Following GG's spin through the Vortex is one of my delights. In 2008, we had beers at the Ariel party and he told me that he didn't think that Kenny was Cooper. In 2011, particularly at the Portland Symposium, he was a HUGE supporter of Marla but her never said directly that he thought LD was DB. In 2013, at the Tacoma symposium he publicly stated that he thought KC, Duane, and Barb were prime suspects. In the course of discussions I think that he said that Petey was on the list, too, because Sail was in the audience and you know how he could get worked-up when his guy got dissed.
Hm, yeah, I don't take anyone's book as gospel, not least because the vortex spins on. Still, even suspects you tend to discount are fascinating unto themselves. And in some cases, not out of the question. Though KC fails as a suspect for me on EVERY level, which is exceptional. In what I've read of the book so far, GG's gotten some remarkable interviews, though - Alice, my God!
GG's book seems to bounce between Barb/Bobby, Duane (The Dos Equis Man, apparently), and Kenny, none of whom I pay much attention to as suspects these days (though part of me would love it to have been Dayton, and Dayton's story is worthy of attention even without the DBC angle, which is why the Forman book will be my next read regardless. Frankly, a fantasy dinner party with Dayton, Gossett and Peterson alone would be a gas even if none of them were Cooper. Maybe McCoy, too, that boy seemed to inhabit extremes - also, Mormon Skyjackers would be a great band name).
GG starts off in pursuit of KC but seems to be more drawn to Barb/Bobby later. McCoy's in there, too. As far as movie deals go - I don't know if his book is the basis of the Altitude movie in its lone online mention a few months ago, which apparently looks at 4 suspects but bottom line is I won't be watching any movie wherein 3 of the 4 suspects are too short and far off the Cooper description to really even be considered.
I expect GG's support of Marla was partly diplomacy and largely timing. The LDC story couldn't have come at at better time for the release of Skyjack. Anything I can't cross with the FBI docs/witness interviews or his own documented interviews I just assume is poetic license. It's at least an enjoyable read.