Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2376866 times)

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2835 on: February 06, 2017, 12:01:20 AM »
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the things I read on your blog from last year cause more concern than I already had with all the error's made.

What kind of concerns? Genuinely curious.

you posted a lot of mistakes that are in the book..things that should of been known if they were speaking through, or for Cooper..
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 12:03:53 AM by Shutter »
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2836 on: February 06, 2017, 12:02:39 AM »
I remember Blevins getting blasted for stating Scotty was in the back of the plane. it appears he read this book as well..

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2837 on: February 06, 2017, 12:08:12 AM »
Well, I hope I ain't a Blevins.
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2838 on: February 06, 2017, 12:09:06 AM »
We have one of the greatest unsolved mysteries and an author gets a letter from Cooper not long after the hijacking, and he sits on it for over a decade. that's a long time to gain trust, or what ever he is implying with his reason of holding the letter, and not turning it over to the FBI. it's typed out...untraceable..

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2839 on: February 06, 2017, 12:12:34 AM »
Well, I hope I ain't a Blevins.

Of course not, but it could end up being the reason it's not that well accepted...

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2840 on: February 06, 2017, 12:14:56 AM »
According to Gunther, he contacted the FBI about the letter in the summer of 1972. The FBI agent suggested that they treated situations involving someone contacting a member of the media a hoax until proven otherwise.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2841 on: February 06, 2017, 12:17:41 AM »
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Well, I hope I ain't a Blevins.

Of course not, but it could end up being the reason it's not that well accepted...

I just like writing, I don't need other people's affirmations. I'm certainly not doing it for the money.

But if I do start acting like youknowwho, ban me.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2842 on: February 06, 2017, 12:19:15 AM »
But if I do start acting like youknowwho, ban me.

I doubt that will happen either...

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2843 on: February 06, 2017, 12:23:50 AM »
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According to Gunther, he contacted the FBI about the letter in the summer of 1972. The FBI agent suggested that they treated situations involving someone contacting a member of the media a hoax until proven otherwise.

So, the book was published, and Gunther tried to "prove otherwise" the FBI didn't appear to pay much attention to the book...

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2844 on: February 06, 2017, 12:31:38 AM »
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According to Gunther, he contacted the FBI about the letter in the summer of 1972. The FBI agent suggested that they treated situations involving someone contacting a member of the media a hoax until proven otherwise.

So, the book was published, and Gunther tried to "prove otherwise" the FBI didn't appear to pay much attention to the book...

Gunther doesn't go into a great deal of detail, he only says that Himmelsbach wanted "positive proof" (something like one of the 20's, or even just a name). He also says the FBI took extensive notes on the story. And, sorry in advance for this, but in Into the B----, Himmelsbach is quoted saying he didn't like Gunther. So it's possible Gunther was seen as a sleazeball reporter trying to make a quick buck. I dunno... I'd love to see the FBI files on the interaction.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2845 on: February 06, 2017, 12:34:28 AM »
I emailed Tom about this. I'm interested in what he says about chemical plants. perhaps he has insight on this while going through the files...(the book)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 12:34:50 AM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2846 on: February 06, 2017, 12:35:42 AM »
Bob Knoss did the same exact thing to Jo, then he went further once he was on Dropzone....

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2847 on: February 06, 2017, 07:38:02 AM »
One of the reason I used Blevins as an example is due to evidence. Robert states a lot of things but fails to show any actual proof backing it up. nobody has come forward, none of the actual testimony has ever been shown. it all comes from one person telling the story. even the PDF is questionable, he states he hand delivered it, but also states it was sent? and by the way, the FBI doesn't look at potential evidence in a "cursory" fashion.. either it's valuable, or it's not.

Gunthers book seems to follow a similar trail. it's not that he held back showing what someone has claimed, it's just the claims can't be proven. "Clara" could be nobody, or only exist on paper. as Ralph stated (show me the money) should have been an easy task for this person. then you have the factual error's being made by someone who was getting first hand information, how could this happen? then you have the possibility that Clara was someone like Bob Knoss. he actually believed what he was saying and went to great lengths to try and explain his story, but stated things in a way that they couldn't be researched. Knoss made it into a book as well, Gray's book. he ended up taking Gray on a wild goose chase proving nothing...Clara could of been lied to as well....

I've seen a lot of wild things happen with this case. a lot of it surrounds people with suspects, not all of them but a majority tell some wild things. I'm not saying this book is all fiction, but I would need a lot more proof before I would give it any merit. has anyone really looked into how chemical plants function? do we have evidence proving the tie is linked to chemical plants? it appears to be more into the CRT realm vs other leads...this could also end up being wrong as well. it's to early to conclude anything.

My personal opinion is the book has a lot of problems for being known to have personal knowledge from the criminal himself. the lack of attention by the FBI is taken into consideration as well. the book was discussed on Dropzone years ago, but I didn't read everything from it, but it appears it didn't go over well there either.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2848 on: February 06, 2017, 07:41:06 AM »
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Did someone say my name three times?  :)

The Gunther book represents the first time physical evidence found after a suspect has come to light has confirmed part of that suspect's story. To me that was very interesting so I looked at the whole story, and got a book out of the deal. Now Tom Kaye believes Cooper came from CRT manufacturing instead of industrial chemicals. If you listen to his recent radio interview, it sounds like he admits steel production is a possibility. With 100,000 particles on the tie, we're going to get a lot of possible careers for our would-be Mr. Dan Cooper.

The Gunther text is not without problems, and I talk about those in the book too. Regardless, this is an unexplored area of the case; Gunther was not taken seriously by the FBI, and from what I can tell the FBI made no effort to investigate the matter in-depth. We can never know for sure because the FBI files on the case aren't accessible to us. I heard rumors that Geof Gray was trying to find Gunther's papers, though nothing has come of it. I believe Gunther's story is falsifiable, which means, is he exists, "Dan LeClair" would have to be from a limited pool of Canadian-born army enlistees from either New York or New Jersey. There are 3,500 total names in that pool. I've worked through about 100 of them. To me, all the other suspects have been eliminated so Gunther''s mystery man is the last real avenue to solving this case. Georger calls it mimsy, and he's probably right. Arguing about this isn't useful, if anyone wants to help me through my list of names, please, let me know.

I think Tom believes he can ID the tie from old photos. I know I recently found out Tektronix has complete photo yearbook of every employee they had from 1959-1970, if other manufacturers had similar employee yearbooks, and if they're still around, that will be another way the case gets solved.

That is certainly interesting. Have you been able to track one down?

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2849 on: February 06, 2017, 08:06:06 AM »
I think Tom believes he can ID the tie from old photos. I know I recently found out Tektronix has complete photo yearbook of every employee they had from 1959-1970, if other manufacturers had similar employee yearbooks, and if they're still around, that will be another way the case gets solved.

How can the public gain access to the yearbooks, will they send them to anyone, or do we have to find people who have them? (previous employee's)