I have this pic...
I was hoping that there was a picture taken during the digging that included both the dig areas and the gate. Basically, the trees look about the same to me. But with all the helicopters shooting aerial film, someone surely got a shot showing the Tina Bar gate, which is easy to identify on charts and photos, plus the diggers hard at work at two different locations in the same frame. Such a shot would help us get things oriented quite a bit better.
Meyer Louie has a Government Printing Office printed topographical chart of the Tina Bar area, plus several other GPO printed topographical charts of the Vancouver area that generally pre-date 1980. And I am reasonably certain that I can identify a buffer dam on the Oregon side of the river that is still there and is shown on that chart. Using that, it appears to me that the penciled circles on the aerial photos are generally correct for the money find location.