Georger: You say:"To be sure, the Cooper case its "philosophical" side. But, the basic requirements remain the same - hard evidence. Finger prints. DNA. Radar tapes. Flight comms (unredacted). How the Air Force, NWO, FBI, and other contributors interacted to what results in an active case, trying to resolve the 11-24-1971 hijacking. A resolution of the money find at Tina Bar. There can only be finite provable solutions to all of these historical issues.

As Agent Carr said: "you have to put Cooper on the plane". So the challenge remains the same - for all concerned.
As of today we are light years away from any of that"
I Say: "I gave the Seattle FBI the facts found in the Public Records from that reviled the FLAW in Sheridan Peterson's phony alibi. He was not in Nepal delivering one of his two children born in Nepal at the time of Norjak because of the
fact that his son was born in 1970 and his daughter was born in 1972. Norjak was November 24, 1971 so the phony alibi is false and in its self a Federal Crime (lie to FBI) with possible jail time. The FBI can offer no jail time for the rest of the DB Cooper story from Sheridan (he is 90 years old now). I gave that FLAW information to the Seattle FBI Office and Ayn Dietrich - Williams
who told me in an e-mail that she had passed the information on (Jan or Feb of this year) to the Case Agent (who I believe is Curtis Eng). The FLAW information makes the Case very simple to solve and if Curtis Eng would just get with it and not stonewall the case, it could be solved by the 45th anniversary (Nov 24 this year).
Is the FBI too embarrassed to solve it now?Bob Sailshaw
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