Institutional Culture at the FBI
The strengths and profound weaknesses of the FBI are on full display in another superb Netflix documentary. This one is called Unabomber Manhunt, and is a six-part series. The cultural blinders and restrictions that exist at the FBI are in full display throughout the case, as are the bureaucratic and political pressures present in the Unabomber case.
The show follows the work of James "Fitz" Fitzgerald, an innovative FBI profiler. Fitz's breakthroughs - and the essence of the case - are the unique styles of Ted Kaczynski's writings, especially archaic word usage and spelling, paragraph structure, and thematic content. This unprecedented approach to forensic analysis was fundamental to every aspect of the case: identifying a suspect, obtaining search warrants, capturing and arresting Kaczynski, and ultimately convicting him. At every step, too, was resistance from the Bureau and the DOJ.
One side note: for MKULTRA fans Ted is portrayed in the docu as one of the early lab rats at the Dept of Psychology at Harvard during the 1950s in their initial MK mind-controlling experiments, an experience that is depicted as being critical to Kaczynski's underlying anger and social isolation.
It's a gripping tale, and is well told. Kudos to Netflix.