I started this forum several years ago. We all know Dropzone was not getting anyone anywhere with certain individuals on that forum. The case couldn't easily be discussed.
We have managed to show people like “Amazon” that we could get along as a team. We have proven this many times over. I'm proud we achieved that, and proud to have everyone who was a part of that on this forum, my hats off to all of you.
I'm an old school type of guy. I don't back down from things, I stand up for what I believe is right. I don't change my mind often when it comes to someone doing something wrong. I hang on to the paddle while they go up shits creek without it. It's not my job to keep throwing the paddle back.
Lately, I have noticed the lack of communication and have been wondering what the cause could be. Are we talked out, have we come to the end? I realize everything has been covered a hundred times over, but hopefully we can overcome the darkness.
The new project will spark some interest, but it will be a very long test. Lots of time between updates. My goal is not to spark discussion as much as it is to help the case. The simulation was the first step in getting resolution. The bills could raise a lot of eye brows once it's complete. Answers is what I seek. We can argue till 2020 about who Cooper was, or we can try and find out what he did, or what happened. Simulation, and recreation are the best tools we have. Not that we don't have some sharp minds on here with theories, but putting things to the test is the way to go in my opinion.
My butt would be up the same creek if I didn't have Meyer Louie stepping up to the plate as the key person in this new project, so my hats off to him as well. No I in team on this forum. It's a group effort. I like people taking on a challenge and getting involved.
Lets see how things play out. I appreciate the kind words...