I have had the chat system off for about an hour now and all seems to be ok. I'm reading that sometimes the anti-virus will give false reports on certain files.
again a false detection
AChat does not contain viruses.
We check our system continuously with 6 different antivirus programs.
The problem is, that most of these antivirus programs make heurustic detection, that means they analyse exe files and try to find out if there is a virus without checking the real behaviour of the program. AChat connects to the internet and downloads upgrades, communicates with the server. I looks like this fact can cause false detections, but we try to clarify these thing with virus protection software vendors.
McAfee put already on their white list the upgrader, we hope we can clarify problems like this with all major antivirus software vendors.
As I mentioned, I removed the program just for safety reasons. I will look for an alternative program if I feel the need to replace the old program.