did the chute really have an X on it? it was missed by a well known skydiver
This is a critical issue. Consider: how did Lynn Emerich miss an "X" stitched on his chute, then how did the WSP trooper fail to question it? Then, how come George Harrison didn't raise eyebrows at the NWO freight desk when the X-Chute arrived, nor anyone else handling the chute on the way to the tarmac and Flight 305. Even, Al Lee approved of it, too!
It's hard to imagine that all of these folks gave the bum chute a pass, especially when the general thinking was that the extra chutes were destined for Tina or some other crew member. What? NWO had NO Concern for its liability in giving a bad chute to the skyjacker, who could then turn around and use it to kill a crew member on the day before Thanksgiving? Donald Nyrop was really gonna take a chance on those optics? I don't think so.
Plus, we have no pix of the X-Chute. No corroboration of its X-ness.
So, the "X-Chute" is suspect. So is the speculation that Cooper used it - again, no corroboration.
So, using the X-ness of this front chute to help build a case that Cooper was a dummy, or died because the chute was a dud, is hard to accept in my view.
It is more plausible, to me, that the X-ness story developed as the Cooper profile shifted to the notion that DB Cooper was just smart enough to get himself killed, ala Earl Cossey and the Grand Flip-Flop, ie: DBC was a pro skydiver to he-was-an-idiot-who-cratered.
To chase this angle down means finding all the documents, and determining when the X-Chute story first appeared in the Official Norjak Narrative.
Perhaps the guys at the Smithsonian, along with us super-snoopers, will find that info eventually. After all, I've got my FOIA into James Comey, so it shouldn't be too long before I get my hands on the stuff. (smile).
Further, something that should not be discounted is that most of the Special Forces guys that I've talked to are convinced that Cooper was one of them.
Also, the initial position of the FBI was that Cooper was a smart, savvy hijacker. The Dumb Shit profile came later, and the political pressures to develop that perspective can not be overlooked.