Today I have reviewed a lot of files and I talked to two retired agents who do not recall the name, Gene Bland.
These agents reminded me that up to the time NWA released an event-based (pressure event) search map, the whole flight path was under examination and searches were being conducted by all kinds of personnel from the area north of Portland clear down to Reno itself. The area around Eugene Oregon was being given special attention, and there were reasons for that (as we have commented before). FOIA files support that view (see attached).
After the release of the NWA search map based on a specific pressure event at ~8:10-11 pm, searches south into Oregon fell off, unless a specific tip had been reported warranting a specific search in a specific area. It is possible that Mr. Bland is recalling news of one of those searches but I cannot find any FBI file that documents any specific search in Oregon which involved 'muddy tracks leading to a vehicle'. There should be documentation of such a search if it happened.
Why would Bland have been brought in as a consultant at Reno? Was it because of his affiliation with skydiving - he seems to be saying that was the reason? There are no documents I can find that mention Bland at all, or the search and identification of a drop zone-escape event, in Oregon. Nevertheless until the NWA Search Map all areas of the fight path were under consideration, as expressed in the documents attached ...
<edit> There were searches being conducted in Oregon. That is a fact and it is documented in FBI files. Just none with the results Bland describes - at least no documents I can find document what Bland is describing. I will continue to research docs and report back later tonight and post some of the files I am finding .