Im not sure there was an effort to claim 'total order'? For example, didn't Larry admit that people were up and moving around, using the head, etc early in the flight even after the crew was aware of the note? With Tina/Flo sitting beside Cooper. B. Simmons got up and went to the head - Cooper glared at him coming and going. Back in his seat Simmons looked back. Several others got up and used the head. Mitchell was sitting right across the isle wondering why the 'old man' was getting all the attention. Didn't Larry confirm all of this?
Once landed, I think the guy you keep calling an FBI cowboy was the FAA guy who came on board and wanted to talk to Cooper? Cooper rejected that. People had to witnesses Tina coming and going ... and that was anything but smooth (except for being an Academy Award performance!) Tina should have been given an Oscar in 71!
I'll have to check on what Larry said and didn't say. My memory of Ckret's commentaries are hazy, and the Larry "log" developed by the WSHM (?) on his postings are helpful but I've found it incomplete. Perhaps we could establish one here, Shut? Gather all of the Ckret material from the DZ and put it under one roof?
For me, the more important issue is how much moving around by the passengers was actually going on? My previous understanding of the situation was that the passengers were moved forward once the crew settled down in the cockpit - about 20 minutes into the flight, and no one used the rear lav afterwards. That's not what I'm hearing these days, especially from Michael Cooper and Larry Finegold, and it supports what Jack Almstad told me several years back. By the way, I believe that Jack has passed away. His old phone number in Livermore, CA is disconnected, and there is no number listed for his wife Joyce posted in the state of California.
A minor point, "B." Simmons, would be Barbara Simmons, but I believe it was her husband "R." (Richard) who made the claim that Cooper stared at him during a potty run. Sluggo and I talked about this a bit, and Slug felt strongly that Richard was fabricating much of his story since he did not present himself to the FBI at the debrief as one of folks who had a good look at the hijacker or had any kind of encounter or interaction with him. Only five passengers self-identified themselves as being in that category: Mitchell, Labissioniere, House, Gregory, and Zrem-Spreckel.
Adding more confusion, in my mind, the Simmons were sitting in First Class, according to Geoffrey Gray, so why would they hike all the way back to the rear of the plane to pee?
Along those lines, still unresolved for me is where Robert Gregory was sitting. In Tacoma, GG showed FBI docs say 18C, but Himms says that D Cooper was in 18C. Further, Bill Mitchell says his school books were in 18C, his parka in 18 A, and his sleepy-little ass was in 18 B.
As Bill has clammed up on me, and hasn't really talked to any journalists (except for our one brief chat), I'm beginning to mistrust his statements. His description of Cooper as a "geeky" mess with a "turkey gobble" dangling down his neck seems more of a revisionist point of view that is emerging more these days - and I suspect the FBI is behind it - trying to color DB Cooper as more of a "schlub." Geoffrey Gray has begun using that exact term in media interviews these days when he describes DB Cooper, and this contrasts strongly with Tina's characterizations of the skyjacker as a gentlemen, and the many passenger accounts in the newspapers that also say he was a quiet, well-dressed gentleman.
Lastly, G-Man-Johnny is a character put on the plane by Larry Finegold. Larry says he knew the guy who entered the plane when the door opened by name, and he knew he was an FBI agent since they had worked together on cases. Further, Larry says that the FBI guy told him there was a hijacker on board. I ain't making this stuff up. I'm just reporting what one guy- Larry - said. Yes, it's not corroborated by anyone else, yet, but Larry Finegold was the US ADA, so I give his statements a lot of credibility. File this under: "To Be Continued."