It's not unusual for country folks to have firearms in Cooper country, or anywhere else in WA state. I'm not sure what the concern is all about.
I'm not talking about quaint customs. I'm talking about the increase in the number of incidences of open carry encounters, generally perpetrated by aggressive looking folks, like bikers. Earlier this summer, I stopped at a red light in Puyallup on the way to Good Sam Hosp. for a therapy session, and next to us was a biker with a Glock-9 on his hip. I freaked out. I was very upset.
I consider open carry a veiled form of assault. People who chose to display lethal power in public when there is no obvious need are causing a provocation. They need to take responsibility for how their actions affect others, and the guys I see packin' heat don't seem to feel the need to do so. That in turn tells me that they may not have the emotional and internal restraints necessary to keep them from shooting me in the back if they feel they need to do so.
Remember, "Everyone hates you," as I am repeatedly told. I agree, I feel it and I see it. Lots of people don't like me, and some very strongly. Add into that the obvious jealousies from RMB and his years of campaigning to destroy my reputation and presence in Cooper World. So I do move in this world with an elevated degree of vigilance. Not to do so would be imprudent, in my view.
So, to blow off my concerns and say that bringing guns to a DB Cooper celebration is just a bunch of country boys being country boys is both naieve and offensive.
Im not here to debate conceal & carry for self defense. What other purpose can carrying a gun in public have?
In examining another person's behavior however some key questions apply:
*Has the person ever been aggressive toward other people ?
*Made threats against others?
*Followed through in their threats against other people?
*Alleged a grievance, real or imagined, and threatened action against other people?
*Independently overtly stalked or harassed or intimidated others?
*Engaged in a long-term pattern of stalking, harassing, and intimidating others?
*Been judged by others as a threat with disciplinary actions taken?
*Ever been turned into law enforcement for threats and intimidation and overt acts against others?
Those are some of the key questions which apply in this matter.