Cooper Trivia: I was sitting between Blevs and Meyer when Dona made this comment.
She states the same in a video on You Tube....
Looks like we will be around another year
I just renewed the domain for another action packed year

The person I would have liked to have talked to was the person who was there! Jermaine Tricolor!
Any family of his still around that could be interviewed? 
Oh! And thanks Dave. You are a gem!
Still nothing from anyone on Mr. Tricolor! Am I the only one who finds that name 'unusual'? The first time I heard that name, in the context of DB Cooper, I thought it was a joke - a fabrication. I later learned that was not the case. In fact, it appears Jermaine Tricolor ('Germ' some called him!) was a personality in his own right. And a repository of 'anecdotes' having personally witnessed and conversed with actual Cooper Royalty, ie. those involved in the actual search with the latest-greatest 'info' available at that time ... or so everyone thought. 'Germ' became known far-and-wide as the 'go-to' guy as thee guy to 'go to' if you wanted the real poop on D.B. Cooper. Kind of a first generation Jerry Thomas! I don't know if Thomas ever actually met and knew the guy? I never met 'Germ' but I know people who did. This was long before the Dona Elliot era, beginning as Bruce calculates sometime around 1990.
'Germ' became a source for news. Long after the formal Search was over a thousand Joe's and Charly's and Pete's would go up and conduct their own searches, always stopping in converse with 'Germ'. It was 'Germ' who knew what was going on in the area and who was looking here versus there, and Germ had maps at the store. Kind of like if you wanted to know who was catching what or news about the latest Benny Ambrose sightings, or news of any kind concerning the Boundary Waters area ... there was only one place to go. Winslow's or Amundsen's at Grand Marais! (Be sure avoid the wolf dog always sleeping beside the Winslow's Jeep! You could lose your hand or your food you are carrying in a second!)
Dona Elliot didn't even exist yet! It was Germ who carried the portfolio of true Cooper facts in his head, based on countless personal conversations that were timely and rich with details, if there was such a thing. Janet's sighting at Vancouver, for example, was related to Germ. I am rather doubtful Dona Elliot would have even heard the Janet story until many years later. Germ would have been asked, for example: "Did you see any flares? Any reports of flares that night?" By comparison Dona would have been asked: "Have you got Miller Lite?"
I would love to have heard Germ's account of the weather and other matters that night, vs., Dona's at Amboy?
It was 'Germ' who would have had a firsthand account of events from 1971/72 to roughly 1990, not Dona in particular. It's one persons personal history vs. another's.
My fear is we are right on the cusp of a Third Generation Revisionist History taking over, and we already have 6 years of examples of what that has lead to! Perhaps all summed up best by the difference between rank promotion, money grubbing, and straight-out indefensible fabrications .... versus ... the way it really was!
For example: Germ would have been the guy you wanted to talk to if you wanted to get details about three guys from Portland wanting to come up and search Lake Merwin with a submarine and their contacts with locals and law enforcement in that regard! Dona would have only heard about it second hand later, if even then.
What goes around, comes around.
ps: Of course Dona herself could have expounded on Mr. Tricolor. But Dona is gone, very sadly! Now we must contend with the "revisionistas" .. who quite frankly may not "know the difference between shit and Shinola" or care. Their priorities and concerns are not the priorities Mr. Tricolor had!