I believe that is for dramatic responses by showing the comparison blend into one...they did the same with KC...the "wow factor"
Drahma vs facts! Rackstraw sure looks pissed in that wheelchair photo - I wonder what his age was then? 40-50? Maybe that's the real middle aged Rackstraw's face they should be comparing?
Actually, if I'm remembering the book accurately, I believe that photo was taken in the mid to late 70's when he was feigning disability to get out of one of the many times he was arrested (meaning Rackstraw was under 35 in this photo)...yet you put his age range as 40 to 50 (I'd agree w/ that estimate based on looking at the picture alone). Not saying Rackstraw's the guy, but I"ve always thought people have had way to narrow an age range on the suspect...
No, I'm gonna disagree on that . The age thing is HUGE. I don't know ANY 28-year-old that could be taken for as old as 50, the highest estimate given for DBC's age initially. A beard can mask age somewhat, but Cooper didn't have one. I had friends in their late twenties when I was in my early twenties, and we ragged them for being "old", but no one in their right minds would have put them at 40, let alone 50. So Bill, Flo, and Tina, the three best witnesses, would ALL have to have been around 20 years off. SO not buying. One decent witness might be that far off, but three?
Aging make-up is OUT. My hubby's ex field of work, and I was the model. It's a process. You cannot miss it up close. It will always look fake at close range, even with the best modern techniques and a pro on the job. And after hours, it also starts to come off. Stage, TV, or movies, there is always an artist handy to constantly refresh that makeup between takes. In 1971, forget about it. Maybe if Tina and Flo had seen him only at a distance I could buy it. But they sat next to him, Tina for hours. No sale.
Not sure what the code-break they claim is supposed to be, but (1) there is nothing to prove any of the letters came from Cooper, even if they all could be proven to come from the same person (2) there are plenty of people nutty enough to claim to be Cooper. Doesn't make them him. Never will. (3) I spent very little time on the code and have no background in cryptography. However, even the shortest dance with this can give you a different suspect. For example, military job codes were numbered. (One list is given as an example.) Any job starting "71" would be in a communications-related field - from clerks to journalists to attaches; one person could have had several different positions with a 71 designation. The "68" jobs were all in airplane technical fields. The "4" jobs were for translators and language specialists. I can think of at least two suspects, neither of them Rackstraw, who had several military positions worked in those fields, and were well enough travelled to be multi-lingual - and those are just suspects named here. I'm not sure what the "*" means - it could even mean the guy had a military star. Who the hell knows? Point is, the code can be interpreted to fit any theory you want if you look long enough. And even if you crack it, you can only ID the letter writer, not firmly link him to Cooper, who if he did write the letters would also likely have put red herrings in. You are not allowed to view links.
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LoginThis Rackstraw thing is, IMHO, utter nonsense and I'm sick to death of hearing about it - just some bunch of people who'll do anything to sell their movie, which I won't be watching unless it's got Ryan Reynolds' bare butt in it somehow. Absolutely despise faux history. (I'm sorry I sound so grumpy, gotta go see a doc about a busted toe and I hate waiting rooms.
