New DB Cooper Podcast Being Developed
A young Citizen Sleuth named Darren Schaefer is cruising through Cooper Country this weekend gathering podcast material for an extensive NORJAK broadcast. He stopped by my place in Eatonville this afternoon and we had a delightful three-hour chat. He is very well-read on DBC and I found him to be a substantive fellow. In fact, he has the biggest and best library on Cooper, and it's tucked away in the back of his Prius. He even has a hard copy of Bill Rollins' book, which I had never seen before!
When Darren left my place he was headed to Sequim, WA to converse with Bradley Collins. Tomorrow he's coming back to the Puget Sound to talk with the Formans. Yesterday he interviewed RMB in the Auburn Library. On Sunday, Darren stops by Ariel to talk with Bryan Woodruff before heading back home to Boise.
In the course of events, Darren told me that he is originally from Cooper Country, and had even lived in Woodland. He was at the Ariel Party in 2012 and 2013 - getting drunk with his friends, he said - but I don't remember seeing him. 2012 was the Year of Christy (...Sigh...), and 2013 was EVick, Robb H, and me dancing away after the Tacoma Symposium during which I remember dancing with a beer in each hand, which is personal record for me of some sort. Gawd, I miss those parties.
Not sure when Darren's podcasts will be available, but when I know I'll spread the word.