Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2377679 times)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2355 on: August 30, 2016, 02:33:55 AM »
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...It's not quite that easy to find.  You turn right off the main road and go down the hill to get to the Ariel Tavern.  Just past the tavern, the road turns to dirt and I believe that goes toward the dam (although, I've never gone past the tavern to say for sure).

The first time I went there, I missed it.   There is a sign, and you'll see if it you're looking for it, but not impossible to miss...

It's gotten tougher because the old "Ariel Store" sign on Hwy 503 is gone. You have to look for the Merwin Dam Recreational Area, posted and proclaimed by PacifiCorp, the new owners of Merwin Dam.

Also, the road past the Ariel Store is paved, and has been for all the years I've been there, starting in 2008. The walk to the bathrooms at the MDRA is only a five-minute walk from the Ariel Store, and it's where I whiz, unless of course the nearest bush is available, which is usually the case after the third beer.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 02:36:22 AM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2356 on: August 30, 2016, 07:46:20 AM »
The whole problem seems to revolve around Robert (obviously). to the best of my knowledge nobody wants the Tavern to fail. the type of people that show up at the Tavern doesn't bother me, I use to work in a bar similar to the Tavern, most of them were good people, with good hearts. a lot of them had drinking problems, but it's a bar  :))

Robert is clearly using the Tavern as a tool to get back at this forum, just as he uses his own forum for that purpose. I can't change the past. Roberts record speaks for itself. he helped destroy the longest running thread, and yet feels he had NOTHING to do with it's closing, and doesn't understand why he is banned from here? he speaks out often about how he dislikes people who lie, but fails to look in the mirror prior to that statement. I think it's very clear, and obvious he lies, or stretches the truth often about a lot of things he states. he strives for attention. I was shocked at his statement about having to spend your own money in order to be something in any given event. 377 donated $50 to the fundrasier, so if I would of donated $100, would that make me the greatest thing since sliced bread, and gain a spot on the tonight show? I missed the memo that says you have to pay for involvement in researching something online? just because I didn't give any money doesn't mean I hate the cause. freedom of choice applies here while we are talking about amendment rights, freedom of expression rings a bell too.

I have close to $3,000 invested in my simulator. should I be flaunting that fact? it's part of Cooper, and has gained attention to several producer's in the past, and some current one's? I'm not doing any of this to please anyone but myself. I pay for this site to exist, it's not free, and it doesn't run by itself. it takes time and effort to keep it running. my time is just as valuable as the rest. we all have lives outside of Cooper. bringing up money is about as unprofessional is one can get. Robert should walk by a guy on a street corner down on his luck, and start counting a bunch of money in front of him (smiling). it's no different then that chessy statement he made! you want me to respect someone like that, are you kidding me?

Running a business can be tough. I'm not talking about an online business, or a part time operation with no license, or liability. a real business that can suck up every spare moment you have. I'm struggling now. I just bought another truck, and still trying to get the drone business off the ground (thanks FAA). I have lots of things that must happen in order to keep my business functioning. liability, and workers comp. can drown a business. Robert hasn't a clue about running an actual business. I managed a bar for years, it's not easy, or as profitable as one might think. Bryan has a long road ahead of him. I hope he has what it takes to keep it going so the tradition can continue, but I have my doubts, and no that doesn't mean hate, it's just another honest opinion!

« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 08:08:00 AM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2357 on: August 30, 2016, 08:15:51 AM »
Bruce wrote: just like in 1980 when an 8-year old kid found the ONLY incontrovertible proof in Norjak, and all while he was cooking hot dogs at the beach.

What about the door placard?



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2358 on: August 30, 2016, 08:20:34 AM »
Shutter wrote:  I pay for this site to exist, it's not free, and it doesn't run by itself.

You should have a donate link. I'd contribute. Bet others would too.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2359 on: August 30, 2016, 08:24:43 AM »
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Shutter wrote:  I pay for this site to exist, it's not free, and it doesn't run by itself.

You should have a donate link. I'd contribute. Bet others would too.


I'm not asking for money 377?....I was pointing out that I don't bring things like that up, Robert seems to believe that is a requirement..
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 08:26:38 AM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2360 on: August 30, 2016, 08:33:55 AM »
I do what I do because I like researching the case. it wasn't getting done on the DZ. we all know that. this is why I created this forum. it was my choice, and my doings. money should not be discussed on things like this. I only brought it up in proving a point.

I appreciate the offer, but it's not needed. it's not that expensive. managing, that's a different story. it takes a little more than most think, but again, I don't have a problem with that either. it's part of the package. if things get overwhelming, I will seek another administrator to pickup the slack.
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Offline MarkBennett

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2361 on: August 30, 2016, 10:02:41 AM »
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Bring back the Burma Shave signs!  :)) :)) :))



Offline 377

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2362 on: August 30, 2016, 12:18:06 PM »
I know you were not soliciting donations Shutter, you never have, I was just offering to help. You have performed a really valuable service to the Cooper community by taking up where Dropzone left off. Although I advocate a more inclusive structure, its hard to argue with your success in avoiding/preventing the mess that took down Dropzone. Your sim work has been really useful and enlightening. If you wont take donations please take my sincere thanks. You do a great job.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2363 on: August 30, 2016, 02:37:19 PM »
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I know you were not soliciting donations Shutter, you never have, I was just offering to help. You have performed a really valuable service to the Cooper community by taking up where Dropzone left off. Although I advocate a more inclusive structure, its hard to argue with your success in avoiding/preventing the mess that took down Dropzone. Your sim work has been really useful and enlightening. If you wont take donations please take my sincere thanks. You do a great job.


I appreciate that 377. I consider myself an ordinary kind of guy. it just made sense to get away from the DZ. I seen the end coming. it's not a competition, it's just a site to gain information about Cooper, and discuss the case.

None of the negativity helps anyone. this site will gain attention in the coming year,January, so some people might wish to rethink there tactics. I refuse to change anything to fit there agenda. I don't flip flop through everything changing my mind over and over, or try to scold grown men like they are children. it's foolish.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2364 on: August 30, 2016, 02:43:20 PM »
I can't even see across the street the rain is so bad. things like this tick me off. I lose money on these days....

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2365 on: August 30, 2016, 03:09:10 PM »
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Bruce wrote: just like in 1980 when an 8-year old kid found the ONLY incontrovertible proof in Norjak, and all while he was cooking hot dogs at the beach.

What about the door placard?


To my view, the door placard is compelling evidence, but it is not incontrovertible. I think it should be considered as solid evidence, but not ROCK solid.

Plus, it could be a plant. Just a few little iffy things around the edges...

Consider these aspects:
Suppose 305 was flying the Malay-Canby bisect but you didn't want anyone to know. You'd have to have endless tidbits from Rataczak and Scott that they were flying over Woodland, in V-23 and saw the lights of Vancouver coming up, over the Washougal, flying over terrain that was 5,000 in elevation, etc. That would totally screw up any media investigation, which it has.

Then add in the door placard for good measure.

But why maintain secrecy, eh? Perhaps the whole DB Cooper skyjack set off alarm bells through the National Security apparatus. "We can't have the Russkies know how to deploy the aft stairs on a 727!" they scream. "Imagine a commercial airliner with 100 innocent passengers on board, but a few Russian operatives, too, who hijack their 727, fly over the White House and drop nasty stuff on the Prez, or Congress, or the SCOTUS - or Times Square, or the World Series, etc.!!!"

The military would be hamstrung because the passengers would act as a shield to a shoot down. So maybe everything about Norjak is a lie -  a spin job to minimize the how-to's, and the don't-do's. That would also buttress NWO's efforts to protect its public image as a responsible and safe airline to fly. Hence, Tina had to keep her mouth shut, and Rataczak had to say a  ton o' crazy stuff to keep everyone confused.

Then, of course, once you start the spin process you have to continue to lie to cover-up the cover-up, and the whole thing just gets really messy. In some ways, it's a wonder that the FBI didn't close the case way before 2016.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 03:23:29 PM by Bruce A. Smith »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2366 on: August 30, 2016, 05:24:36 PM »
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I can't even see across the street the rain is so bad. things like this tick me off. I lose money on these days....

This year had broken all records for rain here - seems to be a wet year. If it continues into winter its going to be another record setter!


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2367 on: August 30, 2016, 05:26:20 PM »
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Bruce wrote: just like in 1980 when an 8-year old kid found the ONLY incontrovertible proof in Norjak, and all while he was cooking hot dogs at the beach.

What about the door placard?


To my view, the door placard is compelling evidence, but it is not incontrovertible. I think it should be considered as solid evidence, but not ROCK solid.

Plus, it could be a plant. Just a few little iffy things around the edges...

Consider these aspects:
Suppose 305 was flying the Malay-Canby bisect but you didn't want anyone to know. You'd have to have endless tidbits from Rataczak and Scott that they were flying over Woodland, in V-23 and saw the lights of Vancouver coming up, over the Washougal, flying over terrain that was 5,000 in elevation, etc. That would totally screw up any media investigation, which it has.

Then add in the door placard for good measure.

But why maintain secrecy, eh? Perhaps the whole DB Cooper skyjack set off alarm bells through the National Security apparatus. "We can't have the Russkies know how to deploy the aft stairs on a 727!" they scream. "Imagine a commercial airliner with 100 innocent passengers on board, but a few Russian operatives, too, who hijack their 727, fly over the White House and drop nasty stuff on the Prez, or Congress, or the SCOTUS - or Times Square, or the World Series, etc.!!!"

The military would be hamstrung because the passengers would act as a shield to a shoot down. So maybe everything about Norjak is a lie -  a spin job to minimize the how-to's, and the don't-do's. That would also buttress NWO's efforts to protect its public image as a responsible and safe airline to fly. Hence, Tina had to keep her mouth shut, and Rataczak had to say a  ton o' crazy stuff to keep everyone confused.

Then, of course, once you start the spin process you have to continue to lie to cover-up the cover-up, and the whole thing just gets really messy. In some ways, it's a wonder that the FBI didn't close the case way before 2016.

Nope the placard is genuine - its location genuine. No plant.  :)) :))


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2368 on: August 30, 2016, 05:30:31 PM »
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I know you were not soliciting donations Shutter, you never have, I was just offering to help. You have performed a really valuable service to the Cooper community by taking up where Dropzone left off. Although I advocate a more inclusive structure, its hard to argue with your success in avoiding/preventing the mess that took down Dropzone. Your sim work has been really useful and enlightening. If you wont take donations please take my sincere thanks. You do a great job.


I appreciate that 377. I consider myself an ordinary kind of guy. it just made sense to get away from the DZ. I seen the end coming. it's not a competition, it's just a site to gain information about Cooper, and discuss the case.

None of the negativity helps anyone. this site will gain attention in the coming year,January, so some people might wish to rethink there tactics. I refuse to change anything to fit there agenda. I don't flip flop through everything changing my mind over and over, or try to scold grown men like they are children. it's foolish.

Hopefully we can make some further progress here in the meantime, to arrive at the January Intersection - together!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 05:31:25 PM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #2369 on: August 30, 2016, 06:45:20 PM »
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I can't even see across the street the rain is so bad. things like this tick me off. I lose money on these days....

This year had broken all records for rain here - seems to be a wet year. If it continues into winter its going to be another record setter!

Lots of action out in the Atlantic, and in the Gulf, so, bad weather spreads out all around these storms :'(
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 06:46:03 PM by Shutter »