Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2377664 times)

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4470 on: February 05, 2018, 02:20:11 PM »
This Rackstraw thing is, IMHO, utter nonsense and I'm sick to death of hearing about it - just some bunch of people who'll do anything to sell their movie, which I won't be watching unless it's got Ryan Reynolds' bare butt in it somehow. Absolutely despise faux history. (I'm sorry I sound so grumpy, gotta go see a doc about a busted toe and I hate waiting rooms.

I don't think he's shooting for a movie as much as a documentary...Robert Blevins has been shooting for the movie/fame/money end of the Cooper saga for almost a decade...

Ouch, on the toe...broke my big toe many years ago jumping off a bunk bed...never did anything about it..we were going to Disney world the next day so I didn't want to be left behind...very painful trip, even for as young as I was...
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4471 on: February 05, 2018, 02:27:42 PM »
Here is a color photo of Rackstraw (from Tom Colbert files) this was taken in October of 1971...
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4472 on: February 05, 2018, 02:35:34 PM »
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he has all the skills, including's the age and nobody identifying him that is the problem...

He may in fact have been over skilled and under-motivated for Cooper's crime. Plane hijackings were high risk small payoff compared to other opportunities to Rackstraw's liking... and I seriously doubt there would be an ideolect match between Cooper and Rackstraw. This is simply a Tom Colbert and OZ production. Where's Dorothy and the Tin Man?   

I have a different view Georger. $200K wasn't a small payoff in 1971. Rackstraw never seemed deterred by high risk. Stealing explosives form the military is high risk and he did that. Faking a crash into the sea to steal a plane is high risk and he did that. Murdering your stepfather is high risk and it looks like he may have done that. I think NORJACK IS the type of crime that an aviation-minded sociopath like Rackstraw might dream up. He had one hell of a grudge and all the skills. He needed money.

I just don't see any solid evidence that puts Rackstraw on the plane. Hard to imagine Rackstraw ditching 50K of the loot in an ill-fated attempt to fake a drowning. Why not wait to see where the investigation is going before literally throwing away $50K? According to TJC the banded bundles found by Brian were put there under the direction of Rackstraw. The odds that right underneath the plant spot there were thousands of shards from the money allegedly tossed from a small plane at another location years ago seems to be tiny. His age is still a problem for me as well.

I am keeping an open mind, however. Rackstraw joins Peterson, Braden, and others who could have done NORJACK. What we need is direct evidence that a particular suspect DID do it. So far, as I see it, that has yet to occur.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4473 on: February 05, 2018, 02:39:10 PM »
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Here is a color photo of Rackstraw (from Tom Colbert files) this was taken in October of 1971...

Might that be a "turkey gobble" under his chin? In my opinion, he looks older than his real age in that 1971 color photo. Still, no direct evidence puts him on the 727 and Tina did not ID him as DBC.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4474 on: February 05, 2018, 02:52:18 PM »
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he has all the skills, including's the age and nobody identifying him that is the problem...

He may in fact have been over skilled and under-motivated for Cooper's crime. Plane hijackings were high risk small payoff compared to other opportunities to Rackstraw's liking... and I seriously doubt there would be an ideolect match between Cooper and Rackstraw. This is simply a Tom Colbert and OZ production. Where's Dorothy and the Tin Man?   

I have a different view Georger. $200K wasn't a small payoff in 1971. Rackstraw never seemed deterred by high risk. Stealing explosives form the military is high risk and he did that. Faking a crash into the sea to steal a plane is high risk and he did that. Murdering your stepfather is high risk and it looks like he may have done that. I think NORJACK IS the type of crime that an aviation-minded sociopath like Rackstraw might dream up. He had one hell of a grudge and all the skills. He needed money.

I just don't see any solid evidence that puts Rackstraw on the plane. Hard to imagine Rackstraw ditching 50K of the loot in an ill-fated attempt to fake a drowning. Why not wait to see where the investigation is going before literally throwing away $50K? According to TJC the banded bundles found by Brian were put there under the direction of Rackstraw. The odds that right underneath the plant spot there were thousands of shards from the money allegedly tossed from a small plane at another location years ago seems to be tiny. His age is still a problem for me as well.

I am keeping an open mind, however. Rackstraw joins Peterson, Braden, and others who could have done NORJACK. What we need is direct evidence that a particular suspect DID do it. So far, as I see it, that has yet to occur.
Unfortunately, amid all the Rackstraw hype, I don't know where to look to get a bead on his mannerisms. Every time I read Tina's interviews - and I keep coming back to them not for fine details of appearance but for what he actually said and how he came across - I get a picture of a a soft-spoken, genteel man with the fine mannerisms typical of a businessman.

Now, anyone can fake a personality for a few minutes. But most people - and particularly those in the heat of something this huge - wouldn't be policing their body language much. The slumping mentioned could have disguised the specifics of his height, but apart from that I doubt he was policing his body language.

I believe Bruce mentioned Braden as soft-spoken? (I may be confusing him with the other B dude). Peterson's fine mannerisms are apparent in his History appearance. Wolfgang Gossett was a performer (that guy fascinates me; if fascinating = DB Cooper we'd have like 5 Coopers on our hands) and his paranormal videos show him as well-spoken (neither loud nor soft, but well-modulated with excellent diction.)

Does anybody have this kind of info on Rackstraw? I'm putting aside his gruff blow-ups at the media, but my "vibe" on him, like McCoy, is that the guy kind of came off shady/criminal. They look like crooks; did their body language and vocal tics match that? Did they have any kind of acting background that could disguise that? (Bearing in mind that a loud personality is easier to fake than to tone down for a long period).

I can't simply discount a suspect because I don't "feel" them. But didn't everyone, the first time they read of Cooper, form an overall picture of this "gentleman skyjacker" in their head? I just don't think any guy who looks/acts crooked/crude from the get-go would be a good match. Any video footage of the suspects named would be helpful. Not all suspects have been as cheekily public as Sheridan and Wolfgang. ;)

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4475 on: February 05, 2018, 02:56:47 PM »
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Here is a color photo of Rackstraw (from Tom Colbert files) this was taken in October of 1971...
I don't think he looks much older than his age here - 35 is the oldest I can see this guy being. He has the facial definition of late 20s (early 20s you're still soft and half-formed unless you're starving) but not the hard lines of post-35, and that's despite obvious sun exposure. And he has a crap ton of hair. He looks like one of my hipster uncles circa 1971. Anyone know how he speaks/moves? He has a slight double chin, but chubby people have that in their teens. A turkey gobble - well, Wolfie has it here:  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, and Sheridan had it in one of those Boeing shots in mid-1960s. A turkey gobble is not the same as a double chin - you'd have to ask Bill Mitchell what he meant by it - but you can have a thin face and a turkey gobble, which is like extra skin stretched from the chin. A double chin is to do with weight. Chubby children have them sometimes. I do see them as different, but again, you'd have to get Bill to define what he meant. Bruce may recall.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 03:02:48 PM by Lynn »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4476 on: February 05, 2018, 03:00:10 PM »
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4477 on: February 05, 2018, 03:10:33 PM »
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Much love, Shutter, you've saved me some annoying digging! Between Rackstraw and Sheridan, they could tease the underpants off J Edgar Hoover! And Wolfie would then use the underpants to prove the existence of spooks in the FBI!
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4478 on: February 05, 2018, 03:11:15 PM »
In the documentary Tina Mucklow listened to a recording of his voice from the 70's..she looked at the pics and ruled him out...this is a tough hurdle to get over when the main witness says NO...none of the living witnesses have ever come forward to any of these suspects...that tells a lot right there....

Television has caught so many fugitives it's uncountable..some dating back decades...this is why I find it odd that none of them come forward saying anything about these suspects that have been around for decades...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 03:13:34 PM by Shutter »
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4479 on: February 05, 2018, 03:16:23 PM »
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In the documentary Tina Mucklow listened to a recording of his voice from the 70's..she looked at the pics and ruled him out...this is a tough hurdle to get over when the main witness says NO...none of the living witnesses have ever come forward to any of these suspects...that tells a lot right there....

Television has caught so many fugitives it's uncountable..some dating back decades...this is why I find it odd that none of them come forward saying anything about these suspects that have been around for decades...
Yeah, that's the biggest hurdle - Tina. If she was unsure, I think she would have said "maybe" or "I'm not sure" - I don't think anyone would dispute her integrity, even if they might dispute her memory. I don't think she would have said no if she wasn't sure of her no. Remember, of all the people who would WANT Cooper to pay for his crime, those most traumatized by it must be high on the list. All the charm in the world doesn't make you forget that someone threatened to end your life and for 5+ hours you were on that edge.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4480 on: February 05, 2018, 03:22:13 PM »
They submit DNA...comes back negative...they say it's not Cooper's DNA
They submit prints, they come back negative...not Cooper's prints
The actual witnesses say no, they blame stress and trauma and no longer able to remember..
The money was planted, the pieces found deep below the find...problem for the conspiracy (work in progress to get around)
The sketch looks like Cooper, but the description is wrong...eye's, hair etc..

The sketch is a sketch, not a photo...odds are the description is much closer than the sketch, but they proudly post the suspect right next to it?

Most of them will strip away most of the evidence and shape it like Mr. Potato head..


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4481 on: February 05, 2018, 03:31:23 PM »
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Here is a color photo of Rackstraw (from Tom Colbert files) this was taken in October of 1971...

This photo is telling - shows the basic cranial/facial phenotype. That is NOT what the FBI sketches depict; not even close. Anyone with a smattering of medical or physical anthropology training can see that. It's no wonder Tina said Rackstraw was not Cooper!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 03:34:26 PM by georger »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4482 on: February 05, 2018, 03:35:45 PM »
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Here is a color photo of Rackstraw (from Tom Colbert files) this was taken in October of 1971...

Might that be a "turkey gobble" under his chin? In my opinion, he looks older than his real age in that 1971 color photo. Still, no direct evidence puts him on the 727 and Tina did not ID him as DBC.




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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4483 on: February 05, 2018, 03:46:20 PM »
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he has all the skills, including's the age and nobody identifying him that is the problem...

He may in fact have been over skilled and under-motivated for Cooper's crime. Plane hijackings were high risk small payoff compared to other opportunities to Rackstraw's liking... and I seriously doubt there would be an ideolect match between Cooper and Rackstraw. This is simply a Tom Colbert and OZ production. Where's Dorothy and the Tin Man?   

I have a different view Georger. $200K wasn't a small payoff in 1971. Rackstraw never seemed deterred by high risk. Stealing explosives form the military is high risk and he did that. Faking a crash into the sea to steal a plane is high risk and he did that. Murdering your stepfather is high risk and it looks like he may have done that. I think NORJACK IS the type of crime that an aviation-minded sociopath like Rackstraw might dream up. He had one hell of a grudge and all the skills. He needed money.

I just don't see any solid evidence that puts Rackstraw on the plane. Hard to imagine Rackstraw ditching 50K of the loot in an ill-fated attempt to fake a drowning. Why not wait to see where the investigation is going before literally throwing away $50K? According to TJC the banded bundles found by Brian were put there under the direction of Rackstraw. The odds that right underneath the plant spot there were thousands of shards from the money allegedly tossed from a small plane at another location years ago seems to be tiny. His age is still a problem for me as well.

I am keeping an open mind, however. Rackstraw joins Peterson, Braden, and others who could have done NORJACK. What we need is direct evidence that a particular suspect DID do it. So far, as I see it, that has yet to occur.
Unfortunately, amid all the Rackstraw hype, I don't know where to look to get a bead on his mannerisms. Every time I read Tina's interviews - and I keep coming back to them not for fine details of appearance but for what he actually said and how he came across - I get a picture of a a soft-spoken, genteel man with the fine mannerisms typical of a businessman.

Now, anyone can fake a personality for a few minutes. But most people - and particularly those in the heat of something this huge - wouldn't be policing their body language much. The slumping mentioned could have disguised the specifics of his height, but apart from that I doubt he was policing his body language.

I believe Bruce mentioned Braden as soft-spoken? (I may be confusing him with the other B dude). Peterson's fine mannerisms are apparent in his History appearance. Wolfgang Gossett was a performer (that guy fascinates me; if fascinating = DB Cooper we'd have like 5 Coopers on our hands) and his paranormal videos show him as well-spoken (neither loud nor soft, but well-modulated with excellent diction.)

Does anybody have this kind of info on Rackstraw? I'm putting aside his gruff blow-ups at the media, but my "vibe" on him, like McCoy, is that the guy kind of came off shady/criminal. They look like crooks; did their body language and vocal tics match that? Did they have any kind of acting background that could disguise that? (Bearing in mind that a loud personality is easier to fake than to tone down for a long period).

I can't simply discount a suspect because I don't "feel" them. But didn't everyone, the first time they read of Cooper, form an overall picture of this "gentleman skyjacker" in their head? I just don't think any guy who looks/acts crooked/crude from the get-go would be a good match. Any video footage of the suspects named would be helpful. Not all suspects have been as cheekily public as Sheridan and Wolfgang. ;)

Its interesting you say this - focusing on ideolect. If you read the stews testimony (and Rataczak's to some extent) there were a few times that Gentleman Cooper flew off the handle and issued "or else!" demands. There is no question he wanted and demanded control, but once he had that then things settled down. I think Tina and Flo sensed a kind of duality going on... something  just below the surface that should not be tested and I believe Rataczak and Cooper had a very real clash of personalities. Both being control types? In addition, it is very clear to me Cooper was very good and quick at discriminating personality types - he decided early/quickly that Flo was not a person to mess with whereas Tina was more reserved and easier to control, so he chose Tina. Cooper was all for the mission and focused on that, clearly. That hints at a decisive personality type who could be explosive if things dont go his way? When things go his way he is pleasant and almost accommodating?  Contrast his personality based on performance with someone like McCoy or Kaczynski! There are very clear important differences.  One has to wonder where in his life he picked up personality typing skills and why! That is a more common trait in females vs males and it is may point to occupational experience or training on Cooper's part? Keep in mind he throws in this admonition later: I will take you to a place you would like! Thats one helluva a statement if you think about it under the circumstances at hand ... its pure irony!   
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 03:53:25 PM by georger »
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #4484 on: February 05, 2018, 03:56:03 PM »
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Much love, Shutter, you've saved me some annoying digging! Between Rackstraw and Sheridan, they could tease the underpants off J Edgar Hoover! And Wolfie would then use the underpants to prove the existence of spooks in the FBI!

Ok that's enough - have to ask --- do you/did you have personal experience with J Edgar? Fitzgerald? You know where I am going with this ... should I stop?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 03:57:12 PM by georger »