Gray paid a substantial sum to put on the Portland Symposium and he didn't turn it into a slanted book promo event. In fact, he put Marla on the stage which predictably hurt the market for his own book. So before we start bashing Geoff Gray as a selfish disrespectful guy, think about what he has done so far. I see him in a more benevolent light.
Is it evil for him to try and make a buck off his Cooper FBI insider status? As Bruce Smith, Marla Cooper, The Foremans, Bradley Cooper and Robert Blevins can tell you, it ain't easy being a DBC author. There are no regular paychecks, no pensions, no health plans. The dream of a big payday remains elusive.
For those who are opposed to Gray making a buck off of the Cooper scene, don't worry. The Cooper Curse will have its way. It always does. Geoff won't be buying a Ferrari any time soon, unless the People's Horse wins the Triple Crown. 
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Alternate facts always deserve a first reading.
The rest of the real story today is: "
"We’re also in the process of breaking up contributors into Detective Squads that will be assigned to research different parts of the case to focus our efforts. One team will be assigned to the Money, for instance, another to the Sketch, the Flight Path, and on. If you are interested in joining a Detective Squad, kindly fill out our questionnaire here or below. If you've already filled out our form, take another look. We've added a few options. Thanks again and happy sleuthing. - GG."
But of course you already knew all of this, even as you posted above? So 377 could you tell us who Gray's Money and Flight Path experts are? Their qualifications? Are you in there somewhere?
Will you and Gray be doing your own particle analysis in addition to Tom and four others who have also announced or declared or proclaimed, in other venues? (BTW, I already have a report from one of those guys. You wouldnt believe it! Should I publish a book and expose it?)
Cooperland is really getting crowded with "experts" and "alternative fact makers". Such is the power of the vortex.

Hopefully all of this will be done with, books and articles written, tv docs done ... by the Centennial in 2071!
ps: If this all sounds like sour grapes, it is! But at least one of us is being truthful ... and for good reason.