As I understand from reading some posts:
Knowledge of the aft stairs: Had to come from working at Boeing.
Knowledge of the speed, flaps, air pressure: Had to come from working at Boeing or being on planes.
Particles on the tie: Had to come from working at Boeing.
Parachute experience: Had to come from the military, smoke jumping, or a lot of skydives.
None of this could have been learned from books, or talking to people, or from a few skydives? Someone who is in his 40's who given the time frame probably served in the military during World War II or Korea could not at some point in their lifetime travels have talked to enough people to pick up some of this basic knowledge? Or learned some from their own experience? Or learned just enough to think they could pull it off?
Again, I'm saying this was a borderline amateur hijacking. There was planning, but not the type I would expect from an experienced jumper or someone with elite military training. Now, if the intent was to hide their expertise and planning skills, then DB Cooper did a really great job.
I,respectively disagree with most of your “ had to “ conclusions. I never worked for Boeing but I was very aware of a number of the facts you mentioned but not all ! There is no proof that Cooper’s tie was actually even owned by him for any length of time.
Kermit-In other words, you agree with me. DB Cooper did not have to work at Boeing, be a paratrooper, or be an expert.
Fcastle866, you are correct. Cooper did not have to work at Boeing, be a paratrooper, or be an expert in anything.
There are only three things to suggest that Cooper had any specific aeronautical knowledge or experience.
First, Cooper told Tina that he did not need to read the instructions on how to put on and use a parachute. Tina said that he then put the parachute on like he had experience in doing so. There is no information as to whether or not Tina had ever seen a parachute before or seen someone put one on.
Second, Cooper told Tina that he knew the 727 could takeoff with the rear stairs down. He was apparently referring to them being in a "floating" position rather than being in a locked down position which would have presented difficulties in rotating the aircraft for liftoff. Rataczak had argued with Cooper and told him that the stairs had to be locked closed for takeoff. Cooper agreed to takeoff with the stairs up and locked just to get airborne.
Thirdly, Cooper knew that the 727 could fly with the rear stairs in a "floating" position. Otherwise, he would not specifically sought out a 727 for the hijacking.
The second and third items above are basically the only unique things that Cooper knew about the 727. He did not have enough knowledge of the rear stairs to know how to lower them even after being instructed by Tina.
Cooper's demonstrated knowledge of parachutes could have been acquired elsewhere in less than five minutes. His knowledge of the aft stairs on the 727 could have been obtained if he had witnessed a single test flight of the FAA mandated flight tests. Cooper's specified flap setting and landing gear position, as well as the altitude and speed, are not unique to the 727. But he could possibly have also obtained all of his 727 information from flight manuals, not news stories, on the 727.
Has this site been blessed with a librarian? Specifically, a librarian that knows how to find things in the National Archives and Records Administration and other government organizations?