The FLAW does not put him on the plane. The FBI obviously didn't believe his Nepal childbirth alibi so the FLAW isn't a pivotal issue. It didn't prevent the FBI from proceeding further. The FBI sent the lovely SA MJ Fryar to get a DNA sample and she did obtain one. After that visit the FBI apparently decided not to further pursue Sheridan as a NORJACK suspect. My guess is that they ruled him out when comparing Sheridan's DNA to partial DNA they believed to have originated from DBC.
Sheridan has ALL the skills needed to have pulled the job off successfully, but that doesn't prove that he was DB Cooper.
He also worked at Boeing where non alloyed Ti was used and he may have had access to 727 drop test data.
All we have is circumstantial evidence. We have nothing that puts Sheridan on the plane or connects him with the loot. Its reasonable to assume his photos were among those reviewed by Tina. If Tina had said Sheridan was likely DBC, the History Channel would have had an incredible scoop. Having located Tina and secured her cooperation, they certainly wouldn't have missed that opportunity.
Sheridan's book has some remarkable parallels to NORJACK, but that doesn't prove anything.
I'm still betting the FBI has more conclusive DNA evidence than they admit. They might still have the cig butts and a good DNA sample. The origin of tie DNA is open to question. Cig butt DNA collected from the right spot on the plane would be Cooper's for sure.
We have many "suspects" who had the qualifications to do the job, Peterson, Braden and Rackstraw among them. But so far we have no DIRECT unequivocal evidence tying any suspect to the plane or the loot.
The ship of fools sails into the vortex... and I am on the foredeck.