Since there is a scamming/ spamming concern I will screen the applicants on my end who contact me asking for assistance in joining. At the least I can check and see if their email addresses are legit, etc. I didn't realize that there was more involved process to posting here. Over the past few years I have received a number of requests for assistance in joining the Forum, and have had to reach out directly to Shutter. Hence, the use of my term "issue."
The "issue" of spam would not be of concern to you. if they contacted you it's highly unlikely that they are spam. my reference to this is the fact of human spammers getting by the testing that only nets spambots. I get memberships with regular names, but once I check the email/IP's they end up from places like China, or Russia to mention a few, or they have domains attached with them that give clues to being spammers. they only want email addresses. that's the main goal of them joining. I can get 20 memberships in a week, and sometimes none of them are legit.
I thought the contact page was visible to guests, but it appears it is not. I will try to resolve this issue so people have a contact avenue to help the process of getting on board. I've also noticed I don't get emails about memberships, so I have some house cleaning to take care of.
I used Becki Green as a reference in a response to you. this was due to nasty comments made on a You Tube channel I have that is not connected to this forum. she told me it wasn't her and that she was at the library and didn't logoff. I responded back saying that it could be possible. a week later I see a notification and it was Becki Green once again attacking Robert Blevins this time, so it appears she was not being honest to me from the start. this would obviously be a person of concern with allowing her into the forum. a lot more goes on behind the scene that you are not aware of. I try to stop what you allow on your site with all the fake posters.
To date, the stats show 348 members. that's because it counts spammers. that's over 200 who tried to get in "illegally"

one of my concerns is safety to my members already here. do I get behind, I most certainly do, but it's due to real life issue's that over rule an internet forum, and for that I apologize and hope most can understand the lag in approvals.