To Bruce re wondering if Cooper were CIA and killed later... well, the corsican Lucien Sarti was killed in Mexico City more than a decade after Dealey Plaza. LBJ and his cohorts could not allow the true assassin of our President live, even if they hired him in the first place....
I digress....The one thing that is a stone in my shoe is no relative of Cooper has sung yet, assuming he perished (unless it were really LeClair and Clara). The infamy for his relatives something many would want... So I had a thought maybe as to WHY his relatives haven't sung yet. His relatives may be worried of asset seizure, say, if they inherited his house or whatever, bought with the ransom. They be in fear of losing it.
Or...If Cooper truly was a Canadian, his family might not care, as they aren't living in our American nostalgia, and irrelevant.