Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2376097 times)

Offline Lynn

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4680 on: March 31, 2018, 10:02:30 PM »
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Following GG's spin through the Vortex is one of my delights. In 2008, we had beers at the Ariel party and he told me that he didn't think that Kenny was Cooper. In 2011, particularly at the Portland Symposium, he was a HUGE supporter of Marla but her never said directly that he thought LD was DB. In 2013, at the Tacoma symposium he publicly stated that he thought KC, Duane, and Barb were prime suspects. In the course of discussions I think that he said that Petey was on the list, too, because Sail was in the audience and you know how he could get worked-up when his guy got dissed.
Hm, yeah, I don't take anyone's book as gospel, not least because the vortex spins on. Still, even suspects you tend to discount are fascinating unto themselves. And in some cases, not out of the question. Though KC fails as a suspect for me on EVERY level, which is exceptional. In what I've read of the book so far, GG's gotten some remarkable interviews, though - Alice, my God!

GG's book seems to bounce between Barb/Bobby, Duane (The Dos Equis Man, apparently), and Kenny, none of whom I pay much attention to as suspects these days (though part of me would love it to have been Dayton, and Dayton's story is worthy of attention even without the DBC angle, which is why the Forman book will be my next read regardless. Frankly, a fantasy dinner party with Dayton, Gossett and Peterson alone would be a gas even if none of them were Cooper. Maybe McCoy, too, that boy seemed to inhabit extremes - also, Mormon Skyjackers would be a great band name).

GG starts off in pursuit of KC but seems to be more drawn to Barb/Bobby later. McCoy's in there, too. As far as movie deals go - I don't know if his book is the basis of the Altitude movie in its lone online mention a few months ago, which apparently looks at 4 suspects but bottom line is I won't  be watching any movie wherein 3 of the 4 suspects are too short and far off the Cooper description to really even be considered. 

I expect GG's support of Marla was partly diplomacy and largely timing. The LDC story couldn't have come at at better time for the release of Skyjack. Anything I can't cross with the FBI docs/witness interviews or his own documented interviews I just assume is poetic license. It's at least an enjoyable read.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2018, 10:03:30 PM by Lynn »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4681 on: April 06, 2018, 12:09:58 PM »
Thanks to Tom's relentless FOIA pursuits we have a closer look into the FBI's internal processes examining whether McCoy and Cooper were one and the same.  The FBI concluded no, based mostly on flight attendant opinions. Other evidence also played a role in their conclusion, such as phone records.

Would have been so tidy if the FBI could have said that McCoy and Cooper were the same person and closed the NORJACK case.


Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4682 on: April 06, 2018, 07:22:22 PM »
News of Geoffrey Gray

GG put another feather in his cap, recently. He crafted and did the voice-over for a short documentary that is now airing on "This American Life," as seen on HULU/Showtime. The piece is on two boxers who are professional "opponents," guys who are good enough to lose to up-and-coming fighters.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 08:15:13 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4683 on: April 06, 2018, 08:13:53 PM »
A Big Hmmmmm.

A fellow named Gene Bland posted some interesting statements at the Mountain News today. Gene has come across our radar screen before, briefly, and has been unresponsive so far to phone calls. But he made himself known, now. Here are his comments:

 Gene says:
April 6, 2018 at 4:52 pm (Edit)
I was a consultant, subject-matter expert on the DB Cooper case for the FBI office in Reno NV. After he jumped the B-727 landed in Reno with three chutes still on board. One of the chest chutes was missing the container and he had jumped with an NB-8. From the time the back ramp dropped we figured he exited over the Willamette Valley in OR. Some tracks were found from that night walking out of a field and got into a vehicle.
To subsequent cases I worked on resulted in convictions, McCoy in UT and Heady in NV, but there are still some unanswered questions about the DB Cooper case. I have some ideas…..


The witness at the other end in Portland was Earl (Mouse) Causey. He picked out two pilot rigs as back packs and two training reserves for chest packs. He easily could have picked a sport rig hanging in the next room. We figured DB must have put the $200K in the reserve container he took with him. Without "D" rings on the pilot rig he had to have hooked the snaps up to the leg "V" rings.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 09:26:21 PM by Bruce A. Smith »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4684 on: April 06, 2018, 11:18:48 PM »
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A Big Hmmmmm.

A fellow named Gene Bland posted some interesting statements at the Mountain News today. Gene has come across our radar screen before, briefly, and has been unresponsive so far to phone calls. But he made himself known, now. Here are his comments:

 Gene says:
April 6, 2018 at 4:52 pm (Edit)
I was a consultant, subject-matter expert on the DB Cooper case for the FBI office in Reno NV. After he jumped the B-727 landed in Reno with three chutes still on board. One of the chest chutes was missing the container and he had jumped with an NB-8. From the time the back ramp dropped we figured he exited over the Willamette Valley in OR. Some tracks were found from that night walking out of a field and got into a vehicle.
To subsequent cases I worked on resulted in convictions, McCoy in UT and Heady in NV, but there are still some unanswered questions about the DB Cooper case. I have some ideas…..


The witness at the other end in Portland was Earl (Mouse) Causey. He picked out two pilot rigs as back packs and two training reserves for chest packs. He easily could have picked a sport rig hanging in the next room. We figured DB must have put the $200K in the reserve container he took with him. Without "D" rings on the pilot rig he had to have hooked the snaps up to the leg "V" rings.

Well, the obvious question is: how does he know Cooper bailed over the Willamette Valley in OR. ? 

Is he one of Coilbert's experts?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 11:20:06 PM by georger »

Offline MEYDC

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4685 on: April 06, 2018, 11:24:01 PM »
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A Big Hmmmmm.

A fellow named Gene Bland posted some interesting statements at the Mountain News today. Gene has come across our radar screen before, briefly, and has been unresponsive so far to phone calls. But he made himself known, now. Here are his comments:

 Gene says:
April 6, 2018 at 4:52 pm (Edit)
I was a consultant, subject-matter expert on the DB Cooper case for the FBI office in Reno NV. After he jumped the B-727 landed in Reno with three chutes still on board. One of the chest chutes was missing the container and he had jumped with an NB-8. From the time the back ramp dropped we figured he exited over the Willamette Valley in OR. Some tracks were found from that night walking out of a field and got into a vehicle.
To subsequent cases I worked on resulted in convictions, McCoy in UT and Heady in NV, but there are still some unanswered questions about the DB Cooper case. I have some ideas…..


The witness at the other end in Portland was Earl (Mouse) Causey. He picked out two pilot rigs as back packs and two training reserves for chest packs. He easily could have picked a sport rig hanging in the next room. We figured DB must have put the $200K in the reserve container he took with him. Without "D" rings on the pilot rig he had to have hooked the snaps up to the leg "V" rings.
There is a Gene Bland on facebook for a job as a cosultant for Astroid Aviation. I wonder if it's the same guy.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4686 on: April 07, 2018, 01:55:49 AM »
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A Big Hmmmmm.

A fellow named Gene Bland posted some interesting statements at the Mountain News today. Gene has come across our radar screen before, briefly, and has been unresponsive so far to phone calls. But he made himself known, now. Here are his comments:

 Gene says:
April 6, 2018 at 4:52 pm (Edit)
I was a consultant, subject-matter expert on the DB Cooper case for the FBI office in Reno NV. After he jumped the B-727 landed in Reno with three chutes still on board. One of the chest chutes was missing the container and he had jumped with an NB-8. From the time the back ramp dropped we figured he exited over the Willamette Valley in OR. Some tracks were found from that night walking out of a field and got into a vehicle.
To subsequent cases I worked on resulted in convictions, McCoy in UT and Heady in NV, but there are still some unanswered questions about the DB Cooper case. I have some ideas…..


The witness at the other end in Portland was Earl (Mouse) Causey. He picked out two pilot rigs as back packs and two training reserves for chest packs. He easily could have picked a sport rig hanging in the next room. We figured DB must have put the $200K in the reserve container he took with him. Without "D" rings on the pilot rig he had to have hooked the snaps up to the leg "V" rings.


While I am sure that the above will end up as proven facts in your next book, just take a couple of minutes to understand what he is saying and why it is a bunch of baloney.

There were only two parachutes on board the airliner when it landed in Reno.  One was an opened reserve parachute worn on the chest, and currently held by the FBI at who knows where, and there was a back emergency type parachute which is the one that was returned to its owner (Norm Hayden?) whom you have talked to and written about.

The aft stairs initially "dropped" just south of Seattle and there is no indication that they did anything except stream in the airflow at any point south of the Columbia River.  The Willamette Valley is south of Portland and finding tracks walking out of a field and getting into a car can hardly be considered a serious clue.  There were probably thousands of foot prints like that in the Willamette Valley that day.  And in any event, the FBI wasted their search efforts way north of the Columbia River.

As you hopefully already know, since you have spoken to and written about him at length, "Earl (Mouse) Causey" in Portland is probably suppose to be "Earl Cossey" in the Seattle area.  Cossey didn't pick out any parachutes related to the hijacking.  The two back packs came from your friend (Norm Hayden?) and the two chest packs came from the Sky Sports facility.

The NB6/NB8 parachutes didn't have "leg 'V' rings", whatever they are in the first place.  And based on my personal experience with NB6 parachutes, I doubt very much if anyone would still be in the harness after they opened a canopy that was attached to the leg straps.

So if you buy this fellow's story, be sure to pay for it with "bitcons".


Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4687 on: April 07, 2018, 05:58:13 AM »
More from Gene Bland

Gene says:   
April 7, 2018 at 2:13 am (Edit)   

Yep, Mouse Cossey gave them two NB6 pilot rigs without D rings and two student training reserves. When the 727-100 landed in Reno the FBI had me look at the ones left in the plane and I talked with Cossey on their phone. He took one NB6 and put the money in the chest container, leaving the canopy, the other reserve and NB6 in the plane when he jumped out.

    Gene says:   
    April 7, 2018 at 2:26 am (Edit)   

    When I spoke with Mouse Causey from the FBI office on a conference call to Portland, he told me he gave them two NB-6 pilot rigs with 26’Navy Conical unmodified canopies and two T-7 chest training reserves with 550 cord tying the canopy for teaching hand deploy.
    I inspected what was left in the plane and it was one of the Twill training reserve canopies minus the pack and one NB-6. We determined Cooper put the $200K inside the missing chest container and probably attached the butterfly snaps to the V-rings on the leg hardware as there were no D rings on the harness.
    Cooper had demanded two rigs and threatened to take a stewardess with him, thus guaranteeing the chutes would not be sabotaged.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4688 on: April 07, 2018, 10:55:02 AM »
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More from Gene Bland

Gene says:   
April 7, 2018 at 2:13 am (Edit)   

Yep, Mouse Cossey gave them two NB6 pilot rigs without D rings and two student training reserves. When the 727-100 landed in Reno the FBI had me look at the ones left in the plane and I talked with Cossey on their phone. He took one NB6 and put the money in the chest container, leaving the canopy, the other reserve and NB6 in the plane when he jumped out.

    Gene says:   
    April 7, 2018 at 2:26 am (Edit)   

    When I spoke with Mouse Causey from the FBI office on a conference call to Portland, he told me he gave them two NB-6 pilot rigs with 26’Navy Conical unmodified canopies and two T-7 chest training reserves with 550 cord tying the canopy for teaching hand deploy.
    I inspected what was left in the plane and it was one of the Twill training reserve canopies minus the pack and one NB-6. We determined Cooper put the $200K inside the missing chest container and probably attached the butterfly snaps to the V-rings on the leg hardware as there were no D rings on the harness.
    Cooper had demanded two rigs and threatened to take a stewardess with him, thus guaranteeing the chutes would not be sabotaged.

This can be settled with one phone call. Either he worked at or for Reno (or Repo) or he didn't!  :rofl:

I can find out in ten minutes if this guy is real or Mickey Mouse! Maybe five ...  C:-)  (If Gertrude ever gets off the phone, that is!)

You make the call. I'm broke! Paying for armed guards against all of the wackos on your website!

Have a sweet day.  :-*

(Sounds like another Bob Knoss or Klevon Leotard or Gray Gievette or RMB, to me). Is there a Gray Corvette?

« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 11:18:42 AM by georger »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4689 on: April 07, 2018, 11:13:37 AM »
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A Big Hmmmmm.

A fellow named Gene Bland posted some interesting statements at the Mountain News today. Gene has come across our radar screen before, briefly, and has been unresponsive so far to phone calls. But he made himself known, now. Here are his comments:

 Gene says:
April 6, 2018 at 4:52 pm (Edit)
I was a consultant, subject-matter expert on the DB Cooper case for the FBI office in Reno NV. After he jumped the B-727 landed in Reno with three chutes still on board. One of the chest chutes was missing the container and he had jumped with an NB-8. From the time the back ramp dropped we figured he exited over the Willamette Valley in OR. Some tracks were found from that night walking out of a field and got into a vehicle.
To subsequent cases I worked on resulted in convictions, McCoy in UT and Heady in NV, but there are still some unanswered questions about the DB Cooper case. I have some ideas…..


The witness at the other end in Portland was Earl (Mouse) Causey. He picked out two pilot rigs as back packs and two training reserves for chest packs. He easily could have picked a sport rig hanging in the next room. We figured DB must have put the $200K in the reserve container he took with him. Without "D" rings on the pilot rig he had to have hooked the snaps up to the leg "V" rings.
There is a Gene Bland on facebook for a job as a cosultant for Astroid Aviation. I wonder if it's the same guy.

Same guy, but he has a 1990 Cessna for sale. cosultant for Astroid Aviation ? Did you look Astroid Aviation up to see what it is? (NO!). Its a dealership - sales.

Do they sell boats too?

cosultant for Astroid Aviation is spelled "consultant". And astroid is spelled "asteroid"!  :congrats:

Oh and he may be 85. Am I allowed to say that much?  :chr2:
« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 11:16:10 AM by georger »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4690 on: April 07, 2018, 11:24:37 AM »
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More from Gene Bland

Gene says:   
April 7, 2018 at 2:13 am (Edit)   

Yep, Mouse Cossey gave them two NB6 pilot rigs without D rings and two student training reserves. When the 727-100 landed in Reno the FBI had me look at the ones left in the plane and I talked with Cossey on their phone. He took one NB6 and put the money in the chest container, leaving the canopy, the other reserve and NB6 in the plane when he jumped out.

    Gene says:   
    April 7, 2018 at 2:26 am (Edit)   

    When I spoke with Mouse Causey from the FBI office on a conference call to Portland, he told me he gave them two NB-6 pilot rigs with 26’Navy Conical unmodified canopies and two T-7 chest training reserves with 550 cord tying the canopy for teaching hand deploy.
    I inspected what was left in the plane and it was one of the Twill training reserve canopies minus the pack and one NB-6. We determined Cooper put the $200K inside the missing chest container and probably attached the butterfly snaps to the V-rings on the leg hardware as there were no D rings on the harness.
    Cooper had demanded two rigs and threatened to take a stewardess with him, thus guaranteeing the chutes would not be sabotaged.

Did you not hear the gears slipping as the guy told his yarn?  :good post:


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4691 on: April 07, 2018, 11:35:07 AM »
I hate to disrupt your important business here, but a new Cooper Barbershop Choir will conduct tests at Green Castle Firing Range today, at 2:30pm sharp. We expect about 30 in attendance. Gertrude is making ham sandwiches right now - must run! Master Gunnery Sergeant G.D. (USMC) is in charge.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 11:38:26 AM by georger »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4692 on: April 07, 2018, 02:25:17 PM »
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More from Gene Bland

Gene says:   
April 7, 2018 at 2:13 am (Edit)   

Yep, Mouse Cossey gave them two NB6 pilot rigs without D rings and two student training reserves. When the 727-100 landed in Reno the FBI had me look at the ones left in the plane and I talked with Cossey on their phone. He took one NB6 and put the money in the chest container, leaving the canopy, the other reserve and NB6 in the plane when he jumped out.

    Gene says:   
    April 7, 2018 at 2:26 am (Edit)   

    When I spoke with Mouse Causey from the FBI office on a conference call to Portland, he told me he gave them two NB-6 pilot rigs with 26’Navy Conical unmodified canopies and two T-7 chest training reserves with 550 cord tying the canopy for teaching hand deploy.
    I inspected what was left in the plane and it was one of the Twill training reserve canopies minus the pack and one NB-6. We determined Cooper put the $200K inside the missing chest container and probably attached the butterfly snaps to the V-rings on the leg hardware as there were no D rings on the harness.
    Cooper had demanded two rigs and threatened to take a stewardess with him, thus guaranteeing the chutes would not be sabotaged.

Again, "Mouse Causey" (Earl Cossey?) wasn't involved in getting any of the four parachutes that were provided to the hijacker.  If I remember correctly, per information in one of the recent FBI files released to Tom Colbert, the FBI were still trying to find Cossey very early on November 26th, the day after Thanksgiving.  By that time the airliner had been flown back to Seattle and the flight crew was back in Minneapolis.

For the condition of the one and only chest pack left on the airliner, just go to Tom Kaye's web site and do some reading.  In case you haven't heard, Kaye and his crew examined that chest pack at the FBI's office in Seattle (I think it was) and have a detailed description of it on their site.

Finally, there is no way you are going to get 10,000 twenty dollar bills in a chest pack container.

Gene Bland should stop trying to game us and get an appointment with his shrink.

Offline MEYDC

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4693 on: April 07, 2018, 02:56:31 PM »
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A Big Hmmmmm.

A fellow named Gene Bland posted some interesting statements at the Mountain News today. Gene has come across our radar screen before, briefly, and has been unresponsive so far to phone calls. But he made himself known, now. Here are his comments:

 Gene says:
April 6, 2018 at 4:52 pm (Edit)
I was a consultant, subject-matter expert on the DB Cooper case for the FBI office in Reno NV. After he jumped the B-727 landed in Reno with three chutes still on board. One of the chest chutes was missing the container and he had jumped with an NB-8. From the time the back ramp dropped we figured he exited over the Willamette Valley in OR. Some tracks were found from that night walking out of a field and got into a vehicle.
To subsequent cases I worked on resulted in convictions, McCoy in UT and Heady in NV, but there are still some unanswered questions about the DB Cooper case. I have some ideas…..


The witness at the other end in Portland was Earl (Mouse) Causey. He picked out two pilot rigs as back packs and two training reserves for chest packs. He easily could have picked a sport rig hanging in the next room. We figured DB must have put the $200K in the reserve container he took with him. Without "D" rings on the pilot rig he had to have hooked the snaps up to the leg "V" rings.
There is a Gene Bland on facebook for a job as a cosultant for Astroid Aviation. I wonder if it's the same guy.

Same guy, but he has a 1990 Cessna for sale. cosultant for Astroid Aviation ? Did you look Astroid Aviation up to see what it is? (NO!). Its a dealership - sales.

Do they sell boats too?

cosultant for Astroid Aviation is spelled "consultant". And astroid is spelled "asteroid"!  :congrats:

Oh and he may be 85. Am I allowed to say that much?  :chr2:
Georger your not my teacher, if I don't spell a word correctley I don't need it corrected. Maybe we should have a spell check option to click on. Another good option would be to click on a button and have a picture of someone giving you the finger when someone is being a dick.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4694 on: April 07, 2018, 05:18:25 PM »
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While I am sure that the above will end up as proven facts in your next book, just take a couple of minutes to understand what he is saying and why it is a bunch of baloney...

Why the dis, Robert? You don't even read my books, so how would you know what's in them or how I decide on what I include?