Me and Skippy
Those of us who spent time on the DZ know that I endeavored to communicate with Skipp Porteous since his book came out. At first, we had a couple of Facebook exchanges that were indirect, and clearly indicated a medical condition was present. He never answered my questions about RMB, who contacted whom first, or what RMB's input was on the book. Rather, SP talked about enjoyed vodka and orange juice. Of course, I talked about Tequila, but my hope that we could go beyond bar room buddies never materialized.
My correspondence with him, such as it was, occurred while he was in Morro Bay. When he moved to Florida a couple of years ago he never corresponded with me at all.
However, Galen told me a lot about Skipp. Apparently they had a robust relationship in the post-GG era, 2007-2010. Galen told me that Skipp sought out RMB as a cheap and easy writer/publisher who could bang out the Kenny book on the quick. Galen repeatedly portrayed Skipp as an opportunist, looking for a quick buck, fame, glory, and a Hollywood rep. From that perspective it seems that Porteous' needs matched those of RMB perfectly. A couple of wannabes finding each other and dancing as brightly as they could until they burnt out.
I don't think that Geoffrey Gray and Skipp Porteous had much of a relationship. I spoke with Skippy once in New York when he still ran Sherlock PI, and asked him about seeing GG. He told me that he had no relationship with GG at all, other than the initial contact about Lyle. I told him I thought that was bullshit, and he laughed, acknowledging through his chuckles that he had a couple of beers with GG from time-to-time.
I'm not sure, at all, how much original sleuthing Skipp did. I don't know where the first batch of Kenny material came from - Porteous or Gray. My sense that they both began tip-toeing into the story, trading tidbits, and then GG went his own way. Remember, GG was CONVINCED that he was gonna get a Pulitzer for this.