My gawd ... I don't know who to believe anymore .
To 1000things.
I understand your confusion. it's sad that this has continued to occur. for the record. I'm sure you can see the bickering taking place on I was part of it for several years. Mr. Blevins is very hard to speak with when it comes to this case. one tends to end up in a endless loop back and forth with him. I decided to start a new forum, and prior to this I mentioned on Bruce's blog that he wouldn't be welcome.
Two days after this forum started Mr. Blevins joined under a false name with intentions to cause trouble with this forum. he stayed silent for about a week, and then exposed who he was. I removed him from this forum, including the blocking of several IP's known to him. he then jumped on "" and began to take screenshots of Galen Cook stating things about Robert. he then tried to claim he did this because people were talking about him, but this didn't occur until after his little stunt. I confronted Cook several times asking him to provide proof of what he was stating. he never did, and continued to use the forum for bashing. I put his comments on approval status, and he decided he no longer wanted to be part of this forum.
Mr. Blevins attacked on a daily basis via Dropzone complaining that the site was censored, and schools couldn't view the site etc. etc. the reality was a program I installed that blocks proxies, and unfortunately schools, and libraries. this was due to his behavior of intruding where he wasn't welcome. the program went bonkers, and locked us all out for several days
it was only running about a month, but he went on for months about it.
Mr. Blevins doesn't take criticism very well at all. he asked dozens of times for people to look into his story. I was one of those along with others who took the offer. we found multiple problems with things he stated as facts for years. once this was established he started the "trust" issue turning it on to me, and other who went against his "evidence" as Georger explained, and is noted on Dropzone, Robert first claimed Lyle Christiansen never gave a radio interview with Mike Fitzsimmons. I emailed Fitz to try and verify myself. this is his response to my email.
" I found several inconsistencies with his responses and when I pressed him he stated that while his brother fit many of the
accepted profiles describing D.B. Cooper, his brother could have been D.B. Cooper but probably was not the hijacker. "
Now, Lyle's first intentions was to make a movie about his brother being Cooper. all of the sudden he has become (in Roberts mind) DB Cooper himself. Robert went as far as to notify his "witnesses" that we might try and contact them. I find this troubling that he is the sole provider, and speaker for all when it comes to proving anything? how are we to believe what these people are stating?
Basically, I haven't done anything except show him flaws in his story. the exact same thing he did to Marla Cooper. almost the same wording as him. Mr. Blevins can't even be professional enough to accept criticism on where he sells his books. he went 89 comments back and forth with a top reviewer from Amazon? this can be seen first in the comment reviews on his page. IMHO he is not allowing anyone to dispute, or even discuss possible problems with his story. he thinks people are jealous, and not trustworthy? that's just plain false, and misleading. a lot of his story is misleading when you look into it.
I don't tell people to go to Dropzone, I don't take poster from there either. several have contacted me through DZ asking for the link, or other issues about my forum, but I have no intentions of trying to shut it down to gain attention here! again, I'm sorry this has to continue, but it is what it is as they say.
Good summary.
This all began very simply in August 2010, and quickly became unbelievably personal and hostile, with the arrival of Mr. Blevins. Nothing has been the same since.
Many of us come from other websites and Cooper forums going clear back to 2006 and before. Jo Weber, for example, has been posting on forums since about 2000, perfecting her contention her husband was DB Cooper. About 2008 word spread that an FBI agent was going to come to something called and answer questions from the public. It turned out this agent, Ckret, was also looking for public input and ideas. For about a year SA Carr answered people's questions and engaged in discussion (some of it very technical) at Weber began hurling accusations at Carr and the FBI, Carr tangled with the Moderator Paul Quade, and Quade gave Carr a 'vacation'! It was unreal. We didn't know if Carr would even come back. Eventually he did but for a brief period, and then he left DZ permanently in 2009 and that forum has never been the same. Jo Weber attacked Carr publicly at Dropzone and behind the scenes complained to the FBI at Washington DC and tried to have Carr fired - she even sent a number of people an email tell us that Carr had been fired! It has not been the same at Dropzone since. The trust between people at Dropzone was broken right there. The thread almost collapsed with Weber 'ruling the day' at
Most of us were holding on at just to see what would happen next. Snowmman has been banned, Carr was gone after being suspended for a time, a guy named Bob Knoss surfaced to get his fifteen minutes of fame, and by July of 2010 Dropzone had ceased to be a viable forum for discussing anything. And suddenly, someone named Robert M Blevins shows up ... with a resurrection of the Geoff Gray article on Kenneth Christiansen, and I remember thinking at the time 'this won't go on very long', but I was wrong and completely unaware of the nature of Robert M Blevins ..... and what has happened since August of 2010 and today is now in the record books! I don't think anyone could have anticipated all of this! After August 2010, the antics on Dropzone quickly became an exercise in 'clinical pathology', between Jo Weber and Robert M Blevins joined by a few skydiver cynics vs. everyone else! People began to drop like flies either being banned or vacationed or perma-banned, or just quitting of their own volition. The chaos at has run amuck out of control, ever since.
Shutter finally had had enough and started this site, as a place for people to try and discuss the Cooper case, and that actually is possible here without personal attacks ... if people will only do it. Shutter has provided all of us that opportunity.
I mean, make no mistake about this. We are ALL under Mr. Shutter's authority and grace here, and that includes me! The opportunity to discuss the DB Cooper case and present ideas and debate intelligently, still exists (here).
It had become impossible to do that at due to the lack of fair and rational Moderation.
... all of the above is my perspective.
Both Blevins and Webere complained about what I was posting on The fact is: Since about 2012 I was biding my time at DZ hoping things would resolve themselves (in our favor). 99% of everything I posted at was an attempt on my part to simply hold out personally hoping things would right themselves ... so we could continue "discussing" the DB Cooper case without interference.
That did not happen and it still has not happened at Dropzone! The personal agendas of both Blevins and Webere continue to dominate the whole Cooper thread at Dropzone. So, it was inevitable that I was going to 'hit the wall' at some point, be driven out, be banned, or whatever. The situation was literally out of my control. People cannot hold out forever.
We asked Blevins and Weber clear back in 2010 what their intentions were, and Blevins in particular? If they were treying to close the thread down, prevent open discussion, or what? We never got an answer, from anyone including any Moderator. No answer - was the answer. Under these conditions, it was inevitable that people would be leaving Dropzone ... including me ... one way or the other. This isn't rocket-science!