Dropzone.com tells the story about those you wish to have on this forum. it didn't work, nor will it work. if this forum is no big deal to them, then why is it constantly brought up?
Jo is tolerable most of the time, but Robert has been bashing this forum from the very first day. he fails to tell his little group what he has done over the years. he puts everyone down, laughs at possible theories, endless promotions, phoney gunshot stories, and motorcycles pieces all over the road, inland rogue waves. islands help protect the shorelines by the way!
Between the both of them they are responsible for what happened on Dropzone. I seen it coming and decided to do something about it. Robert has been leaving the Cooper saga almost from day one when you read back on the DZ thread. Now, he wishes to bash the people here in the real world. you expect me to allow him in here, really?
I'm now hearing two different stories about the build now?
A few FACTS might be in order, if anyone is concerned with facts! However facts has nothing to do with this debate, which is also a fact.Fact-1: Mr. Blevins has his own forum, at Adventire Books. He has had his own forum all along. He tried to get people to go there and leave Dropzone but almost nobody went. Blevins had the fleeting idea that his forum would replace Dropzone! When that did not happen Blevins only intensified his disruption of Dropzone and invented the term" "Cooper Royalty" launching endless personal attacks.
Fact-2: People asked Blevins if he would let Jo Weber on his Adventure Books forum. Blevins said "No!".
Fact-3: When Dropzone was closed due to Blevins and Weber, Blevins again told people to go to his Adventist Books forum, but nobody went. Blevins still refused to allow Jo Weber to join his Adventist Books forum!
Fact-4: Blevins took he beef with "Cooper Royalty" to Newsvine and elsewhere.
Fact-5: Failing at everything else, Blevins opened a forum at Google. Nobody would join. Blevins used that forum to launch personal attacks against "Cooper Royality" by name. In short order Google closed Blevins forum down on Google! Blevins blamed technical issues at Google, said he didn't want to talk about it, and at length he opened his latest form at Pro Boards where is to this day, alone. His forum at Adventist Books still there but unused!
Fact-6: Blevins has never lifted his ban against Jo Weber and a long list of others, on any of HIS forums!
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander" to quote the Venom Magnet, Blevins.
And there are only one or two people on the planet who still want to discuss this and rearrange the chairs on the deck of this sunken ship! GIVE IT A REST!

This whole pathetic issue ceased to have any real traction clear back at the end of 2010 - it now 2016!
And Blevins' Adventist Books Forum is still open to any and all who want to join Blevins there! All except for Jo Weber and tens of named Cooper Royalty, Blevins has prebanned.
Go shop at the Rev. Blevins Mall of your choice!
"Wage earner sheeple" wanna know!