I've spoken to Russ, and I've seen him in videos several times being interviewed. To characterize him or the people he investigated as "slobbering incompetents" is incorrect in my view and demeaning to all, unnecessarily.
To also suggest that he and Bernie are merely trying to sell books is incorrect, imo.
For character witnesses, I've spoken with Nick O'Hara, the guy who shot and killed McCoy in Virginia Beach. He is a solid G-man in my opinion, and trusts Bernie well enough to spend time with him in St Petersburg, Florida every February. O'Hara has also indicated to me that many in the Bureau support Calame's findings on McCoy, especially in the SLC area.
Nevertheless, it would seem important to also interview the other agents involved, such as those named in the file: Schmidt, Bell, Newpher, and Stone. Why Calame and Rhodes didn't, and why they were not mentioned in the book needs to be clarified.