Will repost this - hope Dave doesnt mind - it seems to have shut Blevins up cold over at TMN Blevins site!

shutter45 says:
June 9, 2018 at 6:40 pm
It’s hard to say..it could of been on the table two years ago and he is just milking it. time will tell..it must be true since it’s now a “historical fact” but so was the purchase of the house in cash. maybe he mixes up facts vs fax 🙂
the offers, extremely questionable. a total of $45,000 to read a few lines?
television “pitches” things to the networks..here is an email from Atlas..they were trying to make a Cooper series and I was picked along with 3 others to be on the panel..
So I got feedback today from producers and we’d like to cast you as part of the investigation team for the series!
The next step if you’re on board is I will be sending you a standard talent agreement between you and Atlas Media.
Basically it’s a good faith agreement that says you grant us permission to pitch on your behalf to networks and you agree not to sign with other production companies or networks for a DB Cooper project.
We make these for 12 months only because it’s a process and we do have to wait on network answers. Of course we’re going to make every effort to sell it quickly.
Once the show is sold – then we will know more details like how many episodes, shooting schedules, pay, etc.
For the agreement – I just need an address, I have your phone/email. This will all be done through email but we need an address for the agreement.
So Congratulations! We’re excited to work with you. Please send me that info ASAP and call me with any questions!
I’m in the office until about 5:30pm today pacific time.
Have a great weekend!
Mark Dalbis
Manager of Casting
Burbank, CA
Good job Dave!