Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2377699 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1860 on: June 27, 2016, 11:51:47 PM »
It's odd that the letter's were not signed by Dan Cooper vs DB Cooper....


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1861 on: June 28, 2016, 12:03:59 AM »
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nmwrecks   You say:  "There are very few ways this case can actually be solved. One of them is if Cooper, or someone close to him comes forward and has some form of hard evidence that proves that this is the guy.  Motivation could be financial or to receive attention/credit.  Cooper, if still alive, would be nearing the end of his life and may have nothing to lose by coming forward.  This could be the guy and this could be the best way to cash in on the case (book deal, exclusive interview, etc.). "

I say:  "I think I solved the crime when I found the FLAW in Sheridan Peterson's phony alibi and past the info on to the Seattle FBI Office in Jan/Feb of this year. The History channel show on July 10 will not have my information as they were not able to get to me while filming. So, don't expect much from their show in July as it will just be a rewarming of what we already know. Too bad as they did contact me but ran out of time before they got to me. It is just another twist in the Cooper Case that the FBI can't seem to solve (or maybe they are not trying to solve as it might be a cover-up)
   The FLAW in the alibi is that none of Sheridan's two children born in Nepal were born in the year of Norjak (1971). His son was born in 1970 and the daughter in 1972 per public records from The FBI overloked the public records and probably accepted a birth certificate copy with an altered date to match Norjak. Big mistake as a lie to the FBI is a Federal Crime just by its self and could have been used to pry the DB Cooper Caper out of Sheridan. It is just that simple but is being overlooked..
   Will the FBI solve it before this November 24th which is the 45th anniversary of Norjak? PROBABLY NOT IF THEY DON'T WANT TO SOLVE IT. plus it gives Bruce Smith more to write about and sell more additions to his great book.

Bob Sailshaw
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I don't see a correlation between the sender of the letters and the person who hijacked the plane then lost the loot (and probably his life) in the Columbia.  The hijacker did not gloat or taunt at any time during the event.  The letter writer seems to do both. That says something about the character of this individual.

I agree with you points however he did gloat a little when he got excited (like a child) at the sight of the money and offered some up (tax free)  :))  and he taunted by hold two wires up saying 'if I touch these together - poof!'. Small points. The letters and Cooper remain to be connected in any concrete way. 

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1862 on: June 28, 2016, 01:53:02 AM »
nmiwrecks   You say: "Bob,I don't see a correlation between the sender of the letters and the person who hijacked the plane then lost the loot (and probably his life) in the Columbia.  The hijacker did not gloat or taunt at any time during the event.  The letter writer seems to do both. That says something about the character of this individual. "

I say:  'The salutation on letter three "The system that beats the system" was the manthra that Sheridan said over and over when at my home for a month (9 years before Norjak). I first thought the four letters were from a crank, but the salutation on #3 hit me and I was sure they were from Sheridan. The FBI has failed to get the DNA from the stamps and envelope flaps and compare it with the DNA they have from Sheridan. A match would prove he was not in Nepal but in Portland, the scene of the crime.
   However, my latest find of the FLAW in his phony alibi that the birth dates of both of his children born in Nepal, were in different years than Norjak, I think proves he lied to the FBI (A Federal Crime) and why else would he lie but to cover-up his not being in Nepal? Checking the public records at can quickly solve this crime. We just need to wake Curtis Eng up and get the case solved.

Bob Sailshaw
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1863 on: June 28, 2016, 01:00:08 PM »
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377, you back from EU County? Can you give us a taste of what's going on over there?

Cops FAR more in evidence than last time I visited. Teams of 3 French Federal Police seen in airports, towns, tourist spots, even on trains, roaming, looking, carrying fully automatic weapons slung in front with hands always on them. If you are a dark skinned male with a backpack expect to be searched. A dark skinned guy sitting behind me on a train was searched. He spoke good English and complained to me that he was born in France and was just as French as the cops who searched him.  He was pissed about being "profiled". Lots of interest in the US election.

Nice to see the money find news broadcast transcripts that G posted. Interesting indeed.

I still don't think there was a currency shard field.




Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1864 on: June 28, 2016, 02:54:02 PM »
No "shard field?" What do you mean?

Offline jason.waterfalls

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1865 on: June 28, 2016, 04:08:51 PM »
Hey there. New guy in the forum.
This may have been discussed, but has anyone read the book "ha ha ha" by a DB Cooper?.  The story is fascinating, and makes a lot of sense as to how he was able to escape flawlessly. It appears that he was able to separate himself from every possible angle, and the only way that he would have been able to be caught, was to get caught in the act itself.  He was Scott free after it happen... I also believe that the money was left behind as a clue.. I think the 5800 bucks was purposely left there, just to taunt someone.. It makes sense. The guy was not crazy about the governemnt, and he specifically used 20 dollars bills to show that. He basically used Andrew Jackson to show how he despised the US, for whatever reason. Then he placed the money that was seared or burnt around the borders, and deliberately placed it ON the border of 2 states in the Columbia river.. To me it is just so obvious that the money was supposed to be found, to send a subliminal message. To me, this turned into a game for him..
Maybe he was also not a fan of Columbus too.. It sounds like this guy was a conspriracy kind of guy, that wanted to make a fool of our own system, the FBi. 
The words Columbus, and Andrew Jackson do not mix well with Native Americans..

Of course all of this is just a hunch, and I know a lot of folks have been studying this for quite a while, so I definitely do not want to teeter anyone's opinion, I just like to take a look at New angles..

There seems like a slew of unaswered questions, and the reason why that may be, is because this entire thing was deliberately made that way..
Everything is just a little bit odd enough for it to work out in just about any favor.. This will create a very sophisticated game of chase..

If my theory fits, then I have a suspect, that has never been in the spot light.. But he is in a spot light for different reasons, and he is giving back to someone that has a mind like him, in a similar way of changing an identity.

I think he is still alive, and I think he used his entire legacy to pass along to someone else with the same wits, if you can find him..

I don't know how far fetched this is, but if you take every detail, and ask every single question, then you should get a similar answer.. This took me a good amount of time and thought to sort out.

DB Cooper could be behind the scenes in a lot of scenes.. He had that power, as long as he knew the right people to tell.. He is the rarest at what he did, and people like rare things. As smart as he was, he knew that, and someone could have used his mind to create a lot of what we may have today.. 

I cannot see someone as smart as DB Cooper was to let his entire legacy go in 1 single death bed confession. He had a plan, and I am sure he had a plan to reveal his legacy for those who earned it. Just like he did. 

Everything was carefully thought out and planned.. Everything from the name Dan Cooper, to Thanksgiving Day.. (Native Americans).  There was a reason for all of it.  You have to think that, otherwise your kind of leaving clues on the table.

Thanks yall! 

Offline jason.waterfalls

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1866 on: June 28, 2016, 04:19:48 PM »
I also want to point out that the amount of money left behind was 5800.  In $20 bills that would equal 290 bills.  If you take the $200k he started with, and minus the 290 bills you have 9710 bills left. That equals $194,200. Those are the same numbers of the year Christopher Columbus sailed to America. 1492.  So instead of leaving $50,800, he left $5800 to create the same element of clues.

I know you guys like playing around with stuff.. This is all something that adds up to the same core.. Hard to be convincing, that it's just a coincidence.. Could be the reason why nobody has caught him.. Because they can't.

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1867 on: June 28, 2016, 04:22:24 PM »
Welcome Jason, I haven't had time to read your post, but I thought I would welcome you anyway. I just got home and it's hotter than hell in here. I leave my air conditioning off now since my dog past away several months ago. just skipping through the comments at the moment....

Offline jason.waterfalls

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1868 on: June 28, 2016, 04:56:10 PM »
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Welcome Jason, I haven't had time to read your post, but I thought I would welcome you anyway. I just got home and it's hotter than hell in here. I leave my air conditioning off now since my dog past away several months ago. just skipping through the comments at the moment....
Thank you shutter. I look forward to getting aquainted with the community. I've been a recluse for a long time. Lol.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1869 on: June 28, 2016, 05:01:08 PM »
Th wackoes have taken over - time to go in vacation!

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1870 on: June 28, 2016, 06:18:00 PM »
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...I look forward to getting acquainted with the community. I've been a recluse for a long time. Lol.

Greetings, Jason. Welcome to the Forum, and the Hunt for DB Cooper. Why not tell us a little about yourself? Where are you from? How did you come across a copy of Ha, Ha, Ha? Are you Native American?

Me, I'm a writer, and have investigated the DB Cooper story since 2008. I manage an online news magazine called, The Mountain News-WA, and it has about 60 articles on Cooper. Also, I have a book, DB Cooper and the FBI, available at Amazon.

Also, don't pay too much attention to Georger's rants. He has a hissy-fit occasionally, but we still love him.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 06:18:34 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1871 on: June 28, 2016, 06:22:20 PM »
Weather Update in Cooper Country

Since Shutt is still roasting in FLA, I thought I'd send you some cooling thoughts from Cooper Country, where it is currently in the high 70s, with bright sunshine and an occasional breeze. Moring fog took hours to burn off today, so I began the day with a jacket.

BTW, does anyone know how to watch the upcoming History Channel docu when one doesn't have cable? How about something fancy, like Amazon Prime or Hulu Supreme??? Would that work?

Offline Shutter

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1872 on: June 28, 2016, 06:26:13 PM »
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Weather Update in Cooper Country

Since Shutt is still roasting in FLA, I thought I'd send you some cooling thoughts from Cooper Country, where it is currently in the high 70s, with bright sunshine and an occasional breeze. Moring fog took hours to burn off today, so I began the day with a jacket.

BTW, does anyone know how to watch the upcoming History Channel docu when one doesn't have cable? How about something fancy, like Amazon Prime or Hulu Supreme??? Would that work?

The words "bite me" come to mind  :) :) :) :) :) :)

How about this, I'll just hop in my hot tub and relax forgetting about the heat. it's not heated at the moment, so I'm rather cool right now. I will rub this in further next year while you are freezing your butt off up there in Wa.  O0 O0 O0 O0

Ha ha ha.....ha

I will try to find a live streaming feed so you can watch the show.....
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 06:27:24 PM by Shutter »

Offline jason.waterfalls

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1873 on: June 28, 2016, 06:34:32 PM »
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...I look forward to getting acquainted with the community. I've been a recluse for a long time. Lol.

Greetings, Jason. Welcome to the Forum, and the Hunt for DB Cooper. Why not tell us a little about yourself? Where are you from? How did you come across a copy of Ha, Ha, Ha? Are you Native American?

Me, I'm a writer, and have investigated the DB Cooper story since 2008. I manage an online news magazine called, The Mountain News-WA, and it has about 60 articles on Cooper. Also, I have a book, DB Cooper and the FBI, available at Amazon.

Also, don't pay too much attention to Georger's rants. He has a hissy-fit occasionally, but we still love him.
Hey there, and thank you for the welcome.
I'm a salesman from Arizona.  I've been interested in the story for many years.  I've always had an inkling that it was all fun in games, because he just perfected the heist so smoothly and flawless, that surely there was no way he would let it end, in a botched parachute landing.  I just cannot see that, he would be so smart, yet end up being completely dumb in the end.  So I started researching more and more, and started to look at the small details of things, and asking more questions. Then I became infatuated I guess.  Its just a marvelous, and sorta heroic story to me.. He did one of the most hated crimes in America today, yet everyone honors him for it.  Only because he perfected it So well.  So he made a moral for me, and I've started to try to be the best at whatever I am doing. That is what people respect.  If someone hijacked a plane in modern times, and took a bunch of money, people would be rioting over it.. But for some reason people love DB Cooper. Its a catch.
Those are some of the reasons that I am So compelled to listen and learn about this mystery. 

I came across the "ha ha ha" book, just from research, and read a copy. After reading it, then things started to click I guess..

I will definitely check out your book! 

No worries sometimes we are clowns.. I've got thick skin.. I know my imagination to some people, might be boring, and those people will probably make it known, and that's just fine.. Some folks just don't have what it takes to understand that there may be other angles of logic.. :)  I've heard em all. 


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1874 on: June 28, 2016, 08:31:20 PM »
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...I look forward to getting acquainted with the community. I've been a recluse for a long time. Lol.

Greetings, Jason. Welcome to the Forum, and the Hunt for DB Cooper. Why not tell us a little about yourself? Where are you from? How did you come across a copy of Ha, Ha, Ha? Are you Native American?

Me, I'm a writer, and have investigated the DB Cooper story since 2008. I manage an online news magazine called, The Mountain News-WA, and it has about 60 articles on Cooper. Also, I have a book, DB Cooper and the FBI, available at Amazon.

Also, don't pay too much attention to Georger's rants. He has a hissy-fit occasionally, but we still love him.
Hey there, and thank you for the welcome.
I'm a salesman from Arizona.  I've been interested in the story for many years.  I've always had an inkling that it was all fun in games, because he just perfected the heist so smoothly and flawless, that surely there was no way he would let it end, in a botched parachute landing.  I just cannot see that, he would be so smart, yet end up being completely dumb in the end.  So I started researching more and more, and started to look at the small details of things, and asking more questions. Then I became infatuated I guess.  Its just a marvelous, and sorta heroic story to me.. He did one of the most hated crimes in America today, yet everyone honors him for it.  Only because he perfected it So well.  So he made a moral for me, and I've started to try to be the best at whatever I am doing. That is what people respect.  If someone hijacked a plane in modern times, and took a bunch of money, people would be rioting over it.. But for some reason people love DB Cooper. Its a catch.
Those are some of the reasons that I am So compelled to listen and learn about this mystery. 

I came across the "ha ha ha" book, just from research, and read a copy. After reading it, then things started to click I guess..

I will definitely check out your book! 

No worries sometimes we are clowns.. I've got thick skin.. I know my imagination to some people, might be boring, and those people will probably make it known, and that's just fine.. Some folks just don't have what it takes to understand that there may be other angles of logic.. :)  I've heard em all.

Are you from Baja Arizona?