I do look in at his site, but have fought the urge to join. The only reason that I ever thought about joining was so that I could point out all of the BS in the Kenny story (again). But, dialogue is what has kept that story alive for far too long. Now, without any dialogue, it is dying a slow painful death and I'm damn sure not going to be the one to help bring it back to life. Rest in peace, Kenny.
When I first saw the post on Blevins site the other day about him helping to get the Ariel store up and running again, I thought it was a noble gesture and a cool thing to do. I don't have any ill feelings for Blevins, and if he does something cool I'm an honest enough person to recognize it. I even thought that I may even pony up a hundred bucks for the cause. But then I read this email that Bruce got from the son who now owns the place, and I'm really puzzled. Why, if you're trying to raise funds to get this store back up and running, would you alienate the small - very small - group of people who actually give a shit about the DB Cooper case??? Why turn down an interview for The Mountain News?? If one person reads that interview, and donates money of any amount, then the interview was well worth it. I just don't get it. I also don't get why Bruce is a bad guy for not staying in touch since the death of his mother. This guy has obviously been influenced heavily by Blevins, who is still butt hurt over not being allowed to be on this forum. Bottom line, I'll just donate my hundred bucks to the Trump campaign, or stock my fridge with a few cases of Miller Lite.