Dorwin Schreuder
I just received the following email regarding Dorwin Schreuder:
Hello Mr. Smith,
I am writing to you because the web page of your "Mountain News" encourages stories of "rural lifestyles, crime and written contributions from readers and neighbors." Secondly I have read many of your comments concerning the D.B. Cooper case on sites such as the Drop Zone and others.
Within these sites, the person referred to as "FBI Agent Dorwin Schreuder" is mentioned more than 50 times. A person dubbed "Snowman" (whoever he his) claimed he had a pleasant interview with him. You or other fans of the Cooper Blogs might find it interesting that there is a book recently published about Dorwin Schreuder.
The book is titled Grandpa's Diary, subtitle From Country Boy to Counter Spy. The author is Adam Jake Schreuder who is the grandson of Dorwin. I won't bore you with the description of the book other than it is a humorous chronicle of Dorwin's life and includes several stories of his experiences within the FBI. The book and reviews can be found on I am personally acquainted with Adam and Dorwin Schreuder, and observed that they were recently featured in an article within The Yellowstone News, from Huntley, Montana.
Don't expect to find secrets of the Cooper case in the writing because it is barely mentioned incidental to another topic. For most readers, the value of the book is it provides an insight into what made this particular FBI agent, how he thought, worked and lived. It contains all of the elements solicited in the Mountain News.
This might appear as a thinly veiled advertisement for the book. That is not the intent of this message. The Schreuders wrote the book as a "fun project" and as a supplement to Adam obtaining his writing degree from Montana State University. They have no ambition of the book achieving significant sales. However in view of the Global interest in all things "Cooper", you and your associates might find it an interesting, well written human interest sidebar about a breed of men who worked these events who are disappearing from our culture. If this message helps you discover this book or write a review, or even give it a casual mention, it would be a service to many.
Thank you for your attention.