Hi everybody, I'm back. My computer was busted for about a month and now I have a re-conditioned rig that I'm just learning how to operate. I can't even get my emails! UG.
I'm impressed that so many people listened to the Ground Zero show. Thanks! Even though Clyde pushes Gossett, it's clear that he has learned a lot about Norjak since I met him in Ariel in 2011.
I would have liked to comment on Gossett, but I didn't get the chance. Technically it was tough since I was on a "hold" on the phone line while Galen was in the studio with Clyde so they could banter.
What I would have asked would be how connected Gossett was to covert ops in Vietnam. Where did he learned the nitty-gritty about jumping from a 727? The 727s were used in apparently very secretive covert ops, maybe something like a special SOG-Delta Force team, because the SOG author, Major John Plaster, told me that none of his troops used 727s and he didn't know any outfits that did. So where were the 727s deployed? And how did Gossett get linked to them???
And thanks, 377, about the details between an NB-8 and the rigs an army trooper would have used.
Also, Clyde needs to confront a truth about Gossett, which is that Clyde told me that Gossett was the biggest bullshit artist he had ever met. If Galen and Clyde are developing profiles of Gossett and DB Cooper and seeing where they overlap, then this dynamic must be included. Additionally, Gossett's five wives is a red flag to me. Did DB Cooper have a bevy of gals? Maybe there's no way to tell, but a guy who has trouble with women doesn't seem to be a skyjacker of Cooper's caliber. My sense is that Cooper is a more stable man - a 45 year-old guy who has a gal that doesn't ask any questions. Like a career army wife.
Nevertheless, I do think it is charming that Clyde has so many overlapping connections to Gossett.
Lastly, I thought the interpretation of the painting of Gossett, where a background scene reveals a river and a man jumping over it, was quite a stretch. Clyde made many factual errors during the show, and the biggest one in my opinion was his saying that the Columbia River was fordable in 1971. Not so. The C is a huge river - it runs deep, wide and fast. That's why freighters go up it to Portland.
Lastly, lastly, I didn't get to say that Cossey's gambling buddies were very disappointed that the KCSO didn't investigate any of the bad boys in the Seattle gambling scene. Cossey's friends gave the cops names and places, and they say the cops did diddily-squat, which really pisses them off and leads them to think that a cover-up is in progress.