Thanks, I was gone a lot longer than calculated. I was up in the panhandle, a place called "Niceville" doing some canopy work that didn't work out the way it was suppose was only suppose to be about a week, and turned out much longer. it's taken me a couple days to get things back in order around the house, and just the basic return thingy...I drove all the way back after a full days work so I was pretty out of it when you called me

not to mention the 11 hour trip that should of been only about 8 hours due to problems along the way....anyway, I'm slowly getting backup to speed...
I have everyone's information concerning the gifts, and will be contacting you soon with shipment...
You guys who have my number can call me at anytime, day or nite, so don't hesitate to pickup the phone if you have any questions, or concerns....
I have a lot of catching up to do hear in order to get back up to speed...
