People have a right to an opinion on anything discussed on a public forum. Robert takes things out of context (huge history of this) and gives false impressions of things.
I decided not to get involved with the whole Ariel issue mainly because Robert has attached himself to it. now, the peaceful town has censorship involved with it. he's spending a lot of time spewing hatred about this forum. I don't see once this really gets out how it will help there cause?
The Tavern was never really a profitable business. it's my understanding it wasn't really a store, or a bar. it could possibly end up being public funded year round? who is paying the bills for the off Cooper times? I hope Bryan can pull this off.
In my opinion, these people are aware of issues at hand. That includes economic sustainability. A new generation is now in charge for whatever they can accomplish. The whole county is looking for economic development, post Mt. St Helens (as one official remarked to me). There is an acknowledgement that the area needs development.
Very clearly, Mr. Blevins saw an opportunity and he seized it. Had his meeting on April 9th at Ariel been advertised more widely there might have been wider input! The plan outlined on Blevins' website is:
After a meeting on April 9th, 2016 with both Woodruff and residents of the Ariel area at the store itself, some basics were agreed on, and we have moved forward with a comprehensive plan to help get the job done.
1) It was decided that Mr Woodruff would handle the arrangement of any repairs or corrections required by the county, while Adventure Books would run two fundraisers to assist him, and answer all public questions on both the fundraisers and the progress of the re-opening effort.
2) That Mr. Woodruff would be available for interviews or information requests if he chose, but only from recognized, working members of the mainstream media, while public questions, other mainstream media queries, or info requests from DB Cooper fans and armchair Cooper investigators would be handled by Adventure Books of Seattle.
3) It was decided that Adventure Books staff would create and coordinate two separate crowdfunding pages dedicated to raise funds to assist Mr Woodruff, one at You are not allowed to view links.
Register or Login and the other at You are not allowed to view links.
Register or Login, with Mr Woodruff being named as the sole recipient of the funds. Some items, such as DB Cooper t-shirts, Cooper-related books, and other materials will be offered up as 'perks' to people donating to this effort. The crowdfunding pages at those sites will open on or around May 2, 2016 and the links will be posted here, at Facebook, and other social media sites.
4) A Facebook business page has been created for the Ariel General Store and Tavern. You can see it HERE.
5) Primary Media and Public Information Contact: Robert Blevins.
Contact email: adventurebooksofseattle AT G Mail Dot Com (spelled out to dodge the evil spammers)
The downside is Blevins' #2 above. He says he is in charge of all communications with Bryan, or about the project? I guess that means Blevins will decide who is legitimate and who is not legitimate. You may apply to Blevins at Adventure Books. Hmmmmmm. Will hand signals, secret codes, and special uniforms or tattoos be involved? Be prepared to give all of your personal info to Blevins and Gayla!
If a person is banned does that mean his wife and all of children and relatives are banned ... by Blevins Uber Alles?
Running the math this could wind up involving the whole population of the State of Washington and other States and Principalities, or whole nations! Is Blevins going to raise an Army? Hmmmmm. This could be BIG!
I mean this could get really CRAZY!
With fist fights and contact sports at the NEW Ariel Store, all being fought over Mr. Blevins' virtue! Who would have thunk it! ?