Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2376715 times)

Offline Parrotheadvol

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5295 on: September 06, 2018, 08:49:37 AM »
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Does anyone on this forum believe I've done these guys injustice?

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Offline MarkBennett

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5296 on: September 06, 2018, 10:30:27 AM »
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Does anyone on this forum believe I've done these guys injustice?


I agree, Shutter.  The job of running a forum is sometimes like herding cats.   The only people who were banned had shown that can't work and play well with others.  Touch job and you've done it as well as anyone could.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5297 on: September 06, 2018, 10:44:13 AM »
Though this is an old case with little new info.. 50th anniversary is coming up.

The many lurkers and once in a while posters should step up and post more..

Offline Unsurelock

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5298 on: September 06, 2018, 10:58:46 AM »
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I tried working with Georger through emails the last couple days...I tried to explain to him that I also had questions concerning the latest comments by Flyjack...everything was fine last night, he asked a few things in which I supplied documents to and that was the end of our discussion for the evening...I get home from work and he had several emails explaining certain parts and then his last email included asking for his account to be removed...I sent an email once again and was waiting for a reply..

I then went to Bruces site and noticed Georger had posted the following comment...

I have quit the DB Cooper Forum run by Dave Brown. Reason: its an intolerable situation there involving a poster named FLYJACK with no hope of recovery. The situation is so toxic there that nothing can be accomplished there with any personal security or satisfaction. Others I respect and rely on have quit or dropped out previously. It’s unlike anything Ive ever experienced before; it has become pointless to even try there. Good luck to Shutter and his FLYJACK FORUM. –

He keeps insisting that I have teamed up with Flyjack..this is the similar reason R99 left. these are friends I looked up to almost the entire time I've been involved with this case. I'm more than shocked with this type of outburst but shouldn't really be that shocked coming from G..he's done this before but not to this degree..

Georger is very driven in getting things right..Fly, I know you disagree but the man has been at this a long time and knows people involved with the case..the kicker is getting it out of him...he likes the control but many do the same.

Does anyone on this forum believe I've done these guys injustice?

As someone whose account was suspended for 5 days for namecalling, I can tell you that I took notice when you let a lot of Georger's namecalling slide. "Bulljack," et al. I have not posted since then, but have read every post since, save a skimmed paragraph here and there. I felt as though you cut Georger more slack than any five people on this site, that he abused more people than any five others on this site. That Flyjack's theories and argumentative approach to testing them were never personal attacks on anyone like Georger's were.  I feel that allowing Flyjack to continue posting here is a no-brainer as there was never anything that I have read by him that was nasty or mean-spirited, just defensive in response to the highly offensive elephant no longer in the room. To blame you is ludicrous.

While I cannot speak to R99 as I didn't even know he was gone (must have missed that paragraph while skimming), I can tell you that I don't post here solely because of Georger.  If he's gone, I'll be back on to participate.  I did not like how I was treated by that person, who refused every olive branch I extended.  But I think you know that I don't hold any animosity toward you.  You run a good forum.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5299 on: September 06, 2018, 01:06:42 PM »
I had decided to take a break from posting at this site before this latest rift took place ! I for one will miss R99, Georger and of course Meyer who I have met in person and is a great and intelligent guy. We all have our bad days except 377 I guess ! Just being honest here but Flyjack is probably the one that often annoys me and others the most. Georger is actually my favorite poster but yes he can get sarcastic but I love his humor. Lately it does seem to me the posting is dominated by Fly but it’s so easy to just ignore his theories or anyone else’s if you disagree !
I hope all 3 of these return and I trust Shutter would allow them to return as he’s always has done his best to keep things civil. I’ll give my “ way to go “ to EU and 377 for their constant upbeat attitude. Peace as I’ve had my off days also !
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5300 on: September 06, 2018, 06:11:26 PM »
I appreciate all the kind words from you guys as well as the helps make the forum stronger...

I can't deny that this has put a hole in's not the point of them leaving as much as it is the way it was handled..R99 helped me so much while I was learning the 727 on my simulator..they all confided in me, especially R99 and G..Meyer has a very short fuse and it's rather easy to get on his bad side...we go way back...Like Bruce, Georger gave me a rash of crap when I started posting on the DZ..he soon realized I might be someone he would like..we conversed many times on PM's starting out and then phone calls..R99 would also send me PM's with "for your eye's only" posted in the subject. losing friends has always been a weakness of mine..death is even worse..I had my share of it last year..I lost a friend of almost 40 years in September and my neighbor of 10 years in November..

Georger is extremely angry and I don't see him cooling down anytime in the future..I decided to block him from further contact on my emails so closure can, he wasn't abusing the avenue...I just felt it's time to move on..

I think it's time to start looking forward to getting things back on track with the forum...377, to quickly answer the question about behavior...I don't think it's just internet forums that cause people to do what they's the ability to hide behind the computer and be someone that you are not in real life..similar to "beer balls" you drink and believe you can take on the world...I've been there and I've be shown it's not true  :rofl: Edit..not in reference to members here with my reply to 377.

I'm the guy who started the forum, but you guys are the key that has kept it running since 2014. I appreciate all you have done over the years..this includes the 3 that are now missing....


« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 10:04:19 PM by Shutter »

Offline fcastle866

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5301 on: September 06, 2018, 10:02:18 PM »
I personally think Flyjack’s ideas about the money being all together as $6000 is a strong possibility. Especially if it was packets Cooper put in his coat pocket that fell out when he jumped. Or maybe he lost the whole coat. The back and forth on bands vs packets got a little old. I think his radio comment also has merit. Someone with military training would have known how to use one. I personally would have preferred to bring it with me when I boarded though.

As for all the drama. Flyjack has posted a lot, but so have many others. Whether he is right or wrong, I have the impression that there is some bullying going on from other members towards him. At some point the threads have gone on too long (packets vs bands, or whether SP is DB). All these back and forth posts make it hard to keep track of what is going on, especially if you’re only checking in here and there.

I concur with Unsurelock. If members are worried about posting due to attacks, then that should raise a red flag.

I’ve personally learned a lot from this site. I think it would be a tragedy to take it down. I also don’t want to see us lose members like Georger and ML and R99. At a minimum I hope their posts are preserved for history. Shutter please keep up the work you are doing. It is appreciated.
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5302 on: September 06, 2018, 10:10:29 PM »
Thanks fcastle866..

None of there history with this forum has been  removed...I did remove a lot of posts that were out of line..R99's thread and comments as well as Georger's work can still be found on this forum..
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5303 on: September 09, 2018, 12:16:24 PM »
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I personally think Flyjack’s ideas about the money being all together as $6000 is a strong possibility. Especially if it was packets Cooper put in his coat pocket that fell out when he jumped. Or maybe he lost the whole coat. The back and forth on bands vs packets got a little old. I think his radio comment also has merit. Someone with military training would have known how to use one. I personally would have preferred to bring it with me when I boarded though.

As for all the drama. Flyjack has posted a lot, but so have many others. Whether he is right or wrong, I have the impression that there is some bullying going on from other members towards him. At some point the threads have gone on too long (packets vs bands, or whether SP is DB). All these back and forth posts make it hard to keep track of what is going on, especially if you’re only checking in here and there.

I concur with Unsurelock. If members are worried about posting due to attacks, then that should raise a red flag.

I’ve personally learned a lot from this site. I think it would be a tragedy to take it down. I also don’t want to see us lose members like Georger and ML and R99. At a minimum I hope their posts are preserved for history. Shutter please keep up the work you are doing. It is appreciated.
I definatley agree with you. I haven't posted in a while, I saw bickering going on and it does always seem to involve Georger. While I think he is a very smary guy, he can be hard to deal with. One thing that I think is that people get to wrapped up into every small detail and try to twist it to fit their theory. I have served on jury duty multiple times, there are going to be things about a case that are hard to explain and don't seem to make sense.
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5304 on: September 09, 2018, 02:22:49 PM »
Let me try and clear a few things up...first of all how did the money get out of his pocket and land on Tina bar if the flight path is due east of T-bar? the jump wasn't close to a large enough creek, river to get over to T-bar if you go by the original flight path..

Now, paper bands or rubber bands with any bank identification seems to have been removed at one point or another..the bank didn't want Cooper to know where it came from...this makes as many like to say "perfect sense"

After talking with others off this board while the bickering was going on it could be possible they banded multiple bundles into one...I'm not a banker, so that's how i'm explaining it..Tom Kaye gave some thoughts into this and concluded with "why does it matter" after I told him he replied saying it could explain how 3 bundles were found merits further discussion but is NOT a fact at this point and showing a copy pasted post over and over will not turn it into a fact. I'm stating it's possible...

I'm willing to listen to dredge theories, plants, etc. but stop trying to drill it into members will multiple posts..this also turns viewers's very difficult to please everyone but we need to work together vs against. far more work gets it offline and then present what you found at a later point if you the problem and stop making it worse with name calling and IQ testing...


Edit: only the first paragraph was a response to you directly....

« Last Edit: September 09, 2018, 02:51:09 PM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5305 on: September 09, 2018, 03:21:34 PM »
Determining whether the 6k was originally buried as three separate packets or one bundle matters little. After all, such evidence only helps build a case of whether Cooper lived or died. That said, there is a mountain of evidence already pointing to the answer of that question.

There is absolutely nothing that has been found after nearly 50 years to indicate that Cooper died--no body, no parachute, no money blowing in the wind, no attache case, no metal brackets, no missing person's report, nothing.

I stated in my report that Cooper jumping, surviving and walking away looks remarkably similar to what we've actually seen over the last 47 years. Put another way, three packets or one bundle does nothing to change that there is nothing that anyone can point to that indicates Cooper did anything but walk away--albeit 6k light.
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5306 on: September 09, 2018, 03:30:04 PM »
there is zero definitive proof of anything only speculation..Tom concluded the bands would crumble in a taken out of the ground over a year later still have bands on them....some conclusions are inaccurate..ignoring or over looking key things is what causes cold cases..

Survival is also possible but once again not definitive. nothing really is with this case..
« Last Edit: September 09, 2018, 03:30:17 PM by Shutter »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5307 on: September 09, 2018, 04:35:17 PM »
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Determining whether the 6k was originally buried as three separate packets or one bundle matters little. After all, such evidence only helps build a case of whether Cooper lived or died. That said, there is a mountain of evidence already pointing to the answer of that question.

There is absolutely nothing that has been found after nearly 50 years to indicate that Cooper died--no body, no parachute, no money blowing in the wind, no attache case, no metal brackets, no missing person's report, nothing.

I stated in my report that Cooper jumping, surviving and walking away looks remarkably similar to what we've actually seen over the last 47 years. Put another way, three packets or one bundle does nothing to change that there is nothing that anyone can point to that indicates Cooper did anything but walk away--albeit 6k light.

If the 3 packets were part of a single bundle it would be very significant. Of course it isn't fact, but it would change the means by which the money could have arrived on TBAR.

One theory I am working on was that it was discarded in the Columbia River near Portland between 1976-1979..

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5308 on: September 09, 2018, 09:21:08 PM »
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Determining whether the 6k was originally buried as three separate packets or one bundle matters little. After all, such evidence only helps build a case of whether Cooper lived or died. That said, there is a mountain of evidence already pointing to the answer of that question.

There is absolutely nothing that has been found after nearly 50 years to indicate that Cooper died--no body, no parachute, no money blowing in the wind, no attache case, no metal brackets, no missing person's report, nothing.

I stated in my report that Cooper jumping, surviving and walking away looks remarkably similar to what we've actually seen over the last 47 years. Put another way, three packets or one bundle does nothing to change that there is nothing that anyone can point to that indicates Cooper did anything but walk away--albeit 6k light.

If the 3 packets were part of a single bundle it would be very significant. Of course it isn't fact, but it would change the means by which the money could have arrived on TBAR.

One theory I am working on was that it was discarded in the Columbia River near Portland between 1976-1979..

It's more significant if it's three individual packets because it dramatically limits the number of possible scenarios involved with getting the money to Tena Bar. One bundle literally makes every scenario more plausible and is therefore less impressive.
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #5309 on: September 09, 2018, 09:26:37 PM »
I recommend 6 beers, now, are these strapped or bundled together. I believe either way they taste good  :rofl: