Although the forum has settled down a bit in the last couple weeks, has anyone had any problems with the new categories being separated? personally, I like it, but others may not. I'm trying to organize things, making things easy to access and not confuse. I believe off topic threads should be separated from the Cooper area. I want to have everything easily accessible from this site about Cooper. this makes things easier during any conversation about Cooper. doesn't have the ability to control it's threads. you have to weed through the search box to find anything.
I have installed a program called Fanfics. I haven't really had time to look it over, but it's basically another area where posters can put things into an area that will be easy to find and not get lost in the thread pages. you will be able to write complete stories with chapters. editorials etc. they are categorized so accessing them will be easy. I'm constantly looking for ways to improve the site, and hope that people will see the actual facts about the case while visiting this forum.