So the FBI still maintains possession of and control over the tie DNA? When the FBI closed the case and released the files, the DNA record was not released along with everything else? That's what I was curious about. Because if a citizen sleuth was able to get their hands on that DNA sample, that could really open up some doors thanks to the recent boom in popularity of DNA testing and websites like GEDMatch.
When Tom Kaye was in possession of the tie examining the particles, did he have it tested for DNA?
I believe the tie and parachute are now on display at the Smithsonian(??) Or at least they were(?) Not exactly sure of their whereabouts now. What are the chances a museum would allow for a DNA test of one of its artifacts? My guess is slim to none but who knows.
I believe the FBI has the tie.. and the Washington State Museum has the "unused" back parachute believed to be on the plane. Did Cooper touch that parachute??
Tom Kaye told me that there were around 14 partial DNA profiles found..
14 -- yikes. And all of them partials. So did Tom Kaye do DNA testing then? Or was his 14 number just what he was told by someone else? If Tom did in fact have DNA testing done himself, does he still have those records by chance??
I wonder how the FBI determined which one to use in their Lynn Doyle DNA test? Maybe they tested them all?
Is the unused parachute you refer to the one that was opened and cut for shroud lines? Cooper certainly touched those lines to cut them. But of course, how much of a DNA sample was left by him simply touching the lines (and not bleeding on them or getting saliva on them or anything else)? And how many other people (FBI agents, other law enforcement, etc.) touched those same parachute lines as well?
It's definitely a long shot. But a shot nonetheless.
If those cigarette butts ever turned up, I think it would be game over for Cooper given how far DNA technology has come.