Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2376862 times)

Offline 377

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4635 on: March 23, 2018, 07:46:13 PM »
Jo morphs things. As time goes by, wishes become facts for her.

Duane has become a rigger, packer and an Intermountain 727 airdrop spotter.

Duane was also involved in operational use of the Fulton Skyhook system.

A relative who supplied paint to Being seems to have morphed into one of the principal designers of the 727.

Spook operatives tried to kill her by ramming her car and carefully staging it so that police accident investigators would find her at fault.

Duane had a VOR detecting vibrating corset and a special car CB radio that could also operate on the VHF aviation band.

Duane and "The Boys" engaged in all sorts of benevolent covert spook stuff for our govt.

Duane has not yet been connected to the Apollo landings or CIA Moon bases, so there appear to be limits to her claims.

I still like Jo and care about her, but she needs to stop exaggerating facts and stick to provable reality. I have counseled her on this to no avail.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2018, 07:46:37 PM by 377 »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4636 on: March 24, 2018, 02:59:24 AM »
The Jo Weber Follies Have Begun

I just saw this at the MN, from Nicky:

"Can we get back to norjack guys??? While you guys were busy bickering I was actually doing some sleuthing and I discorverd that not only was Klansnic the skyjacker but he had his army buddy John Shorkey who served in nam recruit an all star extraction team for the mission consisting of 3 army stand outs. The A team as they jokingly called it consisted of 3 army stand outs and these are all names us cooperites have heard before.... Robert Wesley Rackstraw, Richard Floyd Mccoy, and Duane Weber. I have it on good authority that this was all under the direction of the CIA. If everything checks out this could blow the whole case wide open!"


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4637 on: March 24, 2018, 03:01:08 AM »
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The Jo Weber Follies Have Begun

I just saw this at the MN, from Nicky:

"Can we get back to norjack guys??? While you guys were busy bickering I was actually doing some sleuthing and I discorverd that not only was Klansnic the skyjacker but he had his army buddy John Shorkey who served in nam recruit an all star extraction team for the mission consisting of 3 army stand outs. The A team as they jokingly called it consisted of 3 army stand outs and these are all names us cooperites have heard before.... Robert Wesley Rackstraw, Richard Floyd Mccoy, and Duane Weber. I have it on good authority that this was all under the direction of the CIA. If everything checks out this could blow the whole case wide open!"

2 fer $5 at Arbys!

Offline 377

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4638 on: March 24, 2018, 07:38:02 AM »
“I have it on good authoritY...â€

Really? That phrase, to me, is a surefire marker for
speculative claims.

I have it on good authority that:

The moon landings were faked.

Elvis is still alive.

The Detroit monopoly bought and suppressed the 200 mpg carburetor.



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4639 on: March 24, 2018, 01:44:37 PM »
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“I have it on good authoritY...â€

Really? That phrase, to me, is a surefire marker for
speculative claims.

I have it on good authority that:

The moon landings were faked.

Elvis is still alive.

The Detroit monopoly bought and suppressed the 200 mpg carburetor.


And Bruce's "good authority" probably knows what happened to long-missing Judge Crater.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2018, 01:45:53 PM by Robert99 »

Offline andrade1812

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4640 on: March 24, 2018, 02:50:11 PM »
There is no way James Klansnick would be involved with someone like Rackstraw, ever. And the only time I would expect Klansnick to spend time with someone like Duane would be serving him at a church soup kitchen.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4641 on: March 24, 2018, 03:31:58 PM »
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“I have it on good authoritY...â€

Really? That phrase, to me, is a surefire marker for
speculative claims.

I have it on good authority that:

The moon landings were faked.

Elvis is still alive.

The Detroit monopoly bought and suppressed the 200 mpg carburetor.


And Bruce's "good authority" probably knows what happened to long-missing Judge Crater.


Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4642 on: March 24, 2018, 09:59:49 PM »
OM, it is...

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4643 on: March 24, 2018, 10:38:20 PM »
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There is no way James Klansnick would be involved with someone like Rackstraw, ever. And the only time I would expect Klansnick to spend time with someone like Duane would be serving him at a church soup kitchen.

It appears he was also involved with Duane Weber's brother according to Nicky...


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4644 on: March 24, 2018, 11:30:36 PM »
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There is no way James Klansnick would be involved with someone like Rackstraw, ever. And the only time I would expect Klansnick to spend time with someone like Duane would be serving him at a church soup kitchen.

It appears he was also involved with Duane Weber's brother according to Nicky...

Yepper. All roads lead to Rome. They all conspired - together. There's a Plesosaurus in there somewhere. Oh! The Plesosaurus ate the money, before boarding a Russian sub going back to the Barents Sea. Marla was on board serving drinks...

Offline Lynn

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4645 on: March 25, 2018, 03:27:43 AM »
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“I have it on good authoritY...â€

Really? That phrase, to me, is a surefire marker for
speculative claims.

I have it on good authority that:

The moon landings were faked.

Elvis is still alive.

The Detroit monopoly bought and suppressed the 200 mpg carburetor.


And Bruce's "good authority" probably knows what happened to long-missing Judge Crater.
I don't think it was Bruce's "good authority"; he was just quoting someone called Nicky. And everyone knows Judge Crater was spotted in the 80s having brunch with Jimmy Hoffa aboard the Mary Celeste.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4646 on: March 26, 2018, 02:35:56 AM »
Mountain News Update

The DB Cooper mud wrestling craziness just got too crazy so I shut it down this evening. For those who would like to share DB Cooper information at the MN, please just send me an email and I will consider posting it.

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4647 on: March 26, 2018, 06:07:06 AM »
I don't think that's fair to the hardcore viewers at TMN. Mr. Blevins was to blame once again. this guy actually believes since he was blocked from communicating with me that it was okay to make accusations that I conspired to infiltrate his forum. not only did he state this, he claimed I paid someone to do this. he went further to add that I was going to get his website shutdown, not his forum for reasons unknown..accusations were made that I hired Nicky as my legal papers drawn up or anything to make this believable, only an email from Nicky claiming the above. Mr. Blevins admitted that it was probably not true but continued to post these type of comments throughout the thread on TMN as if the statements were true, giving no indication of being false.

The accusations went further to state that I was going to shutdown production of the film surrounding Roberts involvement. how this could be done is not known either. it's my understanding it's still on the shelf. the option was extended. this all goes back to mid January. a poster from here confronted him on these issues, along with more accusations that we were bypassed for the involvement to the film. some truth was brought to light because of his being confronted. I was alerted at a much later date about the accusations ending with the usual tennis match of comments. Mr. Blevins went to great lengths to make it appear true. once this was unraveled the blame was shifted onto me because I blocked him on my email?

I don't believe others need to suffer the actions of one individual that caused this..painting over rust will not prevent it from spreading further causing more damage..

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4648 on: March 26, 2018, 10:38:59 AM »
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I don't think that's fair to the hardcore viewers at TMN. Mr. Blevins was to blame once again. this guy actually believes since he was blocked from communicating with me that it was okay to make accusations that I conspired to infiltrate his forum. not only did he state this, he claimed I paid someone to do this. he went further to add that I was going to get his website shutdown, not his forum for reasons unknown..accusations were made that I hired Nicky as my legal papers drawn up or anything to make this believable, only an email from Nicky claiming the above. Mr. Blevins admitted that it was probably not true but continued to post these type of comments throughout the thread on TMN as if the statements were true, giving no indication of being false.

The accusations went further to state that I was going to shutdown production of the film surrounding Roberts involvement. how this could be done is not known either. it's my understanding it's still on the shelf. the option was extended. this all goes back to mid January. a poster from here confronted him on these issues, along with more accusations that we were bypassed for the involvement to the film. some truth was brought to light because of his being confronted. I was alerted at a much later date about the accusations ending with the usual tennis match of comments. Mr. Blevins went to great lengths to make it appear true. once this was unraveled the blame was shifted onto me because I blocked him on my email?

I don't believe others need to suffer the actions of one individual that caused this..painting over rust will not prevent it from spreading further causing more damage..

You're doing what he wants.  He gets under your skin and gets you to respond.  Just don't engage him.  That's the only reason he keeps posting.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4649 on: March 26, 2018, 11:34:18 AM »
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I don't think that's fair to the hardcore viewers at TMN. Mr. Blevins was to blame once again. this guy actually believes since he was blocked from communicating with me that it was okay to make accusations that I conspired to infiltrate his forum. not only did he state this, he claimed I paid someone to do this. he went further to add that I was going to get his website shutdown, not his forum for reasons unknown..accusations were made that I hired Nicky as my legal papers drawn up or anything to make this believable, only an email from Nicky claiming the above. Mr. Blevins admitted that it was probably not true but continued to post these type of comments throughout the thread on TMN as if the statements were true, giving no indication of being false.

The accusations went further to state that I was going to shutdown production of the film surrounding Roberts involvement. how this could be done is not known either. it's my understanding it's still on the shelf. the option was extended. this all goes back to mid January. a poster from here confronted him on these issues, along with more accusations that we were bypassed for the involvement to the film. some truth was brought to light because of his being confronted. I was alerted at a much later date about the accusations ending with the usual tennis match of comments. Mr. Blevins went to great lengths to make it appear true. once this was unraveled the blame was shifted onto me because I blocked him on my email?

I don't believe others need to suffer the actions of one individual that caused this..painting over rust will not prevent it from spreading further causing more damage..

You're doing what he wants.  He gets under your skin and gets you to respond.  Just don't engage him.  That's the only reason he keeps posting.

Mister Blevins is nothing more than a two-bit promoter who doesnt know when to stop, because there are lots of suckers out there willing to byte on his hook! Happy fishing folks...   :rofl: 
« Last Edit: March 26, 2018, 03:10:27 PM by georger »