Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2377273 times)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2460 on: September 17, 2016, 02:59:45 AM »
Galen reads this Forum with some frequency. He's not as au courant avec Le Cooper as he once was, but he's not dormant.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2461 on: September 19, 2016, 01:03:11 PM »
The HC channel implied that the FBI never compared Sheridan's DNA to any suspected DBC DNA. Hard to believe they'd go to the trouble of collecting it and then do nothing with it.

Sheridan Peterson is not a violent person from everything I can tell. He abhorred the CIA backed violence against villagers that he saw in Vietnam. He has been an active protester against govt and racist violence for many years. I just can't see him terrifying innocent people with an alleged bomb. Doesn't fit his character. No criminal history either. Stiffing Sailshaw on rent was a civil matter, not a crime.

But man, Sheridan sure had EVERY SINGLE skill needed for NORJACK. When he said to the HC interviewers: "I'd have made it" he was explicitly acknowledging that fact. He was one bad ass fearless out of the box skydiver. Smoke jumper too. Both 100% confirmed.

Stiil, ability to do NORJACK is a far cry from proving participation.



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2462 on: September 20, 2016, 10:14:57 AM »
377  How do you explain away Sheridan Peterson's lie to the FBI about where he was at Norjak Time, The phony FLAW in his alibi that he was delivering one of his two children in Nepal and Norjak was in 1971 and his two children were not born in the same year as Norjak? The son in 1970 and the daughter in 1972 per public records from Why would he lie (a Federal Crime in its self with jail time) to the FBI unless he was trying to cover up that he did the Norjak Caper and he is DB Cooper.?
   The real question is why is the Seattle FBI Office trying to stonewall and not solve the case. They have had my suggestion about the FLAW in his phony alibi since February of this year and now they slam the door and close the case. Why the cover-up? Had Sheridan claimed he was working for the CIA in Vietnam like he said in the History Channel interview "all those guys (the ex Smoke Jumpers in Vietnam) were working for the CIA" Does that mean himself too as he was an ex Smoke Jumper then? Would the FBI avoid solving the case with the FLAW I found in his phony alibi just because he worked for the CIA?

Bob Sailshaw
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2463 on: September 20, 2016, 01:41:00 PM »
The FLAW does not put him on the plane. The FBI obviously didn't believe his Nepal childbirth alibi so the FLAW isn't a pivotal issue. It didn't prevent the FBI from proceeding further. The FBI sent the lovely SA MJ Fryar to get a DNA sample and she did obtain one. After that visit the FBI apparently decided not to further pursue Sheridan as a NORJACK suspect. My guess is that they ruled him out when comparing Sheridan's DNA to partial DNA they believed to have originated from DBC.

Sheridan has ALL the skills needed to have pulled the job off successfully, but that doesn't prove that he was DB Cooper. 

He also worked at Boeing where non alloyed Ti was used and he may have had access to 727 drop test data.

All we have is circumstantial evidence. We have nothing that puts Sheridan on the plane or connects him with the loot. Its reasonable to assume his photos were among those reviewed by Tina. If Tina had said Sheridan was likely DBC, the History Channel would have had an incredible scoop. Having located Tina and secured her cooperation, they certainly wouldn't have missed that opportunity.

Sheridan's book has some remarkable parallels to NORJACK, but that doesn't prove anything.

I'm still betting the FBI has more conclusive DNA evidence than they admit. They might still have the cig butts and a good DNA sample. The origin of tie DNA is open to question. Cig butt DNA collected from the right spot on the plane would be Cooper's for sure.

We have many "suspects" who had the qualifications to do the job, Peterson, Braden and Rackstraw among them. But so far we have no DIRECT unequivocal evidence tying any suspect to the plane or the loot.

The ship of fools sails into the vortex... and I am on the foredeck. ;)


« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 01:42:17 PM by 377 »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2464 on: September 20, 2016, 02:00:09 PM »
Jib 'ho, matey!

377, I think you ascribe too much sleuthing to LMNO and the History Channel when it comes to Tina Mucklow. I doubt very much that they pushed her about anything, including Sheridan. They clearly did not ask her to explain her 30-year disappearence, her arrival at the convent and then her subsequent departure, her residency at the Gresham convalescent center, or her inconsistent statements to the Eugene Weekly about working for NWO until 1981 and flying primarily  to the Orient. Nor did the HC challenge her on her account of how DBC showed her how the bomb worked. That bit was a first. I had never heard that account ascribed to Tina - I had always thought it was Flo who got the tutorial.

I get the sense that Tina was driving the HC bus, and it was "her way or the highway."
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 02:01:27 PM by Bruce A. Smith »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2465 on: September 20, 2016, 02:09:00 PM »
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Jib 'ho, matey!

377, I think you ascribe too much sleuthing to LMNO and the History Channel when it comes to Tina Mucklow. I doubt very much that they pushed her about anything, including Sheridan. They clearly did not ask her to explain her 30-year disappearence, her arrival at the convent and then her subsequent departure, her residency at the Gresham convalescent center, or her inconsistent statements to the Eugene Weekly about working for NWO until 1981 and flying primarily  to the Orient. Nor did the HC challenge her on her account of how DBC showed her how the bomb worked. That bit was a first. I had never heard that account ascribed to Tina - I had always thought it was Flo who got the tutorial.

I get the sense that Tina was driving the HC bus, and it was "her way or the highway."


Your obsession with Tina is showing!  She deserves better.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2466 on: September 20, 2016, 02:13:15 PM »
What does Tina deserve? Specifically, what do you think she deserves from me? No questions? No investigation?

What do you think the primary witness to one of the top unsolved crimes in America deserves? On the flip side, what do we deserve from Tina?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 02:13:36 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2467 on: September 20, 2016, 02:36:26 PM »
Bruce wrote: "377, I think you ascribe too much sleuthing to LMNO and the History Channel when it comes to Tina Mucklow. I doubt very much that they pushed her about anything, including Sheridan."

I disagree. I'll bet they showed her photos of every credible suspect. It would be CRAZY to blow that opportunity and the HC folks were far from crazy. Tom Fuentes knows his way around the block. He did street time as a city beat cop and ended up running the international ops of the FBI. He would have LOVED to solve NORJACK and would have taken every available opportunity to do so.

I think its safe to say Tina has seen a lot of photos and has yet to see one that she recognizes as Cooper.

Tina sure didn't present as a shattered PTSD wracked "survivor" incapable of offering meaningful assistance in IDing suspects. Far from it in my opinion.


Offline MarkBennett

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2468 on: September 20, 2016, 03:34:48 PM »
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Bruce wrote: "377, I think you ascribe too much sleuthing to LMNO and the History Channel when it comes to Tina Mucklow. I doubt very much that they pushed her about anything, including Sheridan."

I disagree. I'll bet they showed her photos of every credible suspect. It would be CRAZY to blow that opportunity and the HC folks were far from crazy. Tom Fuentes knows his way around the block. He did street time as a city beat cop and ended up running the international ops of the FBI. He would have LOVED to solve NORJACK and would have taken every available opportunity to do so.

I think its safe to say Tina has seen a lot of photos and has yet to see one that she recognizes as Cooper.

Tina sure didn't present as a shattered PTSD wracked "survivor" incapable of offering meaningful assistance in IDing suspects. Far from it in my opinion.


They panned the coffee table when they were talking to Tina, LD Cooper's picture was there.  I have to believe that wasn't the only one.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2469 on: September 20, 2016, 03:55:22 PM »
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What does Tina deserve? Specifically, what do you think she deserves from me? No questions? No investigation?

What do you think the primary witness to one of the top unsolved crimes in America deserves? On the flip side, what do we deserve from Tina?

Well... its clear what you want is some kind of personal private (trophy) relationship with Tina, more than has anything to do with any investigation of NORJAK. Just just aint gonna happen, not in this Universe!  :))  Settle for Marla Maples or ChloĆ« Sevigny instead!  >:D  Personal rejection is hard to take.  :))

You seem to feel entitled to this!  :P
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 04:25:59 PM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2470 on: September 20, 2016, 04:58:10 PM »
If Tina chooses to talk only to you, Georger, that is fine with me as long as you are willing to talk with me about what she said.

Of course, a direct conversation with Tina is my preferred state, rather than second-hand statements. But with Ms. Mucklow, I can be flexible...

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2471 on: September 20, 2016, 06:57:16 PM »
A gentleman by the name of Albert Lainer will be joining this forum. he lives in Hawaii, and is a freelance writer, journalist. he seems pretty up to speed with the case, so I invited him to the forum.


Offline nickyb233

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2472 on: September 20, 2016, 10:08:10 PM »
I am excited to announce that I will be working with the Viceland channel on a Cooper Special. It will focus on my working theory that Rackstraw was the Hijacker and worked with a team consisting of Sheridan, Kenny, Duane, and Lyle. We are scheduled to start filming in February, will be keep you guys posted.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2473 on: September 21, 2016, 12:20:52 AM »
"Rackstraw was the Hijacker and worked with a team consisting of Sheridan, Kenny, Duane, and Lyle."

Duane? You lost me there. Why pick a guy who is a proven cop magnet?



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2474 on: September 21, 2016, 01:30:14 AM »
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"Rackstraw was the Hijacker and worked with a team consisting of Sheridan, Kenny, Duane, and Lyle."

Duane? You lost me there. Why pick a guy who is a proven cop magnet?


Once again Benny Ambrose gets left out! You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 01:36:19 AM by georger »