Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2377647 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2385 on: September 02, 2016, 09:07:11 PM »
Meyer L wrote: Blevins and I have turned over a new leaf.  We have let by-gonres be by-gones.  I have no problem with Robert.  He's put a lot of time, effort, and some funds into helping out with the Ariel restoration.  I cannot, and will not, find fault with that or Blevins himself.  In fact, I have offered to help out in any way I can.  It's time to get along and work together.

Good for you Meyer, working things out with RMB, and welcome back. Glad your eyesight was saved!!!!


well, that's all fine and dandy. what Robert has done online is an entirely different story. he owes this forum an apology, it's not the other way around. nobody said anything bad about Dona, nobody wanted the store to fail. this has been 3 years of him calling people "scumbag" "Low Life's" "phonies"etc. etc. he was a problem on the DZ, and he continues to be a problem ONLINE.

He can't handle criticism about Kenny, he avoids truth that was found out about his evidence. he took forever to remove the false information. he's rude with people's theories about anything related to the case.

He lied about things surrounding Kenny.
He lied about a statement made about the Travel channel.
He lied when he stated he wouldn't steal material from this site.
He allowed his own mod to use words like "scumbag" he recently called people here "low life's" "phonies" etc.
He takes everything out of context.
He's spiteful, vindictive, hateful, arrogant, all rolled into one.

He does everything he acts out against? I will not conform to such a person.

He was banned for a reason, and that reason still stands. this is not a competition. this site was forum'ed due to the lack of research being done on the DZ. one of the main problems was Robert, and two others. plenty of jumpers were sending PM's as well complaining, not just active posters. I seen the end coming, so in order to function you must cut the fat out. that's what I did. plenty has been done on this forum, and much quicker than on the DZ.


Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2386 on: September 02, 2016, 09:30:14 PM »
The Ariel Afterglow Peace Treaty

Promising not to lie is a good start. But I think more needs to be done to mesh a true Cooper Family and Team.

For me, I don't need an apology, but I do need an acknowledgement that the following have caused me personal pain and triggered negative professional impacts.

Here's my list that I need to have addressed:

1. Death threats
2. Telling the Auburn Police Department that I was the Number One terrorist suspect in their bomb threat scare.
3. Endless mind-fucking at the DZ, the DBC Forum, the Mountain News, emails, and personal barrages.
4. Not receiving any journalistic courtesies from a variety of parties at a variety of venues over the years, despite my solid dedication to getting the DBC story.
5. Free, unsolicited psychiatric counseling along the lines of :"Bruce, EVERYONE hates you." - So?

I am not going to name names, call out who performed what behavior, or describe what happened and when. That is for those individuals to determine how best to accomplish this Herculean task of reconciliation.

It's like Reagan's "Trust but Verify."

Here's it's "Love, but Prove it."
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 09:38:39 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2387 on: September 02, 2016, 09:37:33 PM »
Too much damage has been done. I thought the arrangement was that we need them, more than they need us?

The Ariel store is a place that celebrates a hijacking. I research the case. it's two different things.

Bryan needs to start speaking out. it's his tavern. he is more than welcome to post here, but for some reason he thinks someone has already joined for him? he stated several times "please remove my name if someone is using it"

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2388 on: September 02, 2016, 09:42:48 PM »
And Bryan's refusal to control RMB's canard so the BBQ would get Mountain News coverage?

And this is after his two written invitations to me, which RMB reportedly squashed.

Smart move, or just more Dumb Fuck behavior?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2016, 09:44:16 PM by Bruce A. Smith »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2389 on: September 02, 2016, 09:45:33 PM »
I understand Shutter.  Remember, I got banned from the DZ thread because I lost it with Blevins.  I hear you loud and clear, Blevins has done some unsavory things.  No doubt about it.  Maybe nearly losing my eyesight  has changed my outlook.  I can't see wasting a lot of time and negative energy on a guy who isn't even here anymore.  What I do know is that the Ariel restoration is most likely a good thing, and I have offered to help out in any way I can.  Bryan told me he wants to accomplish just one thing -- to build a memorial to his mother and to the tradition that she built.  Nothing wrong with that.  In fact, it's a good thing.  I am going to stay out of the controversy with Blevins and Bryan -- I heard all about what they have said and done.  Will my opinion change any of that?  Not.  I have more important things to do and think about -- like finding a new job, formalizing my own theory about the Cooper Caper -- finally, and planning my next field trip to Cooper country.  Being there in person is the best.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2390 on: September 02, 2016, 09:49:47 PM »
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And Bryan's refusal to control RMB's canard so the BBQ would get Mountain News coverage?

And this is after his two written invitations to me, which RMB reportedly squashed.

Smart move, or just more Dumb Fuck behavior.

Yep, and him constantly stating "he tried speaking with Bryan" more lies.

Your website is a well known Cooper outlet, and yet, they wish to remove you from there menu? this whole forum was banned I believe at one point? the flip flopping is ridiculous to say the least. the Cooper world is not that big, so why would they exclude you?


Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2391 on: September 02, 2016, 09:54:58 PM »
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I understand Shutter.  Remember, I got banned from the DZ thread because I lost it with Blevins.  I hear you loud and clear, Blevins has done some unsavory things.  No doubt about it.  Maybe nearly losing my eyesight  has changed my outlook.  I can't see wasting a lot of time and negative energy on a guy who isn't even here anymore.  What I do know is that the Ariel restoration is most likely a good thing, and I have offered to help out in any way I can.  Bryan told me he wants to accomplish just one thing -- to build a memorial to his mother and to the tradition that she built.  Nothing wrong with that.  In fact, it's a good thing.  I am going to stay out of the controversy with Blevins and Bryan -- I heard all about what they have said and done.  Will my opinion change any of that?  Not.  I have more important things to do and think about -- like finding a new job, formalizing my own theory about the Cooper Caper -- finally, and planning my next field trip to Cooper country.  Being there in person is the best.

well, it's nice to hear from you, and yes, it's all ridiculous, but keep in mind the reason. I got a very nasty email from Bryan stating we were talking bad about his mother. it was all in caps full of filthy language, so I told him nobody was saying those things, and for him to stop responding any further. the guy said he has never been here, so how did he come to any conclusions about anything?

It's all pointless, and helps nothing....

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2392 on: September 02, 2016, 10:00:50 PM »
Let's Make a Deal!

I offer an olive branch to RMB to get the Cooper train back on track. I will address him here and in other forums as "RMB," instead of the diminutive form of Robert that I generally prefer, and in exchange I want him to do one of two things:

1. Rip the cover off of every copy of Into the Blast and replace it with a new cover that shows a parachutist landing in the dark in a business suit and slip-ons. In addition, he must remove any mention of "The True Story of DB Cooper" until ALL mistakes, errors, deceptions and lies are corrected to our satisfaction.

2. Or call it a novel.

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2393 on: September 02, 2016, 10:02:14 PM »
I offer an olive branch to RMB

I offer......nothing!

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2394 on: September 02, 2016, 10:57:39 PM »
Peace? No Peace!

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2395 on: September 02, 2016, 11:12:09 PM »
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I understand Shutter.  Remember, I got banned from the DZ thread because I lost it with Blevins.  I hear you loud and clear, Blevins has done some unsavory things.  No doubt about it.  Maybe nearly losing my eyesight  has changed my outlook.  I can't see wasting a lot of time and negative energy on a guy who isn't even here anymore.  What I do know is that the Ariel restoration is most likely a good thing, and I have offered to help out in any way I can.  Bryan told me he wants to accomplish just one thing -- to build a memorial to his mother and to the tradition that she built.  Nothing wrong with that.  In fact, it's a good thing.  I am going to stay out of the controversy with Blevins and Bryan -- I heard all about what they have said and done.  Will my opinion change any of that?  Not.  I have more important things to do and think about -- like finding a new job, formalizing my own theory about the Cooper Caper -- finally, and planning my next field trip to Cooper country.  Being there in person is the best.

well, it's nice to hear from you, and yes, it's all ridiculous, but keep in mind the reason. I got a very nasty email from Bryan stating we were talking bad about his mother. it was all in caps full of filthy language, so I told him nobody was saying those things, and for him to stop responding any further. the guy said he has never been here, so how did he come to any conclusions about anything?

It's all pointless, and helps nothing....

Agreed.  I heard about the filthy email from Bryan.  I get along fine with the guy.  Bryan has always been nice to me.  Don't know what to say.  I'll move on.....

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2396 on: September 02, 2016, 11:23:23 PM »
I'm sure Bryan is a nice guy. I recently lost my father, so I know what he's going through. it's not easy.

anyway, where are you. obviously still in Wa?


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2397 on: September 02, 2016, 11:35:12 PM »
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Meyer, the "deer in the headlights" comment came from an earlier post by Bruce as I remember it.  I can't find it now, but Bruce seems to have done an unusual amount of editing of his previous posts. :o

In any event, my reply to Bruce's comment was to point out that I was the lowest common denominator there.

Bruce, man up and confess. >:(

Not sure what I have to confess, Robert99. Yes, I described Meyer's initial discomfort in front of the cameras as a "deer in the headlight moment." I stated that in a reply to you, Robert. Nor have I erased it.

For the moment, I will assume that the fact you couldn't find it, and continued on to suggest that I erased it through an "unusual amount of editing" is just a brain fart and not a lapse of professional respect.

Okay, the original remark by Bruce can be found in Post #554, August 30, 2016, "Re: DB Cooper Case Closed? & Other Productions" thread.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2398 on: September 03, 2016, 12:10:38 AM »
Thank you Robert99. But no apology or acknowledgement that you gave me a little dig about extensive editing and a possible cover-up of what I had written to you? These are the kind of mind-fucks that have to stop, even if they are just teeny-weenie ones.

Or do you feel that I have disrespected you in some way? If so, let me know.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2399 on: September 03, 2016, 12:15:40 AM »
Ok, perhaps it's time to take a look back at a more simpler time....anyone remember this?