Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2377352 times)


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1755 on: June 14, 2016, 12:58:54 PM »
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I can't remember where I actually learned about Cooper. I remember watching shows over the years always having an interest in Cooper, but back then the access to searching things were limited. Marla Cooper's story brought me where I am today. I started reading her story and decided to start looking into it. that's when I found Dropzone...

Growing up I was always fascinated with Cooper, and the escape from Alcatraz. the Clint Eastwood version of Alcatraz started that venture. I remember going to the school library reading up on what could be found.

I hope an update comes around soon with the escape. the new story sounds promising, but one never knows...

what new story? why is everyone speaking in code or not speaking at all?

Did you know Jerry Thomas was wiped out in a forest fire last year?
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 01:45:19 PM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1756 on: June 14, 2016, 01:53:15 PM »
No new story that I can recall? the new story I'm talking about was related to Alcatraz...

I spoke with Jerry a couple weeks ago, he told me about the fire.....
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 01:53:51 PM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1757 on: June 14, 2016, 05:29:45 PM »
Same as Shutter. Always had a passing interest in Cooper, Zodiac & Jack The Ripper. Saw Marlas story which led me to Greys book, which led me to DZ. It's a fun story to follow, but I want a payoff. I hope that someday we get the answer to this case.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1758 on: June 15, 2016, 12:03:12 AM »
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Same as Shutter. Always had a passing interest in Cooper, Zodiac & Jack The Ripper. Saw Marlas story which led me to Greys book, which led me to DZ. It's a fun story to follow, but I want a payoff. I hope that someday we get the answer to this case.

Cooper is still on the run! He was captured by a tourist last week at Yosemite. Note he still has his disguise on; just as described by Gray and Blevins.   
« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 12:04:22 AM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1759 on: June 16, 2016, 09:11:29 AM »
Bruce Smith: The History channel DB Cooper one hour program will be next month, July 10th. I think it is the one that interviews you and rehashes some of the old stuff over again. Too bad they did not get to me for the program as I think the case is now very close to being solved using the FLAW I found in Sheridan Peterson's phony alibi. That could really cause the FBI to work (get off stop) with the info I gave Ayn Dietrich in the Seattle FBI office in January/February. She said in an email that she was passing the info on to the Case Agent. The History channel could have blown the case wide open but they were reluctant to get my story on film. They just gave me a nice chocolate birthday cake instead.

Bob Sailshaw
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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1760 on: June 16, 2016, 11:23:07 AM »
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Same as Shutter. Always had a passing interest in Cooper, Zodiac & Jack The Ripper. Saw Marlas story which led me to Greys book, which led me to DZ. It's a fun story to follow, but I want a payoff. I hope that someday we get the answer to this case.

The FBI may have halted their investigation on the DB Cooper case, but yesterday 6/15/2016, they have announced a national publicity campaign to locate the rapist suspect known as the Original Night Stalker/Golden State Killer. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login


Although four decades have passed since a prolific serial rapist and murderer terrorized California communities from Sacramento to Orange County, the FBI and local law enforcement announced a national publicity campaign today—and a significant reward—in the hopes of locating the suspect and finally bringing him to justice.

Between 1976 and 1986, the violent and elusive individual known as the East Area Rapist, and later as the Original Night Stalker and the Golden State Killer, committed 12 homicides, 45 rapes, and more than 120 residential burglaries in multiple California communities"
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1761 on: June 19, 2016, 11:47:12 PM »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1762 on: June 20, 2016, 11:33:33 PM »
Never to be left outdone or left behind, Jo Weber is at it again. New round of claims and photos and filings and claims, and more filings,  ... perhaps as a defense against the forthcoming NatGeo program on Cooper by way of an information blitz sent to all the right people meant to neutralise the competition?  Jo always attempts to stay on top of ....  O0 :)) >:D :'( :-*

From: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login <You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 12:25 PM

" Compare pictures recently released by the CIA and this one is dated 1962 and the man in that photo is Duane L. Weber (he was using another name)...this is the ONE incident Duane told me about, but NO one believed me and now they release it and there is Duane in the yourself with any photo ID program....I only had left sides taken of him but this is every side view I had.....When I read the article I could not get over why they kept this story secret for so many yrs...but there it was the story told to me by Duane and there he was in the picture...I do not know what name he was using, but he had been recruited by Richard "Paperlegs" Peterson right after Dutch was released from Canon City, Co - Prison....
Paperlegs and Duane went way back - to 45 when Duane was sent to WA and to prison for the 1st time....Paperlegs was a smoke jumper and the young men who did NOT need to be confined to McNeil, in WA with the hardened criminals - it was war time and the young criminals took the place of the brave young men who were fighting a war....
Duane had family in WA that got him into the program....Frank F Kenyon and his wife Vernette Kenyon. Previously I had NO way to check out the story told to me by Duane's sister...and it was brief as her son did not want the story told from what she tried to tell me...and it would be the last time she could talk to me. I scribble the names down and not knowing the spelling - they meant nothing to me - that is until recently.
I knew that Duane's family had WA connections because he and his sister told me they used to take long trip from Ohio as children to WA and to CA. The parents would eventually move to CA in 1944 when Duane was in the Army and when Duane was sent home (he was not a good soldier - too much of a clown).
But this is about the family members they went to visit in WA and the stories told to me...but without mentioning the location...or the family connection. Amazing what the internet can provide in this day and time...and it took an old lady a long time to understand and to locate the story told to her over the yrs...and that was a LONG LONG time ago....
Duane's father Claudian John Weber born in 1887 and died in CA in 1956. The great grandmother was a Kenyon...I could never understand why Duane's sister sent me a photo of a grave site with Kenyon on it. She told me it was important and there was a picture of a man and a woman which Duane told me was in the Catskills.....but, the sister told a
different story...she also mention other names - names I could not understand - but NOW I know some of those names.
Vernetta Kenyon was 20 yrs younger than her husband......they must have had a boarding house of some kind or camping site in WA - in the StHelen &Columbia , Or area. One of the boarders was a man named Pelham Cooper...and this man made an impression of the young boy who would visit from Ohio.  Other names listed as boarders - I had heard in the stories I knew about Duane's life as a young man.....people he said he knew....Westerberg was a Swede and he must have had a child about Duane's age...and the one I have searched for yrs to find was Sturdevant and the stories he told about his childhood without ever mentioning that they were in WA and OR.  Friends of the family is how he always put it...Anderson was a common name but he was born in Norway...and that got my attention in the genealogy of Duane's family...amazing - but Duane was closed mouth about his past - and what I did learn was from the sister and the few stories he told.  When Duane was in the ARMY and sent to CO for after getting in trouble at Camp Siebert ( facility the FBI has yet to confirm regarding Duane's past).  BUT It was in letters Duane wrote home to his family.  Only when they became aware that I had actual letters with postmark did they ever admit that connection...but denied he was sent to CO, but again I proved he was there....not by name but a picture of Duane with one of the Swede's.  The only part of his past he really dwelled on enough for me to remember the stories.
The scribblings I wrote on a folder by sound only of the names  the sister tried to give me and told me to write them down - it was very important...but my spelling of the sound alikes was not very good...but thank God for the Computer data that is available in this generation...I found everything I needed....and more.
The photos she sent to Duane  - disappeared while we were in Alabama prior to moving to Fl in 1983 (approx)...time gets away at the age of 76....we had a flood in the basement - and I threw away a lot of books and he was upset...the photos his sister sent must have been in one of them.  She sent me 3 of those pictures after Duane died...but again I did not know the significance or why she sent them to me...
Duane made a special trip before we left COLORADO - on a trip to WYM supposedly to work and I never forgot the trip because we got caught in a very bad snow storm....but he left me in a small town along the border of the state and made a trip to Landon Wyoming the day we arrived...the name on the card was Richard Peterson (not sure of the spelling)...he said he knew the man - but, it was ODD as why drive all the way up there without an appointment......and when he got back he said he was not there but he left him a package....but we had NO MATERIAL to I know he went to see Paperlegs...and his exwife told me she knew Paperlegs wife Jane from the time they spent together near a place she referred to as IN PLANE SITE . She liked Parties and the things that go along with parties....she was bored...
Now Picture of Duane - the few I have....and the CIA 1962 photo they only recently released it was the first time I had seen it - but I knew the story and when Duane told me about the event - I stated I didn't know they had women pilots in the war at that time (the 60's)...that is because I thought it was a woman's name and he realized he had discussed something with me that could cause him to spend the rest of his life in prison... there. Duane went POOF!
I am unable to understand the new system for the photos and how to get them on here - so forgive me for not doing a good job...too old to learn new systems....they really screwed me up on my is hunt and search and still not find the photos - I like the old AOL format....but this is what I have now.
You guys seem to focus on the ears - but take any photo made in the service from the 1960's and all of the ears look large...I have my last husbands group photos and all of the ears on 98 percent of them looked large and my last husband had small ears. In real life Duane's ears did not appear as large as they look in some of the photos....wish I could use my last husbands pictures as an example  - but, I can't do that...just doing what little I can is all I can do.
Please digest the things I have revealed and know that Duane did have a long past in the the WA and OR area as a child...and he made friends he kept up with...even into our marriage...
I wish I had a picture of the man we spent some time with in Denver...his name was Harry Rogers or Roger Harrison and he had in 1978 his right leg missing he said from cancer and he drove a Toro because it did not have the hump in the floor board...the conversation this man had with Duane while intoxicated was one for the books...the man was very drunk and he was discussing things not to be made public....Duane took him outside - but, I excused myself and went to bed...but I was listening the conversation and they were discussing the rich man whose name I have the man had worked as his chauffeur for awhile and the discussion I heard was about Area 51...and what they did there...was talking about the contamination they left behind - on the name was Howard Hughes...and the casinos.
NOT sure anyone can follow the rambling of a 76 yr old woman whose memory has dulled over the yrs - I have been at this for over 20 yrs now since I first contacted the is time for the TRUTHS to be told. The CIA photo I posted was not available to me yrs ago and only recently was the information made available on the internet....big mistake ...they didn't realize JO would make the connection and it would trigger memories...a lot of what went on at Intermountain Aviation from 1962 to 1968 has never been fully disclosed, but now the new CIA guys in charge of the vital secrets - well, they just didn't know that there was some of us out there who still had memories of this - remember that Duane was much older than me...he was born in 1924 and I was born in 1940 – 17 yrs difference...
Since the truth could not be told until yrs later - perhaps I was just part of Duane's plan - except I didn't know who Dan Cooper was and I am not sure if he had said D.B. Cooper if even that   would have been a trigger - I always hated history and still do.
I have been at this since 1996 when I learned that Dan Cooper was D.B.Cooper - one yr and 3 months after Duane died....I have told NO lies and I have never built my life on lies - I have told the truth to you guys the only way I know how....and my limitations with the computer due to age are even more difficult now.
Soon I won't be able to finish the story as my memory starts to wind down...this is probably the last of my findings and if this is  not enough for the general public and the government that has covered the facts up for all of the yrs....then the truths will NEVER be known...They did not expect Duane to marry a much younger woman...I was not supposed to happen - but then perhaps it was meant to be - as Duane tried desperately to make me understand what he was trying to tell me...and then he gave up - "Oh, Fuck Let it die with me!"
He said it very loudly and that is when they started the heavy drugs...what ever they were - I just know they were very tiny pills - I thought they were morphine, but there are those who doubt me on that...I do know that he was only getting the pills and there was NO injections...or IV's...he had chose to die and all they were doing was making him comfortable.
 Jo Weber widow of Duane L. Weber who confessed before he died "I'm Dan Cooper"...problem was - I didn't know who DAN Cooper was....if he had said D.B.Cooper then the things he was telling me might have made more sense to me...and I would have gotten someone in to talk to him...but,Not even sure D.B.Cooper would have helped - I just knew he was dying and I remember every word he said those 2 plus wks in the hospital...almost 3 wks.
I am tired of the battle with all of the wanna be's out there claiming they know who Cooper was - yet, not one of their suspects confessed even in death...Blevins took everything I said and applied it to his subject...but, there was one simple problem in regards to that - the woman who rode horses from Twisp came to see Duane when he had the shop and Duane asked how Kenny was doing...I was not at the shop for very long...she was waiting for someone to pick her up - her husband I assumed.  She had flown in and I had gone by to see Duane during a break.....I had told that story on something called 101 which was later taken down - so I was not able to prove my claim....but the one person on that 101 was Blevins mentor...the investigator - then recruited Blevins and Blevins made Kenny into Cooper...but it didn't work.....I forget the investigators name now. "
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 05:47:45 AM by Shutter »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1763 on: June 21, 2016, 12:11:08 AM »
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Never to be left outdone, Jo Weber is at it again. New round of claims and photos and filings and claims, and more filings, and claims, and more claims and more filings .... perhaps a defense against the forthcoming NatGeo program on Cooper  by way of an information blitz sent to all the right people meant to neutralise the competition?  Jo always attempts to stay in style on top of ....  O0 :)) >:D :'( :-*

From: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login <You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 12:25 PM

Compare pictures recently released by the CIA and this one is dated 1962 and the man in that photo is Duane L. Weber (he was using another name)...this is the ONE incident Duane told me about, but NO one believed me and now they release it and there is Duane in the yourself with any photo ID program....I only had left sides taken of him but this is every side view I had.....When I read the article I could not get over why they kept this story secret for so many yrs...but there it was the story told to me by Duane and there he was in the picture...I do not know what name he was using, but he had been recruited by Richard "Paperlegs" Peterson right after Dutch was released from Canon City, Co - Prison....
Paperlegs and Duane went way back - to 45 when Duane was sent to WA and to prison for the 1st time....Paperlegs was a smoke jumper and the young men who did NOT need to be confined to McNeil, in WA with the hardened criminals - it was war time and the young criminals took the place of the brave young men who were fighting a war....
Duane had family in WA that got him into the program....Frank F Kenyon and his wife Vernette Kenyon. Previously I had NO way to check out the story told to me by Duane's sister...and it was brief as her son did not want the story told from what she tried to tell me...and it would be the last time she could talk to me. I scribble the names down and not knowing the spelling - they meant nothing to me - that is until recently.
I knew that Duane's family had WA connections because he and his sister told me they used to take long trip from Ohio as children to WA and to CA. The parents would eventually move to CA in 1944 when Duane was in the Army and when Duane was sent home (he was not a good soldier - too much of a clown).
But this is about the family members they went to visit in WA and the stories told to me...but without mentioning the location...or the family connection. Amazing what the internet can provide in this day and time...and it took an old lady a long time to understand and to locate the story told to her over the yrs...and that was a LONG LONG time ago....
Duane's father Claudian John Weber born in 1887 and died in CA in 1956. The great grandmother was a Kenyon...I could never understand why Duane's sister sent me a photo of a grave site with Kenyon on it. She told me it was important and there was a picture of a man and a woman which Duane told me was in the Catskills.....but, the sister told a
different story...she also mention other names - names I could not understand - but NOW I know some of those names.
Vernetta Kenyon was 20 yrs younger than her husband......they must have had a boarding house of some kind or camping site in WA - in the StHelen &Columbia , Or area. One of the boarders was a man named Pelham Cooper...and this man made an impression of the young boy who would visit from Ohio.  Other names listed as boarders - I had heard in the stories I knew about Duane's life as a young man.....people he said he knew....Westerberg was a Swede and he must have had a child about Duane's age...and the one I have searched for yrs to find was Sturdevant and the stories he told about his childhood without ever mentioning that they were in WA and OR.  Friends of the family is how he always put it...Anderson was a common name but he was born in Norway...and that got my attention in the genealogy of Duane's family...amazing - but Duane was closed mouth about his past - and what I did learn was from the sister and the few stories he told.  When Duane was in the ARMY and sent to CO for after getting in trouble at Camp Siebert ( facility the FBI has yet to confirm regarding Duane's past).  BUT It was in letters Duane wrote home to his family.  Only when they became aware that I had actual letters with postmark did they ever admit that connection...but denied he was sent to CO, but again I proved he was there....not by name but a picture of Duane with one of the Swede's.  The only part of his past he really dwelled on enough for me to remember the stories.
The scribblings I wrote on a folder by sound only of the names  the sister tried to give me and told me to write them down - it was very important...but my spelling of the sound alikes was not very good...but thank God for the Computer data that is available in this generation...I found everything I needed....and more.
The photos she sent to Duane  - disappeared while we were in Alabama prior to moving to Fl in 1983 (approx)...time gets away at the age of 76....we had a flood in the basement - and I threw away a lot of books and he was upset...the photos his sister sent must have been in one of them.  She sent me 3 of those pictures after Duane died...but again I did not know the significance or why she sent them to me...
Duane made a special trip before we left COLORADO - on a trip to WYM supposedly to work and I never forgot the trip because we got caught in a very bad snow storm....but he left me in a small town along the border of the state and made a trip to Landon Wyoming the day we arrived...the name on the card was Richard Peterson (not sure of the spelling)...he said he knew the man - but, it was ODD as why drive all the way up there without an appointment......and when he got back he said he was not there but he left him a package....but we had NO MATERIAL to I know he went to see Paperlegs...and his exwife told me she knew Paperlegs wife Jane from the time they spent together near a place she referred to as IN PLANE SITE . She liked Parties and the things that go along with parties....she was bored...
Now Picture of Duane - the few I have....and the CIA 1962 photo they only recently released it was the first time I had seen it - but I knew the story and when Duane told me about the event - I stated I didn't know they had women pilots in the war at that time (the 60's)...that is because I thought it was a woman's name and he realized he had discussed something with me that could cause him to spend the rest of his life in prison... there. Duane went POOF!
I am unable to understand the new system for the photos and how to get them on here - so forgive me for not doing a good job...too old to learn new systems....they really screwed me up on my is hunt and search and still not find the photos - I like the old AOL format....but this is what I have now.
You guys seem to focus on the ears - but take any photo made in the service from the 1960's and all of the ears look large...I have my last husbands group photos and all of the ears on 98 percent of them looked large and my last husband had small ears. In real life Duane's ears did not appear as large as they look in some of the photos....wish I could use my last husbands pictures as an example  - but, I can't do that...just doing what little I can is all I can do.
Please digest the things I have revealed and know that Duane did have a long past in the the WA and OR area as a child...and he made friends he kept up with...even into our marriage...
I wish I had a picture of the man we spent some time with in Denver...his name was Harry Rogers or Roger Harrison and he had in 1978 his right leg missing he said from cancer and he drove a Toro because it did not have the hump in the floor board...the conversation this man had with Duane while intoxicated was one for the books...the man was very drunk and he was discussing things not to be made public....Duane took him outside - but, I excused myself and went to bed...but I was listening the conversation and they were discussing the rich man whose name I have the man had worked as his chauffeur for awhile and the discussion I heard was about Area 51...and what they did there...was talking about the contamination they left behind - on the name was Howard Hughes...and the casinos.
NOT sure anyone can follow the rambling of a 76 yr old woman whose memory has dulled over the yrs - I have been at this for over 20 yrs now since I first contacted the is time for the TRUTHS to be told. The CIA photo I posted was not available to me yrs ago and only recently was the information made available on the internet....big mistake ...they didn't realize JO would make the connection and it would trigger memories...a lot of what went on at Intermountain Aviation from 1962 to 1968 has never been fully disclosed, but now the new CIA guys in charge of the vital secrets - well, they just didn't know that there was some of us out there who still had memories of this - remember that Duane was much older than me...he was born in 1924 and I was born in 1940 – 17 yrs difference...
Since the truth could not be told until yrs later - perhaps I was just part of Duane's plan - except I didn't know who Dan Cooper was and I am not sure if he had said D.B. Cooper if even that   would have been a trigger - I always hated history and still do.
I have been at this since 1996 when I learned that Dan Cooper was D.B.Cooper - one yr and 3 months after Duane died....I have told NO lies and I have never built my life on lies - I have told the truth to you guys the only way I know how....and my limitations with the computer due to age are even more difficult now.
Soon I won't be able to finish the story as my memory starts to wind down...this is probably the last of my findings and if this is  not enough for the general public and the government that has covered the facts up for all of the yrs....then the truths will NEVER be known...They did not expect Duane to marry a much younger woman...I was not supposed to happen - but then perhaps it was meant to be - as Duane tried desperately to make me understand what he was trying to tell me...and then he gave up - "Oh, Fuck Let it die with me!"
He said it very loudly and that is when they started the heavy drugs...what ever they were - I just know they were very tiny pills - I thought they were morphine, but there are those who doubt me on that...I do know that he was only getting the pills and there was NO injections...or IV's...he had chose to die and all they were doing was making him comfortable.
 Jo Weber widow of Duane L. Weber who confessed before he died "I'm Dan Cooper"...problem was - I didn't know who DAN Cooper was....if he had said D.B.Cooper then the things he was telling me might have made more sense to me...and I would have gotten someone in to talk to him...but,Not even sure D.B.Cooper would have helped - I just knew he was dying and I remember every word he said those 2 plus wks in the hospital...almost 3 wks.
I am tired of the battle with all of the wanna be's out there claiming they know who Cooper was - yet, not one of their suspects confessed even in death...Blevins took everything I said and applied it to his subject...but, there was one simple problem in regards to that - the woman who rode horses from Twisp came to see Duane when he had the shop and Duane asked how Kenny was doing...I was not at the shop for very long...she was waiting for someone to pick her up - her husband I assumed.  She had flown in and I had gone by to see Duane during a break.....I had told that story on something called 101 which was later taken down - so I was not able to prove my claim....but the one person on that 101 was Blevins mentor...the investigator - then recruited Blevins and Blevins made Kenny into Cooper...but it didn't work.....I forget the investigators name now. 

With copying her e-mail to President Obama at the White House and the Guardian and Sunday Times newspapers in London, Jo has moved into the big time both politically and internationally.  Unfortunately, the post is just her usual BS.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 05:48:11 AM by Shutter »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1764 on: June 21, 2016, 12:12:24 AM »
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Never to be left outdone, Jo Weber is at it again. New round of claims and photos and filings and claims, and more filings, and claims, and more claims and more filings .... perhaps a defense against the forthcoming NatGeo program on Cooper  by way of an information blitz sent to all the right people meant to neutralise the competition?  Jo always attempts to stay in style on top of ....  O0 :)) >:D :'( :-*

From: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login <You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2016 12:25 PM

Compare pictures recently released by the CIA and this one is dated 1962 and the man in that photo is Duane L. Weber (he was using another name)...this is the ONE incident Duane told me about, but NO one believed me and now they release it and there is Duane in the yourself with any photo ID program....I only had left sides taken of him but this is every side view I had.....When I read the article I could not get over why they kept this story secret for so many yrs...but there it was the story told to me by Duane and there he was in the picture...I do not know what name he was using, but he had been recruited by Richard "Paperlegs" Peterson right after Dutch was released from Canon City, Co - Prison....
Paperlegs and Duane went way back - to 45 when Duane was sent to WA and to prison for the 1st time....Paperlegs was a smoke jumper and the young men who did NOT need to be confined to McNeil, in WA with the hardened criminals - it was war time and the young criminals took the place of the brave young men who were fighting a war....
Duane had family in WA that got him into the program....Frank F Kenyon and his wife Vernette Kenyon. Previously I had NO way to check out the story told to me by Duane's sister...and it was brief as her son did not want the story told from what she tried to tell me...and it would be the last time she could talk to me. I scribble the names down and not knowing the spelling - they meant nothing to me - that is until recently.
I knew that Duane's family had WA connections because he and his sister told me they used to take long trip from Ohio as children to WA and to CA. The parents would eventually move to CA in 1944 when Duane was in the Army and when Duane was sent home (he was not a good soldier - too much of a clown).
But this is about the family members they went to visit in WA and the stories told to me...but without mentioning the location...or the family connection. Amazing what the internet can provide in this day and time...and it took an old lady a long time to understand and to locate the story told to her over the yrs...and that was a LONG LONG time ago....
Duane's father Claudian John Weber born in 1887 and died in CA in 1956. The great grandmother was a Kenyon...I could never understand why Duane's sister sent me a photo of a grave site with Kenyon on it. She told me it was important and there was a picture of a man and a woman which Duane told me was in the Catskills.....but, the sister told a
different story...she also mention other names - names I could not understand - but NOW I know some of those names.
Vernetta Kenyon was 20 yrs younger than her husband......they must have had a boarding house of some kind or camping site in WA - in the StHelen &Columbia , Or area. One of the boarders was a man named Pelham Cooper...and this man made an impression of the young boy who would visit from Ohio.  Other names listed as boarders - I had heard in the stories I knew about Duane's life as a young man.....people he said he knew....Westerberg was a Swede and he must have had a child about Duane's age...and the one I have searched for yrs to find was Sturdevant and the stories he told about his childhood without ever mentioning that they were in WA and OR.  Friends of the family is how he always put it...Anderson was a common name but he was born in Norway...and that got my attention in the genealogy of Duane's family...amazing - but Duane was closed mouth about his past - and what I did learn was from the sister and the few stories he told.  When Duane was in the ARMY and sent to CO for after getting in trouble at Camp Siebert ( facility the FBI has yet to confirm regarding Duane's past).  BUT It was in letters Duane wrote home to his family.  Only when they became aware that I had actual letters with postmark did they ever admit that connection...but denied he was sent to CO, but again I proved he was there....not by name but a picture of Duane with one of the Swede's.  The only part of his past he really dwelled on enough for me to remember the stories.
The scribblings I wrote on a folder by sound only of the names  the sister tried to give me and told me to write them down - it was very important...but my spelling of the sound alikes was not very good...but thank God for the Computer data that is available in this generation...I found everything I needed....and more.
The photos she sent to Duane  - disappeared while we were in Alabama prior to moving to Fl in 1983 (approx)...time gets away at the age of 76....we had a flood in the basement - and I threw away a lot of books and he was upset...the photos his sister sent must have been in one of them.  She sent me 3 of those pictures after Duane died...but again I did not know the significance or why she sent them to me...
Duane made a special trip before we left COLORADO - on a trip to WYM supposedly to work and I never forgot the trip because we got caught in a very bad snow storm....but he left me in a small town along the border of the state and made a trip to Landon Wyoming the day we arrived...the name on the card was Richard Peterson (not sure of the spelling)...he said he knew the man - but, it was ODD as why drive all the way up there without an appointment......and when he got back he said he was not there but he left him a package....but we had NO MATERIAL to I know he went to see Paperlegs...and his exwife told me she knew Paperlegs wife Jane from the time they spent together near a place she referred to as IN PLANE SITE . She liked Parties and the things that go along with parties....she was bored...
Now Picture of Duane - the few I have....and the CIA 1962 photo they only recently released it was the first time I had seen it - but I knew the story and when Duane told me about the event - I stated I didn't know they had women pilots in the war at that time (the 60's)...that is because I thought it was a woman's name and he realized he had discussed something with me that could cause him to spend the rest of his life in prison... there. Duane went POOF!
I am unable to understand the new system for the photos and how to get them on here - so forgive me for not doing a good job...too old to learn new systems....they really screwed me up on my is hunt and search and still not find the photos - I like the old AOL format....but this is what I have now.
You guys seem to focus on the ears - but take any photo made in the service from the 1960's and all of the ears look large...I have my last husbands group photos and all of the ears on 98 percent of them looked large and my last husband had small ears. In real life Duane's ears did not appear as large as they look in some of the photos....wish I could use my last husbands pictures as an example  - but, I can't do that...just doing what little I can is all I can do.
Please digest the things I have revealed and know that Duane did have a long past in the the WA and OR area as a child...and he made friends he kept up with...even into our marriage...
I wish I had a picture of the man we spent some time with in Denver...his name was Harry Rogers or Roger Harrison and he had in 1978 his right leg missing he said from cancer and he drove a Toro because it did not have the hump in the floor board...the conversation this man had with Duane while intoxicated was one for the books...the man was very drunk and he was discussing things not to be made public....Duane took him outside - but, I excused myself and went to bed...but I was listening the conversation and they were discussing the rich man whose name I have the man had worked as his chauffeur for awhile and the discussion I heard was about Area 51...and what they did there...was talking about the contamination they left behind - on the name was Howard Hughes...and the casinos.
NOT sure anyone can follow the rambling of a 76 yr old woman whose memory has dulled over the yrs - I have been at this for over 20 yrs now since I first contacted the is time for the TRUTHS to be told. The CIA photo I posted was not available to me yrs ago and only recently was the information made available on the internet....big mistake ...they didn't realize JO would make the connection and it would trigger memories...a lot of what went on at Intermountain Aviation from 1962 to 1968 has never been fully disclosed, but now the new CIA guys in charge of the vital secrets - well, they just didn't know that there was some of us out there who still had memories of this - remember that Duane was much older than me...he was born in 1924 and I was born in 1940 – 17 yrs difference...
Since the truth could not be told until yrs later - perhaps I was just part of Duane's plan - except I didn't know who Dan Cooper was and I am not sure if he had said D.B. Cooper if even that   would have been a trigger - I always hated history and still do.
I have been at this since 1996 when I learned that Dan Cooper was D.B.Cooper - one yr and 3 months after Duane died....I have told NO lies and I have never built my life on lies - I have told the truth to you guys the only way I know how....and my limitations with the computer due to age are even more difficult now.
Soon I won't be able to finish the story as my memory starts to wind down...this is probably the last of my findings and if this is  not enough for the general public and the government that has covered the facts up for all of the yrs....then the truths will NEVER be known...They did not expect Duane to marry a much younger woman...I was not supposed to happen - but then perhaps it was meant to be - as Duane tried desperately to make me understand what he was trying to tell me...and then he gave up - "Oh, Fuck Let it die with me!"
He said it very loudly and that is when they started the heavy drugs...what ever they were - I just know they were very tiny pills - I thought they were morphine, but there are those who doubt me on that...I do know that he was only getting the pills and there was NO injections...or IV's...he had chose to die and all they were doing was making him comfortable.
 Jo Weber widow of Duane L. Weber who confessed before he died "I'm Dan Cooper"...problem was - I didn't know who DAN Cooper was....if he had said D.B.Cooper then the things he was telling me might have made more sense to me...and I would have gotten someone in to talk to him...but,Not even sure D.B.Cooper would have helped - I just knew he was dying and I remember every word he said those 2 plus wks in the hospital...almost 3 wks.
I am tired of the battle with all of the wanna be's out there claiming they know who Cooper was - yet, not one of their suspects confessed even in death...Blevins took everything I said and applied it to his subject...but, there was one simple problem in regards to that - the woman who rode horses from Twisp came to see Duane when he had the shop and Duane asked how Kenny was doing...I was not at the shop for very long...she was waiting for someone to pick her up - her husband I assumed.  She had flown in and I had gone by to see Duane during a break.....I had told that story on something called 101 which was later taken down - so I was not able to prove my claim....but the one person on that 101 was Blevins mentor...the investigator - then recruited Blevins and Blevins made Kenny into Cooper...but it didn't work.....I forget the investigators name now. 

With copying her e-mail to President Obama at the White House and the Guardian and Sunday Times newspapers in London, Jo has moved into the big time both politically and internationally.  Unfortunately, the post is just her usual BS.

 :)) :))   She claims to have 'newly released CIA photos'.... of Duane/DB Cooper.    Jo always tries to gain attention and compete with anything new coming out ... in the Cooper arena. Jo is 100% predictable.   
« Last Edit: June 22, 2016, 05:48:31 AM by Shutter »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1765 on: June 21, 2016, 05:38:31 PM »
The core of Jo's newest contention is this photo (below). She claims this is a newly released CIA photo showing Duane _ clear as daylight in a CIA special operations team! It's the guy with partially hidden face in the upper lefthand corner. Jo says 'any photo ID' (software) would prove this beyond a doubt.   


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1766 on: June 21, 2016, 07:28:08 PM »
That photo was taken in June of 1962. Duane had just got out of prison in Colorado a month before that photo was taken...I've told Jo about this photo, but she fails to listen to anything negative, just like Robert Blevins.....
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 07:34:51 PM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1767 on: June 21, 2016, 07:41:35 PM »
I've been a little busy lately and haven't had much time for Mr. Cooper  O0

What's everyone else's excuse? what happened to Bruce? it's been over 2 weeks since he signed in?

Now it appears the 333 exemption for the drone's will no longer be needed, $2,500 down the drain  >:(
an aeronautical knowledge test will be put in place and no longer require a pilots license  8) (part 107)
as usual, it all boils down to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 07:45:11 PM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1768 on: June 22, 2016, 12:14:33 AM »
Everything slowed down last summer, too.

Sorry to hear about the lost cash, guess that's just the cost of being an entrepreneur.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1769 on: June 22, 2016, 02:38:29 AM »
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I've been a little busy lately and haven't had much time for Mr. Cooper  O0

What's everyone else's excuse? what happened to Bruce? it's been over 2 weeks since he signed in?

Now it appears the 333 exemption for the drone's will no longer be needed, $2,500 down the drain  >:(
an aeronautical knowledge test will be put in place and no longer require a pilots license  8) (part 107)
as usual, it all boils down to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

DB COOPER – 4x60min – Premieres Sunday, July 10 at 9 p.m.

On November 24th, 1971 a man dressed in a suit and tie hijacked a Northwest Orient flight bound for Seattle, Washington. He said he had a bomb and demanded 200-thousand dollars in cash and four parachutes.  Once he got his ransom, the man jumped into the night, never to be seen again.  In the more than 45 years since the epic heist, the FBI has looked at over a thousand potential suspects, but the questions remain: Who is DB Cooper? Did he die? Did he live? And is he still out there?  Now, in this four hour documentary series, viewers will go on the trail gaining an unprecedented perspective from the FBI, including exclusive access to the evidence, while a former FBI agent and a crime journalist dive deep into the case revealing new information through exclusive interviews with nearly 20 experts and insiders, including the only people ever to come face to face with the hijacker.  Plus, a citizen sleuth and his team of forty investigators reveal the findings of their five year investigation arriving at an explosive conclusion.

“DB Cooper” is produced by LMNO for History.