Calling All Time Travellers...I was contacted today by a young author named Jake Aurelian, who has many credits to his name and is enamored with DB Cooper. That fascination, apparently, is morphing into his writing, and he both imagines DB Cooper as a time traveler but also as President of the United States. He's not a total Looney Tunes, though, as you will see from his email to me, posted below:
On 5/31/2016 10:59 AM, Jake wrote:
Dear Bruce,
I discovered The Mountain News last fall, and I have periodically perused your extensive collection of D.B. Cooper coverage; I have the Cooper page bookmarked. I love what you are doing, and I appreciate the continued updates on the case.
Today, I read your "Amazon Swamp" article--sadly, I feel your pain in many regards and can relate to your frustrations--and I see that your D.B. Cooper book is now available. I have added your book to my Amazon cart, and will be ordering it soon. As a reader of your work on The Mountain News, I know your book will be amazing; congrats on the wonderful reviews. There are so few solid books available on D.B. Cooper, and I look forward to reading yours.
I am also an author. My first novel,
Too Politically Sensitive (true crime / co-author), was published in 2009; the story is about an unsolved double homicide that will, with all probability, always remain unsolved. The book has been featured on 48 Hours, On the Case with Paula Zahn and most recently Robert Redford's Death Row Stories; we also have a movie option for this book. While working on this book with my co-author, former ISP Lt. Mike Callahan, I often compared the unsolved double homicide to two cases in relation to the unsolvability: the Black Dahia and D.B. Cooper.
The D.B. Cooper legend has always been a part of my life; I've been fascinated with the case since seeing an episode of In Search Of... on A&E when I was a kid.
After Too Politically Sensitive was published, I've concentrated mainly on fiction. Since 2012, my fiction books have won 16 international awards. Because of my aforementioned intrigue with the case, I always mention and weave D.B. Cooper in my books.
In Living Well is the Best Revenge (crime fiction), D.B. Cooper returns for one final heist; this book was so much fun to write because I was able to expand on the Cooper story and (unlike what I have seen elsewhere) do so respectfully in relation to the legend; I love writing in the first person narration, and the twist in the narration at the end o
f Living Well... is one of my favorite pieces of writing.
On Halloween 2012, I started performing stand-up comedy as a clown character from my fiction books; what I viewed as a one-time deal turned into something I never expected, and this Halloween will mark my four years of dressing like a clown!

Ripper the Clown is an unpredictable cartoon character come to life, and along with stand-up, I quickly branched into TV commercials, even hosting and promotion. Realizing the character was taking on a proverbial life of it's own, I decided to write one book (zombie comedy) based around the character; this zombie spoof spawned into a comedy trilogy with part two being a time travel comedy and the most recent, an alien invasion and abduction comedy.
In all three clown novels, D.B. Cooper is the President of the United States and the arch nemesis of Ripper the Clown. All three books have allowed me to explore the Cooper character; I've had so much fun pitting my clown character against the legendary Cooper--from battling him in the White House to traveling back in time to stop the skyjacking.
All of my books, comedy videos and stand-up comedy contains a plethora of pop culture references, and it's wonderful when I hear from readers that they learned about the Cooper mystery via my books.
Here is one of my videos (ghost/paranormal TV show spoof) wherein I mentioned Cooper:
I've recently adopted "Norjak Films" as the name for my small movie production company.
I know that my work regarding Cooper is fiction, but if you'd like to review any of my novels for The Mountain News and/or do an interview, I'd be happy to send you electronic copies.
Here is my Amazon page where you can view my bibliography:
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Login Thanks so much for your time, and I look forward to reading your book!
Jake Aurelian