This is kind of off topic, but it made me think of these boards anyway.
I just finish reading Clifford Irving's "The Hoax", his story about his attempt to sell as genuine an autobiography of Howard Hughes, that he helped write.
What was remarkable (and what reminds me of some people who have a favorite suspect) was how long he was able to drag this out because people so wanted to believe it was true, they'd overlook what was right in front of them. True, Irving had access to all of Time-Life's files on Hughes and had obtained a bootleg copy of an unpublished manuscript by Hughes' long time assistant, so the book was credible.
But, professional handwriting analysts paid by his publisher validated the handwriting on his forged notes. A lie detector test on Irving was "inconclusive". Even a reporter who knew Hughes, but hadn't talked to him in a few years, believed it was genuine even after a conference allegedly from Hughes himself saying he never met Irving. It didn't really fall apart until a Swiss bank released information that the H.R. Hughes depositing the checks was a woman (it turned out to be Irving's wife).
People believe what they want to believe and facts and evidence can't dissuade them. Hmmmm....I wonder why that made me think of these boards.