevins but we can't worry about him..this site doesn't have his name on it, nor does it surround him like he claims it does..we will cross that bridge if and when it happens...

« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 09:12:00 PM by Shutter »
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5330 on: September 17, 2018, 10:38:50 PM »
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My cell phone is still banned from the forum.  It was fine before...nothing I can think of, and all other sites are fine.  I have cleared the Google cache.  Any other ideas?  I stay at my cabin often,  without a desktop computer.  Its an android phone.

I just had a similar problem...I was surfing on You Tube and other sites...went to the store and came back and tried to open the site and it told me I was banned..couldn't sign in or anything...I cleared my browser and it restored everything back to normal...
« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 10:39:25 PM by Shutter »

Offline paulami

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5331 on: September 17, 2018, 11:15:17 PM »
I have emptied my Chrome cache several times to no avail..but.. last night at my cabin I was farting around with the phone and opened an 'incognito' window quite by accident.  I tried accessing the forum and it worked, even signed on.  Don't know why that works but at least it does.

Offline georger

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5332 on: September 17, 2018, 11:16:20 PM »
The current social drama aside, I look forward to getting back to working the Cooper case. Comms I have had with R99 indicate that while *super-busy with projects he needs to clear off his desk, he is still interested in the Cooper case and will be following any developments that take place. We have the EU conference planned which will take place, and that may serve as a launch pad for new fruitful discussions (about tie particles etc) - we can look look forward to that.

Lets go forward and not look backward.


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Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5333 on: September 17, 2018, 11:31:21 PM »
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I have emptied my Chrome cache several times to no avail..but.. last night at my cabin I was farting around with the phone and opened an 'incognito' window quite by accident.  I tried accessing the forum and it worked, even signed on.  Don't know why that works but at least it does.

well, that's half the battle...being banned on your own forum is interesting..couple years back I think the whole forum was banned..something bad happened and I think it was that nobody could get onto the site...

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5334 on: September 17, 2018, 11:58:10 PM »
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I have emptied my Chrome cache several times to no avail..but.. last night at my cabin I was farting around with the phone and opened an 'incognito' window quite by accident.  I tried accessing the forum and it worked, even signed on.  Don't know why that works but at least it does.

 incognito covers your tracks...the site doesn't see the block for one reason or the other...sort of like a proxy or a VPN...

Offline Unsurelock

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5335 on: September 18, 2018, 12:38:42 AM »
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The current social drama aside, I look forward to getting back to working the Cooper case. Comms I have had with R99 indicate that while *super-busy with projects he needs to clear off his desk, he is still interested in the Cooper case and will be following any developments that take place. We have the EU conference planned which will take place, and that may serve as a launch pad for new fruitful discussions (about tie particles etc) - we can look look forward to that.

Lets go forward and not look backward.



Georger, I will be happy to go forward with you. But I look back over the last year, and half of my postings have smarmy remarks by you, followed by attempts by me to allow you to stop and have a serious discussion. Then it goes off the rails.

I want to believe what Shutter does - that you're a combination of Watson the super computer and the Library of Congress all rolled into one, which makes you a valuable asset to a Forum like this. But I have way too much respect for myself to allow you to make a punchline of me. If you make the effort, I will repay it.

One of my favorite lyrics of all time goes:
"It's so easy to laugh
It's so easy to hate
It takes strength to be gentle and kind."

Welcome back.
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Offline Parrotheadvol

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5336 on: September 18, 2018, 10:50:37 AM »
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Ironically, the only thing I really believe about Walt Reca is that he jumped over Cle Elum in the rain on a Wednesday night.

So you actually believe that Reca did this? I don't see why he would do this if he were not Cooper. Do you believe he did this on 11/24/71?
I may have a different viewpoint after I finish the next 2 parts.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5337 on: September 18, 2018, 11:35:17 AM »
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Shifting gears from the unfortunate actions of bLIEvins this past weekend, I purchased the Walter Reca documentary on Amazon this past weekend. I'm two episodes in so far (out of four). It's been entertaining and I have enjoyed it.

To me, it comes off as believable - if I didn't know better. To a person who may not be real familiar with the case, I can see how they could buy into Reca as Cooper. But there are a number of red flags to the trained eye. To me, the biggest so far is that he claims that he was going to jump out the side door and had no previous knowledge of the aft stairs until it was suggested to him by Tina. Then there's the whole Cle Elum thing as well. And as is usually the case with suspects, the Tina Bar money find explanation is a big stretch.

But, overall it's worth a watch.


Consider - if Hahnemann was DB Cooper and performing his first hijacking on Nov 24, 1971 - and then did his verifiable skyjacking over Honduras a few months later - the orchestration of this whole operation could be quite vast. Why not Hahnemann, Reca, the Honduran brother-in-law, right-wing ploys to gain monies to support revolutions in Central America, Cooper, et. al.????

Reca is a bigger joke than KC..

Hahneman is spelled with one "n" at the end, he hid out at his cousin's home in Honduras, a UN diplomat that had immunity and Hahneman claimed he gave the money to a LEFT wing revolutionary cause.. 

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5338 on: September 18, 2018, 01:09:24 PM »
Yeah, Reca's a joke for sure, but I don't know about bigger than KC. In my estimation, when you strip all of the lies and misinformation away, KC is a pretty bad suspect. But I guess that can be said for all of them.

Bruce obviously don't buy into Reca either, but I was just curious as to why he did believe that Reca actually made a jump over Cle Elum.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5339 on: September 18, 2018, 01:29:42 PM »
Welcome back Georger. I was hoping you'd return.

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