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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1935 on: July 02, 2016, 11:49:08 AM »
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Maybe the Travel Channel should make a deal with ABC and the Bachelorette show - have the final four contestants do the Cooper jump - do it naked, too, since it'll be August (or in a thong). The winner gets the final rose!

Good Lord! Will someone please chain Bruce to a tree in the Olympic National Park.  And do it fast! :o

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1936 on: July 02, 2016, 02:32:06 PM »
And I thought that love makes the world go 'round...

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1937 on: July 03, 2016, 12:31:56 AM »
It's a little early, but happy 4th of July to all..... O0


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1938 on: July 03, 2016, 12:53:34 AM »
I believe that the "Tom," in the HC teaser that partners with Jim Forbes, is Tom Colbert. A head shot on the Internet matches the guy in the teaser. Here is his bio:

Mini Bio (1)

Thomas J. Colbert, Founder of TJC CONSULTING, LLC, is a senior executive with 35 years of management and editorial experience in the national news, TV entertainment, publishing and motion picture fields.

Since 1990, dozens of high profile true stories broken by Mr. Colbert have been put into development. His coming twentieth tale is a trifecta, including a multi-night documentary expected to air in 2016; a scripted limited series, exec-produced under his new production banner, COAL BEAR GEMS; and a book that Mr. Colbert co-authored.

He began his professional career in 1980 with a journalism internship at the CBS flagship news station in Los Angeles, KCBS. Hired during college, he worked his way up to Senior Researcher. Dozens of breaking exclusives garnished his station team regional Emmys and Golden Mike awards, especially during major emergency coverage. In 1989, Mr. Colbert was recruited by Paramount Studios to become a two-year Story Editor for the syndicated magazine show, HARD COPY.

In between his news and entertainment projects, Mr. Colbert has provided more than 30 years of crisis-management training and media-liaison services to police, fire, intelligence and military academies and departments. In 2009, he launched COMMSTATIM, a research firm for public servants. It's primary goal: to help translate their emergency incidents and criminal justice cases into news and entertainment stories that emphasize integrity, lessons learned and public service. And at no cost to the agencies involved. Most of his produced projects and published books have involved public-service sources or consultants.

Colbert is a 1980 graduate of the award-winning Journalism Department at California State University, Northridge.
- IMDb Mini Biography By:  Tom Colbert

So, in some ways this seems like an inside job: Forbes pitches his story to Colbert, who organizes the research team and they sell the idea to HC, who in turn use TC to form the production team. I guess LMNO was simply the grunt people who did the shoot.

As a result, instead of Marla and Uncle LD selling the Most Promising Suspect Story, do we have the Jimmy and Tommy Show?

Note: in the HC docu we're going to have two Toms playing prominent roles: Tom Colbert and Tom Fuentes.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 12:54:59 AM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1939 on: July 03, 2016, 03:25:09 PM »
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Just spoke with a couple staffers from the Travel Channel about a DB Cooper project.

I was hoping to keep this in the background until later stages, but it is what it is.... C:-) it's all good  :P

Wait a minute...I'm confused. How can this be???? Just yesterday Mr. Blevins posted the following:

"Don't worry about any of the bullshit you might read about this event at the so-called 'DB Cooper Forum Dot Com'. Travel Channel has blown them off completely, and wants nothing to do with them, or their users who sometimes post up negative garbage about the whole thing...simply because Adventure Books of Seattle is helping organize the event"



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1940 on: July 03, 2016, 03:34:37 PM »
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Just spoke with a couple staffers from the Travel Channel about a DB Cooper project.

I was hoping to keep this in the background until later stages, but it is what it is.... C:-) it's all good  :P

Wait a minute...I'm confused. How can this be???? Just yesterday Mr. Blevins posted the following:

"Don't worry about any of the bullshit you might read about this event at the so-called 'DB Cooper Forum Dot Com'. Travel Channel has blown them off completely, and wants nothing to do with them, or their users who sometimes post up negative garbage about the whole thing...simply because Adventure Books of Seattle is helping organize the event"

You can continue to ignore Blevins.

Shutter is right.  It's all good. :-X

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1941 on: July 03, 2016, 04:14:07 PM »
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Just spoke with a couple staffers from the Travel Channel about a DB Cooper project.

I was hoping to keep this in the background until later stages, but it is what it is.... C:-) it's all good  :P

Wait a minute...I'm confused. How can this be???? Just yesterday Mr. Blevins posted the following:

"Don't worry about any of the bullshit you might read about this event at the so-called 'DB Cooper Forum Dot Com'. Travel Channel has blown them off completely, and wants nothing to do with them, or their users who sometimes post up negative garbage about the whole thing...simply because Adventure Books of Seattle is helping organize the event"

It's still "all good" I'm not worried about the other discussion forum due no discussion going on! that's called a website.  C:-)

I'll allow him to continue being a drama queen, I have better things to do then listen, or read things he constantly takes things out of context, over reacts too,, and jumps to conclusion on...
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 04:27:58 PM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1942 on: July 03, 2016, 04:23:04 PM »
Coming up on the 7th of this month will release me from Atlas know, those producer's who never listened to us? sadly, it appears there show/idea didn't sit very well with the networks. what they had in mind would of never worked....but that's show biz....
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 04:24:04 PM by Shutter »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1943 on: July 03, 2016, 10:55:30 PM »
Update your 2nd Edition Copy!

I'm working on the 3rd Edition, and here is a big chunk of new stuff. Since we're all friends, I'm sharing:

The Hijacked, Chapter 7

The Passengers

Most investigators and authors have chosen to protect the privacy of the passengers of Flight 305 unless they individually choose to make public statements, and I did the same initially. But I've learned that many of the passengers tell a different story than the crew or the FBI, so I have reversed my position and intensified my outreach.

Three issues are dominant: one, did the crew move the passengers forward and restrict their subsequent movement, two, how was the money transferred between NWO officials and crew—and did any FBI agents board the plane in that process—and three, where did everyone sit and did anyone get a really good look at the skyjacker?

Of course, one might ask if the differences in the details of the passengers' indicative of a lack of truthfulness, or is it merely a  minor record-keeping problem? Perhaps, but it might also be an indication that the official records have been doctored in some fashion to place NWO and the FBI in a more favorable light, such as to show a more pro-active response to passenger safety by removing them quickly from the seats near the hijacker.

The first passenger I spoke with was Jack Almstad, 76, and he was easy to find since he was speaking to local media from his home in Livermore, California. Jack was charming and generous with his time, and  confirmed many details of the skyjacking, such as saying the “sketches in the newspapers look like how I remember the skyjacker.” But he also said he was able to move about the cabin area freely, including using the rear lavatory near where the hijacker was sitting, which is not the story told by the flight attendants. Jack also distinguished himself by telling me that he cracked a joke with DB Cooper and Tina while we waited in the lavatory line.

Shortly after interviewing Jack, I met the daughter of passenger Alan B. Truitt. Karen Truitt attended the 2011 Symposium in Portland and discussed her father's experiences at length. Alan Truitt was an official with the federal General Services Administration (GSA) and was traveling back from a conference in Missoula with several of his colleagues: Arnold “Andy Andvik, Pat Donahoe, and their boss, Charlie Street, the GSA Regional Administrator. Although unable to shed light on the movement of passengers in the cabin or the money issue, Karen was able to relay a sense of the ambiance aboard Flight 305 that I found helpful.

As stated previously, Flight 305 passenger Bill Mitchell was interviewed by researchers from the Washington State Historical Museum in 2013, for inclusion in their “COOPER” exhibit. Mitchell confirmed that he was 20 years-old at the time of the skyjacking and that he sat in seat 18 B directly across from DB Cooper. As such, he has been considered the best eyewitness to the hijacking outside of Florence and Tina. In fact, Bill stated that he was interviewed by the FBI “two to three times a day” in the period immediately after the hijacking. Mitchell also says that the WSHM exhibit was “100 percent accurate.” Over time, I was able to contact Bill directly and found him to be a charming and funny guy, and my interview with him follows this chapter.

In 2016, I was able contact other surviving members of Flight 305, Michael Cooper, Larry Finegold, and Scott MacPherson. These passengers were able to give me a sharper view on the money exchange. The official story is that after the airstairs docked with Flight 305, Tina Mucklow descended the stairs and returned with the SeaFirst money bag, either dragging or carrying it down the aisle. However, that version is now disputed by several passengers. I spoke with Scott MacPherson in April 2016, and he was quite clear about this issue.

Scott said his father and he were sitting in Row 2 of First Class, and that a couple of men had entered the plane when the forward door opened. He remembers at least two men entering the aircraft and brought the money bags, either one or two, into the plane. He told me that there was an exchange on board Flight 305, and that Tina did not leave the aircraft and re-enter with the money. However, Scott does not know if the strange men were FBI, FAA, or something else.

"It was pretty obvious what was going on when we saw the Seattle First (sic) bags," he told me. He described them as canvas bags. "We knew then that was why we had been circling Seattle for hours."

In addition, Scott did not get a good look at the hijacker, who was sitting "far in the back."

Scott was not interviewed by the FBI in the terminal, but his father, Bill MacPherson, encountered a TV news reporter and gave him an interview. Additionally, Bill MacPherson died in 1988, and their employee, Paul Weitzel is still alive. However, Scott hasn't had any contact with him in at least 25 years. Surprisingly, Scott has not talked with any other passengers, either during the debriefing period or in the years following the hijacking.

McPherson's account of the money exchange is remembered similarly by assistant US prosecutor Larry Finegold, who was returning from Portland, Oregon, where he was witnessing preliminary proceedings in the trial of San Francisco mayor, Samuel Alioto. I spoke with Mr. Finegold in April 2016.

Finegold says he was sitting in the main cabin, Row 6, starboard side. After a bit of time sitting on the runway, the main door opened up and Finegold saw two men enter the plane, with one carrying the bank bag. Tina approached the forward part of the plane and retrieved the money bag. But one of the men walked down the aisle and approached Finegold. He was an FBI agent named “John” that Finegold knew from federal court, and after a nod of greeting, the agent told him that a "skyjacker was on board" and that he would tell him more later. Finegold thinks he was the first passenger to know they had been hijacked.

In addition, Finegold remembers being surprised to learn later that there were two "Coopers" on board, Michael and Dan. He is also very aware and concerned about the malfeasance within the FBI and the criminal justice system. We spoke at length about the Innocence Project, and matters related to the evidentiary problems at the FBI's National Crime Lab. Finegold said he has been interviewed "100s of times," and recently turned down an interview request from Oprah.

The passengers' freedom of movement as described by Jack Almstad is corroborated by Michael Cooper, who said he also used the rear lavatory during the flight. However, Michael said he also had a minor altercation with DB Cooper at that time because Tina stood and asked him to re-take his seat and not use the lav. Michael was miffed and refused. Tina looked at DB Cooper, who nodded an approval, and Tina allowed Michael to proceed to the restroom. After that, Michel assumed that DB Cooper was some kind of Northwest Orient official and traveling on important company business.

Michael Cooper said he was sitting in Row 17 on the port side, and stayed there for the majority of the flight. He said that the flight attendants did not move them forward until just before landing. "The Captain got on the intercom and told us to move up as we were coming in to land from the north," he told me.

Unfortunately, Michael is not able to shed any light on who was sitting behind him in Row 18. Bill Mitchell says he was in seat 18-B, with his school books dumped on 18-C and his parka splayed across 18-A. But FBI files say that passenger Robert Gregory was sitting in 18-C, and more confounding, Ralph Himmelsbach says that DB Cooper sat in seat 18-C, as well. When I described Bill Mitchell to Michael, though, it didn't “ring any bells."

Michael didn't get a good look at DB Cooper during the hijacking, either, but he says he did observe a strange occurrence in Portland that involved the skyjacker. Michael had gotten on Flight 305 in Missoula, and so was on the plane when they landed in Portland. Apparently there was some kind of delay with initiating the boarding of the Portland passengers, and Michael said he and Tina Mucklow were standing at the aft stairs when the fellow who was to become known as DB Cooper came across the tarmac and tried to come up the stairs. Tina told him that the flight was not yet ready to accept the new passengers, and she sent him back to the terminal.

Oddly, Michael says that the FBI never talked to him about the skyjacker or the skyjacking. Yet, he says that they told the media that the hijacker was named "Michael Cooper," even though Michael showed the FBI his Montana drivers license and was interviewed by three different FBI agents.

"They have never apologized for the mistaken identity," Michael told me, "and I almost lost my job over it."

Apparently, Michael's local newspaper in  Missoula, Montana, "The Missoulian" carried a front page story about the skyjacking and his mistaken role in it. Michael was teaching high school at the time, and says it took two days to sort out the mistaken identity issue with his employers.

Although he didn't glimpse the hijacker clearly during the flight, Michael Cooper says DB Cooper looked like the FBI sketch in the papers: 5'10”- 6 foot, athletic build, olive complexion, late 40s, short-cropped hair, with a pearl tie tack and black tie, dressed in dark suit and raincoat.

One other aspect of passenger behavior is noteworthy—the drinking. Scott MacPherson remembers the flight attendants "had their hands full" dealing with a drunk passenger sitting a few rows behind him. "That's when they cut-off the alcohol service. They really had a hard time settling him down." Scott does not remember if the drunk passenger was in uniform, or sitting next to a military figure, as reported by the Simmons in Geoffrey Gray's book.
But Karen Truitt also related a story about alcohol consumption. “My father had told me that while they circled Seattle they poured the booze real heavy, and a lot of drunks got off the plane.”

One mystery generated by the passengers and still unresolved is the account by Nancy House of a separate bag held by DB Cooper. House sat in Row 16, and told the FBI in her debriefing that DB Cooper displayed a paper or burlap bag, approximately 12x12x4 inches and pink or yellow in color, when he exited the lavatory and the passengers were departing the aircraft. No one else saw it however, as far as can be determined.

However, a closer examination of the passengers reveals a larger investigatory concern, most notably the fact that the official documentation on the flight is incorrect, suggesting yet one more failure of supervision.

First, “Dan Cooper” is not listed, and one can argue that the airlines didn't want to give any more recognition to the skyjacker than necessary. However, having two men named Cooper aboard Flight 305 is a major investigatory dynamic, and sorely confused the FBI the night of the skyjacking.

Secondly, the manifest is missing people. Mrs. Floyd Kloepher and her husband are both believed to have been on-board Flight 305, sitting in Row 2 of First Class, not just one or the other, depending on whether one views the NWO manifest or the Seattle Times passenger list as presented at the 2011 Symposium.

Thirdly, only two members of the MacPherson family were on board, Scott MacPherson, 24, and his father, William. They were traveling to Spokane on business related to their real estate and land development ventures, and both were sitting in First Class, across from the Kloephers. However, there was a third member of the MacPherson party, an employee named Paul Weitzel, presumably listed on the manifest as “Mr Weiztel.” Unfortunately, I have not been able to contact either Mr. Weiztel or the Kloephers.

Additionally, the Cooper Vortex – the emotional swirl that makes smart people do silly things – seems to have engulfed some passengers. Richard and Barbara Simmons claimed to Hollywood TV producers in the 1970s that they had interacted with DB Cooper abroad the flight. However, this occurrence is now viewed with great skepticism since they did not present themselves to the FBI immediately following the skyjacking as having had any notable view or interaction with the hijacker.

In fact, only five passengers identified themselves as having some kind of contact with DB Cooper: Bill Mitchel; Robert Gregory; Nancy House; Cord Harms Zem-Spreckel, a paint shop owner; and attorney George Labissoniere. However, of these passengers I have been able to speak only with Mitchell.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 10:56:13 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1944 on: July 04, 2016, 12:43:11 AM »
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What was the amount that was found?
I did not know this.

Thank you

PCGS found additional bills/serial numbers during the authentication process.
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PCGS Currency-Certified "D.B. Cooper" Skyjacking Cash Sold In Heritage Auction
Fifteen tattered $20 bills recovered from the infamous 1971 “D. B. Cooper” skyjacking sold for a combined total of $37,433 in a public auction on Friday, June 13, 2008.

PCGS Currency Notifies FBI OF "D.B. Cooper" Serial Numbers
During the recent examination and certification of recovered money from the famous 1971 “D. B. Cooper” skyjacking case, PCGS Currency staff members discovered nearly three dozen serial numbers that apparently had not been previously recorded by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

PCGS Currency Certifies Legendary “D.B. Cooper” Skyjacking Ransom Notes
Nearly two dozen $20 denomination notes from the infamous 1971 “D.B. Cooper” skyjacking have been certified by PCGS Currency on behalf of the owner who found them a quarter-century ago.

In addition, Brian recounted his memories regarding the money find in an interview with his local paper in 2008.

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Brian Ingram, who is now 34 years old, came across a buried bundle of twenty-dollar bills in 1980 while camping with his family on the banks of the Columbia River in Washington state.

“We were going to make a campfire,” Ingram said during a telephone interview. “My dad was getting ready to put the wood down, and I was smoothing the sand. That’s when I found what felt like old newspaper.”

I guess what I am saying is this money could have been left behind as a clue. And the other monies that have showed up due to serial numbers, may have been laundered or spent.  If Cooper was successful at investing, and making a little bit of money from the get go, and no one was hot on his case, then he may have wanted keep the chase going. Or reactivate it.  There may never be a better feeling that getting away Scott free, and not a finger or clue points any where near your direction what so ever.  This will entice someone to taunt, and keep his legacy going.
I just can't find a reason to believe that the money found by ingram, wasn't purposely placed there.. Especially with the clues that line up to the entire rhyme and possible reason of the story.  I'm no forensic expert, but that money should have been separated more than the way It was found

Was the other money found? 

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1945 on: July 04, 2016, 12:50:13 AM »
What evidence do you have that supports a plant?

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1946 on: July 04, 2016, 08:00:53 AM »
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What was the amount that was found?
I did not know this.

Thank you

PCGS found additional bills/serial numbers during the authentication process.
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PCGS Currency-Certified "D.B. Cooper" Skyjacking Cash Sold In Heritage Auction
Fifteen tattered $20 bills recovered from the infamous 1971 “D. B. Cooper” skyjacking sold for a combined total of $37,433 in a public auction on Friday, June 13, 2008.

PCGS Currency Notifies FBI OF "D.B. Cooper" Serial Numbers
During the recent examination and certification of recovered money from the famous 1971 “D. B. Cooper” skyjacking case, PCGS Currency staff members discovered nearly three dozen serial numbers that apparently had not been previously recorded by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

PCGS Currency Certifies Legendary “D.B. Cooper” Skyjacking Ransom Notes
Nearly two dozen $20 denomination notes from the infamous 1971 “D.B. Cooper” skyjacking have been certified by PCGS Currency on behalf of the owner who found them a quarter-century ago.

In addition, Brian recounted his memories regarding the money find in an interview with his local paper in 2008.

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Brian Ingram, who is now 34 years old, came across a buried bundle of twenty-dollar bills in 1980 while camping with his family on the banks of the Columbia River in Washington state.

“We were going to make a campfire,” Ingram said during a telephone interview. “My dad was getting ready to put the wood down, and I was smoothing the sand. That’s when I found what felt like old newspaper.”

I guess what I am saying is this money could have been left behind as a clue. And the other monies that have showed up due to serial numbers, may have been laundered or spent.  If Cooper was successful at investing, and making a little bit of money from the get go, and no one was hot on his case, then he may have wanted keep the chase going. Or reactivate it.  There may never be a better feeling that getting away Scott free, and not a finger or clue points any where near your direction what so ever.  This will entice someone to taunt, and keep his legacy going.
I just can't find a reason to believe that the money found by ingram, wasn't purposely placed there.. Especially with the clues that line up to the entire rhyme and possible reason of the story.  I'm no forensic expert, but that money should have been separated more than the way It was found

Was the other money found?

Why would this master-criminal risk exposing himself publicly by carrying the money around and burying it?  If Cooper was so brilliant and an expert at evasion, wouldn't driving and walking around with a big pile of twenties be counter-intuitive?  Can you imagine this master-criminal digging a hole on private property with his pockets full of twenties that would connect him directly to the case?  I sure can't. 

If the money was a plant, and the Ingrams were in on it, why not cash in now?  Maybe they did and we will find out July 10th.  Maybe the Ingrams finally came clean and their information led to the new suspect.   O0   O0    O0

To answer you question, the only money I am aware of ever being found was at Tena Bar.  The fact that decomposed bits of the money were found in multiple soil layers almost certainly eliminates the "plant theory".

The fact of the matter is that you may be correct.  There are so few actual facts in the case that we can apply almost any theory and it works.  You think he survived the jump?  I do not.  Is there proof either way?  None that's been shared publicly so far.
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1947 on: July 04, 2016, 10:59:59 AM »
Jason were you able to see the video about the money find I posted a couple weeks ago? it was the original broadcast directly from Tena Bar, right in the middle of them digging on the beach. sadly, the video was taken down for unknown reasons, but I'm working on getting one back up again....

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1948 on: July 04, 2016, 02:08:24 PM »
I supoose that might be a reason for my point.  The "Risk".  Obviously this guy was full of all kinds of thrills to accoplish what he did.  If you are able to get away with it, then the risk of exposing himself is almost 0%.. Especially if he wasn't even thought of it regarded as a suspect in any possible way.  I would imagine that he had some sort of disguise on, when he did the hijacking, and the drawing of him, may not even be an accurate description of who he really is.. That would eliminate him being sought after, as far as looking like DB Cooper. The guy was smart and separated himself from the crime as much as possible. He may have jumped somewhere else. Didn't that have a "hunch" of where he jumped?  The cockpit was locked.. Maybe he jumped somewhere in the desert, and the planes following the hijacked plane, simply missed him jumo, since it was dark out. Very possible.  The money buried could have been him, just trying to keep his legacy going, and no one really saw the clue.. They just assume he didn't survive the jump.. But maybe they were wrong from the stsrt, and he jumped somewhere else that he knew he had a better chance at landing.. He was smart enough to pull it off, I am willing to be that there was a diversion he made to throw everyone off, and that diversion may have been the biggest risk.. Not being seen by the tails of the hijacked plane.. Maybe he threw something out of the plane to make them think, "that is where he jumped".
I don't think the ingram were in on the plant.. I think they found it Not long after he planted it. These clue just add up significantly more than any other hunch that I've seen.  You have to ask all the questions to find the right answer.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1949 on: July 04, 2016, 02:16:27 PM »
How smart was Cooper? when you look at the McCoy hijacking, you will notice he acted like the Copilot always asking for updates on the location, speed, weather etc. he knew where he was going. Cooper said fly to Mexico? no known path, or direction other than Mexico. the darkness, and cloud cover didn't help him much either with navigation.

I can't tell you he made it one way, or the other? I just don't have enough to say he made it. I have a feeling he didn't for several reasons, but nothing proving he lost his life.

None of the witnesses spoke of any makeup, or disguise...
« Last Edit: July 04, 2016, 02:23:40 PM by Shutter »